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  • Perceção dos residentes sobre o impacto do turismo na sua qualidade de vida: o caso do concelho de Loulé
    Publication . Renda, Ana Isabel; Mendes, Júlio; Valle, Patrícia Oom do
    Esta tese diz respeito ao estudo da perceção dos residentes sobre o impacto do turismo na sua qualidade de vida. Apresenta como estudo de caso o concelho de Loulé, localizado no Algarve e constituído por onze freguesias que se agrupam em três regiões naturais em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento turístico. A revisão bibliográfica da investigação centra-se fundamentalmente nas áreas científicas da Sociologia, da Antropologia, da Psicologia e da Geografia e tem, como principais áreas de estudo, as perceções e atitudes dos residentes, o fenómeno turístico e o seu desenvolvimento, os impactos do turismo no destino e nos residentes, a qualidade de vida, a satisfação com a vida e a felicidade. A investigação recorre, num primeiro momento uma metodologia qualitativa, em que se adota o método da triangulação (realização de entrevistas, observação participante e recolha de documentação) e, num segundo momento, procede-se à aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra de residentes do concelho de Loulé (metodologia quantitativa). A análise dos dados obtidos com a aplicação do questionário permite a caracterização da amostra, a descrição e caracterização da perceção dos impactos do turismo e da qualidade de vida e a estimação e avaliação do modelo de equações estruturais proposto, fazendo uso do método PLS-PM que permite o teste às hipóteses formuladas, associadas às relações entre as variáveis latentes em estudo. Os resultados revelam o reconhecimento, por parte dos residentes, da importância do turismo como forma de desenvolvimento desejável na sua zona de residência, com contributos importantes para a sua qualidade de vida, embora identifiquem alguns impactos negativos provocados pela atividade. Constata-se que existem diferenças ao nível da perceção dos impactos do turismo por parte dos residentes, de acordo com o nível de desenvolvimento turístico, com o grau de dependência económica e profissional face a esta indústria, com a proximidade da zona de residência relativamente à principal área turística e com a frequência e tipo de contacto com o turismo e os turistas. Não se verifica, contudo o efeito moderador do nível de desenvolvimento turístico da zona de residência na relação entre a perceção dos impactos do turismo e da qualidade de vida. Os fatores demográficos não se revelam ser os mais determinantes da perceção dos impactos do turismo na qualidade de vida. Os resultados do estudo reforçam a importância de conhecer e considerar as perceções dos residentes face ao turismo como um fator determinante no desenvolvimento sustentável dos destinos turísticos, constituindo-se assim os residentes como um dos stakeholders fundamentais no contexto de uma abordagem holística e integrada ao planeamento e ao desenvolvimento turístico.
  • Atitudes e comportamentos dos residentes: contributos para o desenvolvimento turístico sustentável no Algarve 
    Publication . Pinto, Patrícia; Manuela Guerreiro, Maria; Renda, Ana Isabel; Ramos, Celia; Marques, João Filipe; Pereira, Luís Nobre; Lança, Milene; Lai, Hio Kuan; Pinto, Patrícia; Guerreiro, Manuela
    O Projeto RESTUR (Atitudes e Comportamentos dos Residentes: Contributos para o Desenvolvimento de uma Estratégia de Turismo Sustentável no Algarve) pretende medir e monitorizar os impactos do turismo nos residentes do Algarve, considerando a região como um todo e os seus concelhos de forma individual.
  • Hotel customer segmentation and sentiment analysis through online reviews: An analysis of selected European markets
    Publication . Oliveira, Anderson S.; Renda, Ana Isabel; Correia, Marisol B.; António, Nuno
    This study aims to verify how distinct markets evaluate hotels in the Algarve through the analysis of online reviews, in order to identify if satisfaction and dissatisfaction attributes are similar among some of the main markets of overnight stay tourists in the region. Online reviews of hotels in the Algarve, written in English, French as well as Portuguese and posted on Tripadvisor by British, French and Portuguese residents from January 2019 to December 2019 are analysed. After the analysis of 8,596 online textual reviews, the results demonstrated that not only satisfaction and dissatisfaction rates towards hotel attributes differ according to the language, but also that customers from different countries place dissimilar emphasis on hotel attributes. Besides extending the current research on the use of online reviews, the findings of this study also assist hoteliers to identify improvement opportunities. Although many studies on marketing segmentation through data mining have been conducted, this paper analyses the customer satisfaction of relevant tourist markets and suggests up-todate practical implications for hoteliers.
  • Alternative tourism and environmental impacts: perception of residents of an extractive reserve in the Brazilian Amazonia
    Publication . Medeiros, Heloise Michelle Nunes; Guerreiro, Quêzia Leandro de Moura; Vieira, Thiago Almeida; Silva, Sandra Maria Sousa da; Renda, Ana Isabel; Oliveira-Junior, José Max Barbosa
    Alternative tourism (AT) contributes to conservation, valuing the environment and recipient cultures with minimal impact, especially in protected areas. In this context, this article identified, considering the residents’ perception, the possible environmental impacts resulting from alternative tourism in communities of the Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve (RESEX), Brazilian Amazonia. Thus, between February and April 2019 a semi-structured interview was conducted with 122 residents of three communities of RESEX (Anã, Maripá, and São Miguel). The interview script was divided into three groups of questions: (i) interviewee data, (ii) socioeconomic data, and (iii) perception of the concept and environmental impacts of alternative tourism. We used a snowball sampling method, which consists of a form of a non-probabilistic sample. The majority (91.8%) of the informants did not know how to explain the concept of alternative tourism; however, for 87.7% of them, this tourism does not generate negative impacts. Income is the most used expression (53%) by RESEX residents to demonstrate what alternative tourism positively impacts. About 74.6% of respondents reported that tourists do not influence local customs change, and 94.3% do not identify tourism-related violence. Finally, 89.3% say that tourists do not pollute the environments. The research carried out in this Conservation Unit deserves the attention of decision-makers, managers, technicians, and researchers. It provides subsidies for management programs to provide real bases for the analysis, interpretation, and planning of sustainable tourist spaces.
  • Residents' perceptions on Tourism Impacts and Quality of Life: The case of Faro
    Publication . Roberts, Taya; Renda, Ana Isabel; Pinto, Patrícia
    This work addresses the problem of resident's perceptions of tourism impacts and their perceptions of quality of life. Although there is a growing bank of tourism research available on these topics, specific tourism locations still need to be studied. The main goal of this research was to determine the tourism impacts in Faro, Algarve and whether links could be established between tourism impacts (positive and negative) and residents' perceptions of quality of life, globally, and within four domains, namely: material domain, community domain, health and safety domain and emotional domain. A sample of 300 residents was used to collect data from Faro residents on their perceptions of tourism impacts in their location, as well as the residents' perceptions of their quality of life in the four domains. The results indicate a correlation between perceptions about tourism impacts and residents' perceptions of quality of life within the four domains and globally. These findings open the way for a more holistic understanding of the location's tourism environment and the interplay of tourism and the residents of the tourist location. These findings are beneficial to residents, policy planners, governing bodies and tourism operators.
  • Building bridges between residents and tourism: attitudinal support, emotional solidarity, and intentions for pro-tourism behaviours
    Publication . Lança, Milene; Nobre Pereira, Luis; Renda, Ana Isabel; Marques, João Filipe; Ramos, Celia; Martins Guerreiro, Maria Manuela; Hio Kuan Lai; Pinto, Patrícia
    This study explores the relationships between residents' attitudes in support of tourism, emotional solidarity with tourists and willingness to engage in pro-tourism behaviours. Residents' support for tourism hinges on their perceived benefits and costs, as influenced by theories such as the Social Exchange Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action. Despite extensive research on residents' attitudes and tourism support, pro-tourism behaviours remain underexplored. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating how residents' attitudes and emotional solidarity, including newly added indicators of interpersonal connection, impact their intentions for pro-tourism behaviours. Empirical data from a sample of 4,026 residents in the Algarve region, Portugal, were analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of this study not only offer theoretical insights but also have practical implications for destination management. These findings underscore the importance of implementing internal marketing strategies that foster a welcoming and empathetic attitude among residents towards tourists. The study's results become directly relevant and beneficial to tourism by fostering a sense of connection and appreciation for tourists among residents.
  • Systematic literature review on the profile of tourists in four- and five-star hotels based on online reviews
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana; Renda, Ana Isabel; Correia, Marisol B.
    This systematic literature review analyses included peer-reviewed journals published from 1 January 2008 to 31 May 2022, using 19 keywords related to content shared by tourists and the hotel sector, in the Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online (B-on) and the Web of Science (Wos). The 39 articles considered for this analysis were classified according to the name of the journal in which they appeared and their respective year of publication, the location of the hotels analysed, the booking and opinion platform used, as well as the number of reviews and hotels studied. In addition to contributing to the existing literature on online reviews, this study provides theoretical input that hoteliers can use to aid their business performance and enable the development of further research by scholars. Although several studies analyse online reviews, these are still being little-used in the hotel industry in order to profile tourists. In this respect, this work intends to fill this research gap.