CES2-Artigos (em revistas ou actas indexadas)
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Recent Submissions
- Automedicação: hábitos durante um período de pandemia - estudo transversalPublication . Espírito-Santo, Margarida; Estêvão, M. Dulce; Campos, EricaA automedicação é uma prática muito comum e a pandemia de COVID-19 poderá ter criado condições para haver um maior recurso às farmácias comunitárias, particularmente em situações de doença ligeira. Esse estudo teve como objetivo analisar os hábitos de automedicação de uma amostra da população Portuguesa durante o período inicial da pandemia (março-novembro 2020), identificar os medicamentos não sujeitos a receita médica (MNSRM) e suplementos alimentares mais consumidos, bem como as situações que levaram os indivíduos a recorrer à automedicação e a informação sobre estes produtos. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, observacional, através da aplicação de um questionário com recurso a uma plataforma da internet, durante o mês de dezembro 2020. Os dados foram obtidos de forma anónima, e analisados com o programa IBM SPSS v26. A amostra em análise era composta por 170 indivíduos, tendo-se verificado que a pandemia parece não ter afetado a frequência de ida à farmácia. As situações que mais levaram as pessoas a recorrer à automedicação foram dores de cabeça e dores musculares. Os medicamentos mais utilizados neste período pelos participantes neste estudo foram os analgésicos e os anti-inflamatórios. Apesar de todas as restrições impostas pela situação pandémica, parece não ter havido um impacto negativo no recurso às farmácias comunitárias, nem um aumento significativo da prática de automedicação. Foi também assinalado o papel relevante dos profissionais de Farmácia, em particular nas situações de automedicação, como fonte de informação sobre o uso dos medicamentos e dos suplementos alimentares.
- New food frequency questionnaire to estimate vitamin K intake in a Mediterranean populationPublication . Pinto, Ezequiel; Viegas, Carla; Martins, Paula Ventura; Nascimento, Tânia; Schurgers, Leon; Simes, DinaVitamin K is a multifunctional micronutrient essential for human health, and deficiency has been linked to multiple pathological conditions. In this study, we aimed to develop and validate a new food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to estimate total vitamin K intake, over the course of a 30-day interval, in a Portuguese, Mediterranean-based, population. We conducted a prospective study in a non-random sample of 38 healthy adult volunteers. The FFQ was designed based on a validated Portuguese FFQ used in nationally representative studies and on literature reviews, to include foods containing ≥5 μg of vitamin K/100 g and foods with a lower vitamin K content, yet commonly included in a Mediterranean diet. Vitamin K intake was estimated from 24 h recalls and six days of food records. The final FFQ included 54 food items which, according to regression analyses, explains 90% of vitamin K intake. Mean differences in vitamin K intake based on food records (80 ± 47.7 μg/day) and on FFQ (96.5 ± 64.3 μg/day) were statistically non-significant. Further, we found a strong correlation between both methods (r = 0.7; p = 0.003). Our results suggest that our new FFQ is a valid instrument to assess the last 30 days of vitamin K intake in the Portuguese Mediterranean population.
- Tribbles gene expression profiles in colorectal cancerPublication . Fernandes, Mónica T.; Yassuda, Victor; Bragança, José; Link, Wolfgang; Ferreira, Bibiana; De Sousa-Coelho, Ana LuísaColorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of death due to cancer in the world. Therefore, the identification of novel druggable targets is urgently needed. Tribbles proteins belong to a pseudokinase family, previously recognized in CRC as oncogenes and potential therapeutic targets. Here, we analyzed the expression of TRIB1, TRIB2, and TRIB3 simultaneously in 33 data sets from CRC based on available GEO profiles. We show that all three Tribbles genes are overrepresented in CRC cell lines and primary tumors, though depending on specific features of the CRC samples. Higher expression of TRIB2 in the tumor microenvironment and TRIB3 overexpression in an early stage of CRC development, unveil a potential and unexplored role for these proteins in the context of CRC. Differential Tribbles expression was also explored in diverse cellular experimental conditions where either genetic or pharmacological approaches were used, providing novel hints for future research. This comprehensive bioinformatic analysis provides new insights into Tribbles gene expression and transcript regulation in CRC.
- An assessment of the psychometric properties of the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale and its prediction in safety performance in a Portuguese adult samplePublication . Sousa, Cátia; Sousa, António; Pinto, Ezequiel; Gonçalves, GabrielaThis study aims to present the psychometric properties of the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale in a Portuguese sample. Three studies were performed: the first study provides psychometric evidence pertaining to its reliability and factor structure, an analysis of the measurement invariance of the BSSS across gender and age, and an examination of the differences scores on the scale regarding gender, age and marital status (n = 526); the second study consists of an assessment of convergent, discriminant and postdictive validity (n = 240); and the third study includes a test-retest of the BSSS (n = 72). A four-factor model yielded the best fit to the data with good reliability and validity. The scale showed non-invariance between genders and between ages, which makes it less generalizable and susceptible to different populations. Convergent validity with the variables risk taking, need for arousal and extraversion, and discriminant validity between neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness, were demonstrated. The scale presents good temporal stability and represent an important tool for psychological assessment of personality and behavior, and as a predictor of safety performance.
- Impacts of in vivo and in vitro exposures to tamoxifen: comparative effects on human cells and marine organismsPublication . Fonseca, T. G.; Carriço, T.; Fernandes, E.; Abessa, D. M. S.; Tavares, A.; Bebianno, M.Tamoxifen (TAM) is a first generation-SERM administered for hormone receptor-positive (HER+) breast cancer in both pre- and post-menopausal patients and may undergo metabolic activation in organisms that share similar receptors and thus face comparable mechanisms of response. The present study aimed to assess whether environmental trace concentrations of TAM are bioavailable to the filter feeder M. galloprovincialis (100 ng L-1) and to the deposit feeder N. diversicolor (0.5, 10, 25 and 100 ng L-1) after 14 days of exposure. Behavioural impairment (burrowing kinetic), neurotoxicity (AChE activity), endocrine disruption by alkali-labile phosphate (ALP) content, oxidative stress (SOD, CAT, GPXs activities), biotransformation (GST activity), oxidative damage (LPO) and genotoxicity (DNA damage) were assessed. Moreover, this study also pertained to compare TAM cytotoxicity effects to mussels and targeted human (i.e. immortalized retinal pigment epithelium - RPE; and human transformed endothelial cells - HeLa) cell lines, in a range of concentrations from 0.5 ng L-1 to 50 μg L-1. In polychaetes N. diversicolor, TAM exerted remarkable oxidative stress and damage at the lowest concentration (0.5 ng L-1), whereas significant genotoxicity was reported at the highest exposure level (100 ng L-1). In mussels M. galloprovincialis, 100 ng L-1 TAM caused endocrine disruption in males, neurotoxicity, and an induction in GST activity and LPO byproducts in gills, corroborating in genotoxicity over the exposure days. Although cytotoxicity assays conducted with mussel haemocytes following in vivo exposure was not effective, in vitro exposure showed to be a feasible alternative, with comparable sensitivity to human cell line (HeLa).
- Self-care improvement after a pharmaceutical intervention in elderly type 2 diabetic patientsPublication . Nascimento, Tânia; Braz, Nidia; Gomes, Eurico; Fernandez-Arche, Angeles; De La Puerta, RocioDiabetes mellitus involves long-term complications that affect diabetic patients’ quality of life. The best way to prevent these complications is that patients achieve good metabolic control. In order to reach this goal, patients are requested to acquire daily behaviours (self-care). Such behaviours are sometimes hard to adhere, because they require changes in habits acquired over time. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the improvement on self-care after a pharmaceutical intervention on home regime patients. We performed a controlled experimental comparative study with a follow up of 6 months, on 87 patients, randomized in control group (n=43) and intervention group (n=44). We accessed sociodemographic and clinical data (glycaemic profile), as well as adherence to drug therapy and self-assessed care (before-after).In the intervention group, mean age was 74.2±5.4 years, and the median time of T2DM diagnosis was 14.7±8.5years. At the end of study, the decrease in fasting blood glucose was higher in the intervention group patients than that observed in the control group (50.2mg/dL), with statistically significant difference (p<0.05), as well as the decrease verified in HbA1c. In self-care adherence, alterations in the levels of adherence of the general nutrition and physical exercise dimensions became evident, with an increase in the number of days of adherence. On medication adherence statistically significant alterations (p<0.05) were also recorded. We can conclude that an individualized pharmaceutical intervention can improve self-care behaviours, as well as medication adherence, contributing to better metabolic control.
- Ageing and nutritional therapy adherence in type 2 diabetesPublication . Pinto, Ezequiel; Braz, NidiaThe prevalence of diabetes increases with age, which is also a determinant of nutrition therapy adherence. This descriptive study was conducted in a non-random sample of 66 patients aged between 47 and 75 years (M=61.5; SD=8.0) receiving health care in a Diabetes Clinic in the municipality of Faro, in the Portuguese region of the Algarve. We aimed to assess the association between age and the clinical characteristics of type 2 diabetes and to analyze the perceptions regarding the barriers to an adequate diet. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) (r=-0.372, P<0.001) showed a negative correlation with age, suggesting that older patients have a better glucose control. Older age is also correlated with a higher number of daily meals (r=0.263) and lower intake of energy (r=-0.334), protein (r=-0.249), sugars (r=-0.301), and water (r=-0.223). Forty-six patients (69.7%) had a mean excess energy intake of 384 kcal (SD=630.2), when compared with individual nutritional energy estimated requirements. Excess energy intake was uncorrelated with age (r=-0.138, P=0.269). Older patients also seem more confused with the nutrition information they received (r=0.248) and feel that they need more advice on what is a proper diet (r=0.242). Nutrition education interventions in this population must be tailored in order to address these factors
- Functional aspects in ageing adults with diabetic neuropathy. A reviewPublication . Braz, Nidia; Botelho, Marta; Conde, MonserratDiabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) is highly prevalent among diabetic ageing adults. The sensory and motor impairments caused by this long-term complication lead to poorer physical functioning, postural control and balance. These changes affect the activities of daily living and increase the risk of falling, subsequently leading to increased morbidity and decreased quality of life. Early detection of such functional limitations is important, as it may influence the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs and prevent further functional dependence. This review focuses on functional aspects related to balance, postural control and mobility in ageing adults suffering from DPN, as well as their assessment by valid, reliable and low-cost performance-based measurements. PUBMED was searched for articles in English published between 2004 and 2014. Search terms included diabetic neuropathy, balance, postural control, functional mobility, and functional outcomes. Reviewed literature indicates that simple and low-cost measurements, easy to include in clinical routines, can be used for screening impairments in complex functions, such as balance and mobility. Some studies have also been able to correlate results from DPN severity scales with those of functional tests, showing that applying such tests may improve the early diagnosis of this neurological disorder. Berg Balance Scale, Dynamic Gait Index, Functional Reach Test, and Time Up and Go already have modified cut-off points for the Diabetes Mellitus older population, but need validation for ageing adults with DPN. Further research on this subject should be addressed, in order to improve assessment outcomes.
- Synthesis and characterization of Locust Bean Gum derivatives and their application in the production of nanoparticlesPublication . Braz, Luis; Grenha, Ana; Corvo, Marta C.; Lourenço, João P.; Ferreira, Domingos; Sarmento, Bruno; Costa, Ana M. Rosa daThe development of LBG-based nanoparticles intending an application in oral immunization is presented. Nanoparticle production occurred by mild polyelectrolyte complexation, requiring the chemical modification of LBG. Three LBG derivatives were synthesized, namely a positively charged ammonium derivative (LBGA) and negatively charged sulfate (LBGS) and carboxylate (LBGC) derivatives. These were characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, and x-ray diffraction. As a pharmaceutical application was aimed, a toxicological analysis of the derivatives was performed by both MTT test and LDH release assay. Several nanoparticle formulations were produced using LBGA or chitosan (CS) as positively charged polymers, and LBGC or LBGS as negatively charged counterparts, producing nanoparticles with adequate properties regarding an application in oral immunization.
- Do patients value nutritional therapy? A quantitative study in type- 2 diabetes patientsPublication . Pinto, Ezequiel; Braz, Nídia; Nascimento, Tânia; Gomes, EuricoType 2 diabetes patients’ adherence to pharmacotherapy is higher than adherence to nutritional therapy or lifestyle change behaviours, and patients do not value nutritional therapy in the same level as they value other types of interventions. This study aimed to analyse the value that T2DM patients place on nutritional therapy and to identify perceived barriers to nutritional therapy adherence. Methods: A non-random sample of 62 patients receiving health care in a Diabetes Clinic in the municipality of Faro, in the Portuguese region of the Algarve, was interviewed with a semi-structured protocol regarding sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle, physical activity, and dietary habits. Additional data were collected from the patient’s clinical files and by conducting anthropometric assessment using standard methods.