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Metodologia de trabalho projecto e práticas lúdicas

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CAPA I.doc22 KBMicrosoft Word Download
CAPA II.doc28 KBMicrosoft Word Download
CAPA III.doc23 KBMicrosoft Word Download
AGRADECIMENTOS.doc24.5 KBMicrosoft Word Download
RESUMO.doc25 KBMicrosoft Word Download


The present study pretends to be a comparative analysis of articulated educative practice, developed with children in the last year in Pre-school education and primary school. The interest for this matter grows with the professional practice and academic knowledge built all over the long years of professional life. These knowledge make her believed that project work methodology and the development of games and artistic activities are important strategies to promote educative articulation between pre-school education and elementary school. The adopted methodology was the quantitative one. For recollected dates was built a specific questionnaire to permit to know more about educative practices of the two different navels of education, analyses and understand their motivations. To sum up, this study shows us that the educator’s practices have more visibility in the promotion of articulation and continuity educative connecting preschool and elementary school, because they attempt the approach. Professors still have prefunds roots in passive methodologies practices, also the development of games and artistic activities aren’t significant for them as recourse to the development of curriculum’s school. Teachers don’t give, also, importance to continue the development of Work Methodology.


Tese dout. , Ciências da Educação, 2007, Universidade do Algarve


Teses Educação de infância Ensino pré-escolar 373.2


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