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O presente relatório procura descrever os desafios e oportunidades enfrentados na
qualidade de gestor de experiências, no âmbito do estágio realizado no departamento de
marketing do centro comercial MAR Shopping Algarve, entre outubro e dezembro de
Foi elaborado um enquadramento teórico sobre o marketing de experiências, eventos, e
as experiências em centros comerciais. Posteriormente foi apresentada e enquadrada a
empresa, bem como os eventos realizados e acompanhados durante o período de estágio.
A realização deste estágio permitiu não só aplicar e consolidar os conhecimentos
adquiridos na componente académica do Mestrado, mas também ter oportunidade de
adquirir conhecimento nesta que é a componente prática, experienciando a realidade e
dinâmica do marketing numa superfície comercial de referência no Algarve.
Neste sentido, o estágio, permitiu verificar que a partir dos eventos e experiências que
proporciona aos seus visitantes, o MAR Shopping Algarve procura o apelo às emoções e
a estimulação dos diferentes 5 sentidos, colocando em prática estratégias assentes na
dinamização de experiências únicas e memoráveis para os seus visitantes. Este tipo de
ações influenciam as intenções comportamentais dos consumidores, tornando-os em
consumidores satisfeitos e leais, o que vai então ao encontro do seu posicionamento de
“THE meeting place”.
The purpose of this report is to describe and analyse the internship carried out in MAR Shopping Algarve’s marketing department, between October and December 2019, in order to successfully complete a Master's Degree in Marketing Management. In this report, a theoretical framework was elaborated regarding the themes of experiential marketing, the importance of events and experiences in shopping centres as well as the importance of a shopping centre’s marketing management. Subsequently, the enterprise is presented, as well as the events held and monitored during the internship period. The completion of this internship allowed not only to apply and consolidate the knowledge acquired in the academic component of the Master's Degree, but also to have the opportunity to acquire knowledge in this which is the practical component, experiencing the reality and dynamics of marketing in a well-known shopping centre in the Algarve. MAR Shopping Algarve seeks to appeal to emotions and stimulate different senses, putting into practice strategies based on the dynamization of unique and memorable experiences, hence the events and experiences it provides to its visitors. This type of actions "manipulates" the behavioural intentions of consumers, turning them into satisfied and loyal consumers, which then goes with their positioning as "THE meeting place".
The purpose of this report is to describe and analyse the internship carried out in MAR Shopping Algarve’s marketing department, between October and December 2019, in order to successfully complete a Master's Degree in Marketing Management. In this report, a theoretical framework was elaborated regarding the themes of experiential marketing, the importance of events and experiences in shopping centres as well as the importance of a shopping centre’s marketing management. Subsequently, the enterprise is presented, as well as the events held and monitored during the internship period. The completion of this internship allowed not only to apply and consolidate the knowledge acquired in the academic component of the Master's Degree, but also to have the opportunity to acquire knowledge in this which is the practical component, experiencing the reality and dynamics of marketing in a well-known shopping centre in the Algarve. MAR Shopping Algarve seeks to appeal to emotions and stimulate different senses, putting into practice strategies based on the dynamization of unique and memorable experiences, hence the events and experiences it provides to its visitors. This type of actions "manipulates" the behavioural intentions of consumers, turning them into satisfied and loyal consumers, which then goes with their positioning as "THE meeting place".
Marketing de experiências Centro comercial Consumidores Eventos