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Brandolim Becker, Nathália

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  • Validation of the Portuguese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-PT)
    Publication . João, Karine; Brandolim Becker, Nathália; Jesus, Saúl; Santos Martins, Rute Isabel
    The present study was realised to validate the Portuguese version of the PSQI. The instrument PSQI-PT was applied to 347 Portuguese community -dwelling adults aged 18-69 years old. The resulting data was used to perform the psychometric analysis to validate the instrument. No structural modifications to the questionnaire were necessary during the adaptation process. The scores for the PSQI-PT showed an adequate internal consistency. The principal component analysis (PCA) produced good factor loading for all items. Finally, the analysis of demographic variables showed that age and literacy influence the values for the "Global Sleep Quality" (GSQ) in this Portuguese sample. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the PSQI-PT is a valid and reliable instrument for the assessment of sleep quality with the advantage of allowing community -dwelling adults differentiation between good and poor sleepers.
  • Qualidade do sono em pessoas idosas: implicações na qualidade de vida e na prevenção da depressão
    Publication . Becker, Nathália Brandolim; Jesus, Saul
    A literatura atual demonstra que a depressão tem uma relação bidirecional com a pobre qualidade do sono e afeta negativamente a vida de muitas pessoas, sendo que mais do que 45% da população mundial apresenta problemas do sono. O sono é parte essencial da saúde e o bem-estar do idoso tem-se tornado um desafio na saúde pública. O objetivo desta tese foi explorar a qualidade do sono em pessoas idosas a fim de verificar as suas implicações na qualidade de vida, descrevendo o modo como esta temática pode permear a prevenção da depressão. Foram realizados cinco estudos, sendo um de revisão da literatura, um de meta-análise, e três empíricos. Os resultados demonstraram que o efeito da depressão na qualidade de vida é mediado pela qualidade do sono; otimismo é mediador da relação entre a pobre qualidade do sono na qualidade de vida e na satisfação com a vida; além disto, é necessária uma atenção especial para o “uso de medicamentos para dormir” na população idosa portuguesa quando avaliada a qualidade do sono. Portanto, conclui-se que é necessário utilizar os resultados aqui apresentados para planear e investigar a eficácia e a viabilidade de uma intervenção que promova a higiene do sono e a boa qualidade do sono, atuando de forma a prevenir a depressão.
  • Adaptation of a 3-factor model for the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in Portuguese older adults
    Publication . Brandolim Becker, Nathália; De jesus, Saúl
    The present study examined the factor structure of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in a sample of older Portuguese adults using a cross-validation approach. Design is a cross-sectional. A convenience sample of 204 community-dwelling older adults (M=70.05, SD=7.15) were included. The global sleep quality (GSQ) score ranged from 0 to 18 with a mean of 5.98 (SD +/- 3.45). The distribution showed that gender and perception of oneself as healthy influences GSQ in this sample. Cronbach's alpha was 0.69, but increased to 0.70 if the "use of sleep medication" component was deleted. Exploratory factor analysis (EPA) demonstrated two factor model is better than one factor, and a model fit with good indices (chi-square=8.649, df=8, p=0.373). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed on the single factor, two factor, and three factor models, with and without the "use of sleep medications" component. The best model was the 3-factor model without the "use of sleep medications" component (chi-square=1.214, df=6, GFI=0.997, AGFI=0.918, CFI=0.986, RMSEA=0.046). The adaptation of the model is similar to the original model, with the only change being the exclusion of the "use of medications to sleep" component. We suggest using that component as a complementary qualitative assessment of health.
  • Depression and quality of life in older adults: Mediation effect of steep quality
    Publication . Brandolim Becker, Nathália; de Jesus, Saul Neves; Viseu, João; Stobaus, Claus Dieter; Guerreiro, Mariana; Domingues, Rita B.
    Background/Objective: Sleep insufficiency, which affects more than 45% of the world's population, has a great importance when considering older adults. Thus, this research tested a mediation hypothesis, through a path analysis, which explains how depression relates to the quality of life considering the effect's of sleep quality in older adults. Method: A sample of 187 community-dwelling Portuguese older adults answered questionnaires about sociodemographic status (age, gender, highest level of education completed, family status, sports activities, health, and retirement status), quality of life, sleep quality, and depression. Descriptive and path analysis statistics were performed considering the results of the normality test. Results: The sample has health characteristics and presents adequate sleep duration. Sleep quality acted as a mediator between depression and the quality of life in older adults, considering the variation of gender and health. This suggests that it is important to establish self-care practices, namely sleep quality, to intervene in the ageing process. Conclusions: It is important to consider sleep quality associated with depression for older adults and to test interventions to minimize health impacts. Also, more researches are needed about the primary prevention in steep quality relating to depression. (c) 2017 Asociacion Espanola de Psicologia Conductual. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.
  • Depression and sleep quality in older adults: a meta-analysis.
    Publication . Brandolim Becker, Nathália; Jesus, Saúl; João, Karine; Viseu, J.; Martins, Rute
    The literature emphasizes depression and poor sleep quality as problems that affect many elderly individuals. However, these problems have been related in few studies and there is no meta-analysis performed so far on this relationship. The present research reviewed the studies performed on the subjective sleep quality in order to understand how it relates to depression in older adults. The review was conducted in January 2016 and comprised publications between 2005 and 2015. Based on the electronic databases Web of Science and EBSCO, we used the keywords 'sleep quality', 'depression', and 'older' to identify the empirical studies performed. After assessing the collected studies, we selected those that presented the elderly as participants, resulting in nine papers (N=3069). A random-effects method was used to evaluate the relationship between depression and sleep. We found that an older person's lack of good sleep quality is significantly related with depression. The main limitation of this study was the difficulty in collecting a greater number of studies. Future research should consider the importance of additional variables (e.g. moderators) in order to understand and investigate viable interventions for prevention and health promotion in the elderly.