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  • A criterion for reflectiveness of normal extensions
    Publication . Montoli, Andrea; Rodelo, Diana; Van der Linden, Tim
    We give a new sufficient condition for the normal extensions in an admissible Galois structure to be reflective. We then show that this condition is indeed fulfilled when X is the (protomodular) reflective subcategory of S-special objects of a Barr-exact S-protomodular category C, where S is the class of split epimorphic trivial extensions in C. Next to some concrete examples where the criterion may be applied, we also study the adjunction between a Barr-exact unital category and its abelian core, which we prove to be admissible.
  • Some remarks on connectors and groupoids in goursat categories
    Publication . Gran, Marino; Nguefeu, Idriss Tchoffo; Rodelo, Diana
    We prove that connectors are stable under quotients in any (regular) Goursat category. As a consequence, the category Conn(C) of connectors in C is a Goursat category whenever C is. This implies that Goursat categories can be characterised in terms of a simple property of internal groupoids.
  • Internal structures in n-permutable varieties
    Publication . Rodelo, Diana
    We analyze the notions of reflexive multiplicative graph, internal category and internal groupoid for n-permutable varieties. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Beck-Chevalley condition and Goursat categories
    Publication . Gran, Marino; Rodelo, Diana
    We characterise regular Goursat categories through a specific stability property of regular epimorphisms with respect to pullbacks. Under the assumption of the existence of some pushouts this property can be also expressed as a restricted Beck Chevalley condition, with respect to the fibration of points, for a special class of commutative squares. In the case of varieties of universal algebras these results give, in particular, a structural explanation of the existence of the ternary operations characterising 3-permutable varieties of universal algebras.
  • Stability properties characterising n- permutable categories
    Publication . Jacqmin, Pierre-Alain; Rodelo, Diana
    The purpose of this paper is two-fold. A first and more concrete aim is to characterise n-permutable categories through certain stability properties of regular epimorphisms. These characterisations allow us to recover the ternary terms and the (n + 1)-ary terms describing n-permutable varieties of universal algebras. A second and more abstract aim is to explain two proof techniques, by using the above characterisation as an opportunity to provide explicit new examples of their use: an embedding theorem for n-permutable categories which allows us to follow the varietal proof to show that an n-permutable category has certain properties; the theory of unconditional exactness properties which allows us to remove the assumption of the existence of colimits, in particular when we use the approximate co-operations approach to show that a regular category is n-permutable.
  • On difunctionality of class relations
    Publication . Hoefnagel, Michael; Janelidze, Zurab; Rodelo, Diana
    For a given variety V of algebras, we define a class relation to be a binary relation R subset of S(2)which is of the form R = S-2 boolean AND K for some congruence class K on A(2), where A is an algebra in V such that S subset of A. In this paper we study the following property of V : every reflexive class relation is an equivalence relation. In particular, we obtain equivalent characterizations of this property analogous to well-known equivalent characterizations of congruence-permutable varieties. This property determines a Mal'tsev condition on the variety and in a suitable sense, it is a join of Chajda's egg-box property as well as Duda's direct decomposability of congruence classes.
  • Variations of the Shifting Lemma and Goursat categories
    Publication . Gran, Marino; Rodelo, Diana; Nguefeu, Idriss Tchoffo
    We prove that Mal'tsev and Goursat categories may be characterized through variations of the Shifting Lemma, that is classically expressed in terms of three congruences R, S and T, and characterizes congruence modular varieties. We first show that a regular category C is a Mal'tsev category if and only if the Shifting Lemma holds for reflexive relations on the same object in C. Moreover, we prove that a regular category C is a Goursat category if and only if the Shifting Lemma holds for a reflexive relation S and reflexive and positive relations R and T in C. In particular this provides a new characterization of 2-permutable and 3-permutable varieties and quasi-varieties of universal algebras.
  • 3 x 3 lemma for star-exact sequences
    Publication . Gran, Marino; Janelidze, Zurab; Rodelo, Diana
    A regular category is said to be normal when it is pointed and every regular epimorphism in it is a normal epimorphism. Any abelian category is normal, and in a normal category one can define short exact sequences in a similar way as in an abelian category. Then, the corresponding 3 x 3 lemma is equivalent to the so-called subtractivity, which in universal algebra is also known as congruence 0-permutability. In the context of non-pointed regular categories, short exact sequences can be replaced with "exact forks" and then, the corresponding 3 x 3 lemma is equivalent, in the universal algebraic terminology, to congruence 3-permutability; equivalently, regular categories satisfying such 3 x 3 lemma are precisely the Goursat categories. We show how these two seemingly independent results can be unified in the context of star-regular categories recently introduced in a joint work of A. Ursini and the first two authors.
  • Facets of congruence distributivity in Goursat categories
    Publication . Gran, Marino; Rodelo, Diana; Nguefeu, Idriss Tchoffo
    We give new characterisations of regular Mal'tsev categories with distributive lattice of equivalence relations through variations of the so-called Triangular Lemma and Trapezoid Lemma in universal algebra. We then give new characterisations of equivalence distributive Goursat categories (which extend 3-permutable varieties) through variations of the Triangular and Trapezoid Lemmas involving reflexive and positive relations. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Comprehensive factorization and I-central extensions
    Publication . Bourn, Dominique; Rodelo, Diana
    We show that, for a regular reflection functor I between efficiently regular categories, the reflection of an extension to an I-central extension is reduced to the comprehensive factorization of an explicit internal functor. We then analyse the Mal'tsev context where similar results are obtained under weaker conditions on I. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.