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Ao longo das últimas décadas, o perfecionismo por ser um construto complexo,
emergiu como uma diferença individual com características fortes e implicações
persuasivas para a saúde mental.
Embora existam diferentes conceções acerca do perfecionismo, algumas
defendem que o perfecionismo envolve padrões pessoais (expectativas de desempenho)
e uma autocritica excessiva ou preocupações em alcançar ou manter os padrões pessoais
(preocupações de desempenho).
O perfecionismo é um traço de personalidade multidimensional que reflete tanto
a habilidade de lutar pela perfeição tanto a de avaliar o próprio de uma maneira crítica.
As diferentes dimensões mostram relações distintas, ou até mesmo opostas, sendo um
indicador de ajuste e desajuste psicológico.
Na presente investigação definimos como principal objetivo estudar as
propriedades psicométricas da Escala Quase Perfeita do Perfecionismo – Versão Revista
(APS-R; Almost Perfect Scale de Slaney, Rice, Mobley, Trippi, & Ashby, 2001), numa
amostra de adultos portugueses. Pretende-se apresentar as etapas metodológicas e os
resultados preliminares do processo de adaptação e validação do APS-R na população
A amostra foi constituída por 159 adultos, de ambos os sexos (30.8% do sexo
masculino). Globalmente os resultados refletiram boas propriedades psicométricas. A
consistência interna da escala apresentou coeficientes satisfatórios (alfa de Cronbach =
.827). O método teste-reteste sugeriu uma boa estabilidade temporal da escala.
A Análise Fatorial Confirmatória não permitiu um ajustamento ao modelo
trifatorial original proposto para o instrumento. Á semelhança de outras versões deste
instrumento e apesar de se terem considerado saturações cruzadas em alguns itens, o modelo apresentado mostra que as três dimensões consideradas (Discrepâncias, Padrões
e Ordem) refletem-se nos itens do APS.
Em conclusão o APS é um instrumento fiável e validado para o estudo do
perfecionismo em Portugal, sendo possível comprovar as adequadas características
psicométricas da APS–R.
Throughout the last decades, and because perfectionism is a complex construct it had emerged as an important individual difference with strong characteristics and persuasive implications towards mental health. Although there are several conceptions about perfectionism, some support that it includes personal patterns (performance expectations) and a self-criticism or concerns in reaching or sustain personal patterns (performance of concerns). Perfectionism is a multidimensional character trait which reflects not only the ability of straggling to achieve perfection but also to self-evaluate in a critic way. Different dimensions reveal different relations or even opposite; being a psychological indicator of adjustment and misfit. In this present investigation we’ve defined as our main aim to study the psychometric properties of Almost Perfect Scale – Revised Version (APS–R; Almost Perfect Scale de Slaney, Rice, Mobley, Trippi, & Ashby, 2001) in a Portuguese adults sample. It’s our intention to present the method logical stages and the preliminary results of the adaptation and validation process of APS – R in the Portuguese population. The sample was composed by 159 adults, both genders (30.8% male gender). Overall the results showed reflected positive psychometric properties. The internal consistency revelated satisfactory coefficients (alfa de Cronbach = .827). The teste retest method suggested a positive temporal stability of the scale. The factorial confirmatory analysis did not allow an adjustment to the original trifactorial model proposed for the instrument. As similar to other versions of this instrument and in spite of being considered cross saturations in some items, the model presented discloses that the three dimensions observed (Discrepancy, Standards and Order) reflect on APS items. To sum up, APS is a trustworthy and legitimized instrument to the study of perfectionism in Portugal, being possible to prove valuable psychometric and dimensional characteristics of APS–R.
Throughout the last decades, and because perfectionism is a complex construct it had emerged as an important individual difference with strong characteristics and persuasive implications towards mental health. Although there are several conceptions about perfectionism, some support that it includes personal patterns (performance expectations) and a self-criticism or concerns in reaching or sustain personal patterns (performance of concerns). Perfectionism is a multidimensional character trait which reflects not only the ability of straggling to achieve perfection but also to self-evaluate in a critic way. Different dimensions reveal different relations or even opposite; being a psychological indicator of adjustment and misfit. In this present investigation we’ve defined as our main aim to study the psychometric properties of Almost Perfect Scale – Revised Version (APS–R; Almost Perfect Scale de Slaney, Rice, Mobley, Trippi, & Ashby, 2001) in a Portuguese adults sample. It’s our intention to present the method logical stages and the preliminary results of the adaptation and validation process of APS – R in the Portuguese population. The sample was composed by 159 adults, both genders (30.8% male gender). Overall the results showed reflected positive psychometric properties. The internal consistency revelated satisfactory coefficients (alfa de Cronbach = .827). The teste retest method suggested a positive temporal stability of the scale. The factorial confirmatory analysis did not allow an adjustment to the original trifactorial model proposed for the instrument. As similar to other versions of this instrument and in spite of being considered cross saturations in some items, the model presented discloses that the three dimensions observed (Discrepancy, Standards and Order) reflect on APS items. To sum up, APS is a trustworthy and legitimized instrument to the study of perfectionism in Portugal, being possible to prove valuable psychometric and dimensional characteristics of APS–R.
Perfecionismo adaptativo e desadaptativo Perfecionismo positivo e negativo Escala quase perfeita do perfecionismo