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A província da Lusitania auferiu, pela sua posição geoestratégica e pelos seus recursos minérios, uma importância que foi crescendo ao longo dos séculos. Nela foram construídas e
redimensionadas diversas cidades, entre elas a urbe administrativa de Ossonoba (Faro), na qual se circunscreve o vicus maritimus do Cerro da Vila.
A presente dissertação tem como propósito a identificação, análise e interpretação das estratégias de consumo e exploração de animais vertebrados recuperados em contexto romano neste arqueossítio, e, simultaneamente, colmatar a carência investigacional referente à zooarqueologia que existe, e persiste, no Cerro da Vila desde a sua descoberta.
Este objetivo será atingido através do estudo da coleção faunística que advém das escavações realizadas aquando da construção do edifício-museu, entre 1997-1998, e das campanhas arqueológicas inseridas no projeto “Corpus dos mosaicos romanos no sul de Portugal – Ocupação Rural no sul da Lusitânia”, efetuadas entre 2000-2003.
O resultado alcançado, através da leitura dos dados, foi o da formulação de hipóteses e inferências relativas ao modo de vida da comunidade humana que habitou, em época Romana, o sítio arqueológico do Cerro da Vila. A reinterpretação das áreas anteriormente escavadas, juntamente com a determinação funcional de outros espaços construtivos, permitiu comprovar objetivamente que a villa alto-imperial transformou-se paulatinamente num povoado costeiro tardoantigo (vicus maritimus). A maioria de suínos e caprinos, juntamente com os abundantes restos de animais domésticos de médio e grande porte e a relevante presença de galinha, deramnos a informação de estarmos perante uma comunidade autossuficiente, cujos meios de subsistência assentavam na exploração de preparados piscícolas a par com a agropecuária. A maioria de animais adultos proporcionou o aproveitamento de bens secundários e de força motriz necessária às diversas atividades (tração e passeio). A par, a alimentação seria complementada pelo veado e pelo coelho (espécies mais caçadas) e por variada avifauna representativa do meio ambiente à época.
The province of Lusitania gained, due to its geostrategic position and its mineral resources, a growing importance over the centuries. In it, several cities were built and resized, including the administrative city of Ossonoba (Faro), which contained the secondary population nucleus of the vicus maritimus of Cerro da Vila. The purpose of this dissertation is to identify, analyse and interpret the consumption and exploitation strategies of vertebrate animals recovered in the Roman context at this archaeosite, and, simultaneously, to fill the investigative lack regarding zooarchaeology that exists, and persists, in Cerro da Vila since its discovery. This objective will be achieved through the study of the faunal collection that comes from the excavations carried out during the construction of the museum building, between 1997-1998, and the archaeological campaigns included in the project “Corpus of Roman mosaics in the South of Portugal – Rural Occupation in the South of Lusitânia”, carried out between 2000- 2003. The achieved result, through data gathering and analysis, was the formulation of hypotheses and inferences regarding the way of life of the human community that inhabited, in Roman times, the archaeological site of Cerro da Vila. The reinterpretation of previously excavated areas, together with the functional determination of other constructive spaces, has objectively demonstrated that the early imperial villa gradually transformed into a late antique coastal settlement (vicus maritimus). A majority of pigs and caprines, together with the abundant remains of medium and large domestic animals and the significant presence of chicken, gave us the information that a self-sufficient community was present, whose means of subsistence were based on the exploitation of fish and its processing, alongside agriculture and husbandry. With a majority of adult animals, the use of secondary goods and driving force necessary for various activities (draft and ride) was a reality. The diet would be complemented by deer and rabbits (the most hunted species) and a variety of birds representative of the environment at the time.
The province of Lusitania gained, due to its geostrategic position and its mineral resources, a growing importance over the centuries. In it, several cities were built and resized, including the administrative city of Ossonoba (Faro), which contained the secondary population nucleus of the vicus maritimus of Cerro da Vila. The purpose of this dissertation is to identify, analyse and interpret the consumption and exploitation strategies of vertebrate animals recovered in the Roman context at this archaeosite, and, simultaneously, to fill the investigative lack regarding zooarchaeology that exists, and persists, in Cerro da Vila since its discovery. This objective will be achieved through the study of the faunal collection that comes from the excavations carried out during the construction of the museum building, between 1997-1998, and the archaeological campaigns included in the project “Corpus of Roman mosaics in the South of Portugal – Rural Occupation in the South of Lusitânia”, carried out between 2000- 2003. The achieved result, through data gathering and analysis, was the formulation of hypotheses and inferences regarding the way of life of the human community that inhabited, in Roman times, the archaeological site of Cerro da Vila. The reinterpretation of previously excavated areas, together with the functional determination of other constructive spaces, has objectively demonstrated that the early imperial villa gradually transformed into a late antique coastal settlement (vicus maritimus). A majority of pigs and caprines, together with the abundant remains of medium and large domestic animals and the significant presence of chicken, gave us the information that a self-sufficient community was present, whose means of subsistence were based on the exploitation of fish and its processing, alongside agriculture and husbandry. With a majority of adult animals, the use of secondary goods and driving force necessary for various activities (draft and ride) was a reality. The diet would be complemented by deer and rabbits (the most hunted species) and a variety of birds representative of the environment at the time.
Cerro da vila Animais vertebrados Romano Zooarqueologia