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A presença de animais nas organizações é um tema que tem vindo a ganhar importância nos últimos anos. Sendo as empresas um “mundo” em constante evolução e inovação, e de modo a acompanharem as tendências dos seus stakeholders, esta investigação tem como objetivo analisar o impacto que a implementação de práticas associadas à presença de animais de estimação no local de trabalho tem em variáveis como a perceção de responsabilidade social e comprometimento organizacional, tendo como variável mediadora as atitudes face aos animais. Com uma amostra de 177 participantes, dos quais 78% (n = 138) são do género feminino e 22% (n = 39) são do género masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 64 anos (M = 38.56; DP = 12.11), os resultados mostram que a presença de animais no local de trabalho tem um impacto positivo na perceção de responsabilidade social e no comprometimento organizacional dos colaboradores. Os locais de trabalho são hoje caracterizados por um clima de tensão e stresse, pelo que a promoção de ambientes de trabalho saudáveis se reveste de extrema importância, nomeadamente para a gestão de recursos humanos.
The presence of animals in organizations is a topic that has gained importance in recent years. As companies are a constantly evolving and innovative "world", and in order to follow the trends of their stakeholders, this research aims to analyze the impact that the implementation of practices associated with the presence of pets in the workplace has in variables such as the perception of social responsibility and organizational commitment, having as a mediator variable the attitudes toward animals. With a sample of 177 participants, of which 78% (n = 138) are female and 22% (n = 39) are male, aged between 20 and 64 years (M = 38.56, SD = 12.11), the results show that the presence of pets in the workplace has a positive impact on the employee‟s social responsibility perception and in the organizational commitment. Workplaces are today characterized by a tension and stress climate, so the promotion of healthy work environments is extremely important, especially for the of human resources management.
The presence of animals in organizations is a topic that has gained importance in recent years. As companies are a constantly evolving and innovative "world", and in order to follow the trends of their stakeholders, this research aims to analyze the impact that the implementation of practices associated with the presence of pets in the workplace has in variables such as the perception of social responsibility and organizational commitment, having as a mediator variable the attitudes toward animals. With a sample of 177 participants, of which 78% (n = 138) are female and 22% (n = 39) are male, aged between 20 and 64 years (M = 38.56, SD = 12.11), the results show that the presence of pets in the workplace has a positive impact on the employee‟s social responsibility perception and in the organizational commitment. Workplaces are today characterized by a tension and stress climate, so the promotion of healthy work environments is extremely important, especially for the of human resources management.
Animais de estimação Percepção de responsabilidade social Comprometimento organizacional Práticas de gestão de recursos humanos