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O presente relatório de investigação denominado Elementos naturais como
potencializadores das artes visuais nas conceções de crianças de 5 anos: um encontro
entre a ciência e a arte, foi desenvolvido no âmbito da unidade curricular Práticas de
Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado de Educação Pré-Escolar da Universidade do
Algarve no ano letivo 2020/2021. Inicialmente, o estudo foi desenvolvido numa
instituição privada no concelho de Faro, com um grupo de 15 crianças de cinco anos de
idade. Contudo, devido à situação pandémica que assola o mundo, houve necessidade de
reajustá-lo, pelo facto de se ter entrado no segundo confinamento geral decretado pelo
Governo de Portugal, o que, consequentemente, impossibilitou a recolha total de dados.
Este estudo teve como principal objetivo compreender de que modo os elementos
da Natureza podem potencializar as Artes Visuais, contribuindo para as conceções das
crianças sobre temáticas das Ciências e das Artes, assim como, perceber o envolvimento
das crianças nas atividades que foram propostas. Os elementos da Natureza são materiais
ricos em oportunidades que proporcionam aprendizagens significativas em todos os
domínios. Estes materiais despertam, nas crianças, a criatividade, a curiosidade e a
descoberta, que são um elo de ligação perfeito com a Arte.
Para o desenvolvimento desta investigação foi delineado um conjunto de
atividades que relacionam as Ciências com as Artes, tendo como foco principal a
utilização de elementos naturais em determinadas expressões artísticas e o envolvimento
das crianças no decorrer dessas atividades. Face aos constrangimentos enumerados,
apenas se implementaram duas atividades em contexto educativo. Todavia, conseguiu-se
perceber que através da utilização dos elementos da Natureza nas Artes Visuais, as
crianças demonstram um maior envolvimento nas intervenções ligadas às Ciências e às
Artes, tornando-se, de igual forma, mais conscientes da importância da Natureza,
despertando a sua curiosidade, desenvolvendo a criatividade, a concentração, a precisão
e ativando todos os sentidos.
This research report entitled Natural elements as enhancers of visual arts in 5- year-old children's conceptions: an encounter between science and art, was developed within the scope of the curricular unit Supervised Teaching Practice of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education of the University of Algarve in the academic year 2020/2021. Initially, the study was developed in a private institution in the municipality of Faro, with a group of 15 five-year-old children. However, due to the pandemic situation that is overtaking the world, it had to be readjusted, due to the fact that the second general confinement decreed by the Government of Portugal had been entered, which consequently made it impossible to fully collect the data. The main objective of this study was to understand how the elements of Nature can enhance the Visual Arts, contributing to the children's conceptions about Science and Arts themes, as well as to understand the children's involvement in the proposed activities. Elements of Nature are materials rich in opportunities that provide significant learning in all domains. These materials awaken in children creativity, curiosity and discovery, which are a perfect link with Art. For the development of this research a set of activities was outlined that relate Science with Arts, having as main focus the use of natural elements in certain artistic expressions and the involvement of children during these activities. Given the constraints listed, only two activities were implemented in the educational context. However, it was possible to realize that through the use of Nature elements in Visual Arts, children demonstrate a greater involvement in interventions related to Science and Arts, becoming equally more aware of the importance of Nature, awakening their curiosity, developing creativity, concentration, accuracy and activating all senses.
This research report entitled Natural elements as enhancers of visual arts in 5- year-old children's conceptions: an encounter between science and art, was developed within the scope of the curricular unit Supervised Teaching Practice of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education of the University of Algarve in the academic year 2020/2021. Initially, the study was developed in a private institution in the municipality of Faro, with a group of 15 five-year-old children. However, due to the pandemic situation that is overtaking the world, it had to be readjusted, due to the fact that the second general confinement decreed by the Government of Portugal had been entered, which consequently made it impossible to fully collect the data. The main objective of this study was to understand how the elements of Nature can enhance the Visual Arts, contributing to the children's conceptions about Science and Arts themes, as well as to understand the children's involvement in the proposed activities. Elements of Nature are materials rich in opportunities that provide significant learning in all domains. These materials awaken in children creativity, curiosity and discovery, which are a perfect link with Art. For the development of this research a set of activities was outlined that relate Science with Arts, having as main focus the use of natural elements in certain artistic expressions and the involvement of children during these activities. Given the constraints listed, only two activities were implemented in the educational context. However, it was possible to realize that through the use of Nature elements in Visual Arts, children demonstrate a greater involvement in interventions related to Science and Arts, becoming equally more aware of the importance of Nature, awakening their curiosity, developing creativity, concentration, accuracy and activating all senses.
Elementos naturais Ciências Artes visuais Comunicação visual Educação pré-escolar