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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo de mercado quantitativo que produza informação para suportar o desenho de uma estratégia de marketing para a comercialização de um chocolate de origem equatoriano no mercado português. O chocolate equatoriano - chocolate Pacari - é um produto que tem várias caracteristicas de diferenciação, nomeadamente é um chocolate 100% biológico, vegano, livre de soja, livre de laticínios, livre de glúten, não inclui organismos geneticamente modificados (transgénicos), livre de químicos e rico em antioxidante.
Neste estudo de mercado foi estudada a população residente em Faro através de um inquérito por questionário através de entrevista pessoal. Foi observada uma amostra de 200 indivíduos com pelo menos 18 anos de idade, entre os meses de março e abril de 2021. A amostra foi selecionada da população de estudantes da Universidade de Algarve e da população residente em Faro. Foram estudados os hábitos de consumo, a influencia de conhecer o país de origem no momento de compra e consumo de chocolate, o lugar onde costuma comprar e tomar conhecimento de chocolates no mercado, assim como um estudo do preço, para o qual foram usadas as técnicas de avaliação contingente e de van westendorp.
As conclusões apuradas permitem-nos fazer una recomendação acerca da estratégia de marketing mix, para as variáveis preço, distribuição e promoção, mais adequadas para a empresa introduzir o chocolate Pacari no mercado português. Recomenda-se que o principal meio de distribuição sejam os supermercados e hipermercados, devido à sua acessibilidade e variedade de produtos oferecidos. O meio de promoção preferido pelos respondentes para tomarem conhecimento do chocolate é o folheto, pelo que se recomenda que o chocolate Pacari seja divulgado desta forma em Portugal. Por último, recomenda-se que o preço para um chocolate de 50 g esteja comprendido entre 1,9 € e 3,0 €.
The present work aims to carry out a quantitative market study that produces information to support the design of a marketing strategy for the commercialization of a chocolate of Ecuadorian origin in the Portuguese market. Ecuadorian chocolate - Pacari chocolate - is a product that has several differentiating characteristics, namely it is a 100% organic, vegan, soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, genetically modified (transgenic) chemicals and rich in antioxidants. In this market study, the population residing in Faro was studied through a questionnaire survey through a personal interview. A sample of 200 individuals with at least 18 years old was observed, between March and April 2021. The sample was selected from the student population of the University of Algarve and the population residing in Faro. Consumption habits were studied, the influence of knowing the country of origin when buying and consuming chocolate, the place where they usually buy and learn about chocolates on the market, as well as a price study, for which the contingent valuation and van westendorp techniques. The conclusions reached allow us to make a recommendation about the marketing mix strategy, for the variables price, distribution and promotion, most suitable for the company to introduce Pacari chocolate in the Portuguese market. It is recommended that the main means of distribution be supermarkets and hypermarkets, due to their accessibility and variety of products offered. The preferred means of promotion by respondents to learn about chocolate is the leaflet, so it is recommended that Pacari chocolate be disseminated in this way in Portugal. Finally, it is recommended that the price for a 50 g chocolate be between €1.9 and €3.0.
The present work aims to carry out a quantitative market study that produces information to support the design of a marketing strategy for the commercialization of a chocolate of Ecuadorian origin in the Portuguese market. Ecuadorian chocolate - Pacari chocolate - is a product that has several differentiating characteristics, namely it is a 100% organic, vegan, soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, genetically modified (transgenic) chemicals and rich in antioxidants. In this market study, the population residing in Faro was studied through a questionnaire survey through a personal interview. A sample of 200 individuals with at least 18 years old was observed, between March and April 2021. The sample was selected from the student population of the University of Algarve and the population residing in Faro. Consumption habits were studied, the influence of knowing the country of origin when buying and consuming chocolate, the place where they usually buy and learn about chocolates on the market, as well as a price study, for which the contingent valuation and van westendorp techniques. The conclusions reached allow us to make a recommendation about the marketing mix strategy, for the variables price, distribution and promotion, most suitable for the company to introduce Pacari chocolate in the Portuguese market. It is recommended that the main means of distribution be supermarkets and hypermarkets, due to their accessibility and variety of products offered. The preferred means of promotion by respondents to learn about chocolate is the leaflet, so it is recommended that Pacari chocolate be disseminated in this way in Portugal. Finally, it is recommended that the price for a 50 g chocolate be between €1.9 and €3.0.
Método van westendorp Método de avaliação contingente Chocolate Estudo de mercado Marketing mix