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O Turismo é um setor de atividade económica essencial para a região do Algarve, como tal, é crucial que o setor hoteleiro esteja devidamente apto para agir em qualquer circunstância de emergência, de forma adequada. Tem sido uma preocupação crescente o aparecimento de diversas situações de emergência na região, associadas a catástrofes naturais. Neste sentido, torna-se fundamental preparar os trabalhadores para darem resposta a estes riscos, através de um bom planeamento de segurança e saúde no trabalho, incluindo formação. Para o efeito deve ser considerado um largo conjunto de fatores, nomeadamente de personalidade, competências e organizacionais. Foi realizado um estudo de carácter quantitativo e transversal com 242 participantes de ambos os géneros, trabalhadores no setor hoteleiro. Os dados foram recolhidos com base num questionário self-reported que incluiu medida de robustez mental, perceção relativa à ocorrência de catástrofes naturais e experiência formativa na intervenção. Os eventos, de acordo com os resultados, com maior probabilidade de suceder são os incêndios, a nível da confiança na gestão sentem-se menos confiantes com os furacões e mais ameaçados pelas questões pandémicas. Assim sendo, os resultados mostraram que falta investir, consideravelmente, na formação de SST dos trabalhadores, como também, na prevenção das situações de emergência estudadas.
Tourism is a sector with an economically essential activity for the Algarve region, and as such, the hospitality sector must be able to act in any emergency situation appropriately. The development of several emergencies related to natural disasters in the region has been of increasing concern, in this context, it is essential to prepare workers to act when facing these risks through good safety and health planning at the workplace, including training. With this aim, a wide range of factors should be considered, namely, personality, skills and organization. A quantitative and cross-sectional study was made using 242 participants of both genders, working in the hospitality sector. The data was collected with resource to a self-reported survey that includes the measures of mental toughness, perception regarding events of natural disasters and formative experience during interventions. According to the results, the events most likely to occur are fires, regarding confidence at management level, workers feel less assurance in the event of a hurricane and are threatened mostly by pandemic issues. Thus, results indicate the necessity to invest in the SST training of hospitality workers as well as the prevention of the emergency situations studied.
Tourism is a sector with an economically essential activity for the Algarve region, and as such, the hospitality sector must be able to act in any emergency situation appropriately. The development of several emergencies related to natural disasters in the region has been of increasing concern, in this context, it is essential to prepare workers to act when facing these risks through good safety and health planning at the workplace, including training. With this aim, a wide range of factors should be considered, namely, personality, skills and organization. A quantitative and cross-sectional study was made using 242 participants of both genders, working in the hospitality sector. The data was collected with resource to a self-reported survey that includes the measures of mental toughness, perception regarding events of natural disasters and formative experience during interventions. According to the results, the events most likely to occur are fires, regarding confidence at management level, workers feel less assurance in the event of a hurricane and are threatened mostly by pandemic issues. Thus, results indicate the necessity to invest in the SST training of hospitality workers as well as the prevention of the emergency situations studied.
Riscos na hotelaria Resposta a catástrofes Emergência Perigos