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Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo compreender, através da revisão bibliográfica e do estudo da realidade vivida em Portugal, o significado da resiliência em vítimas de violência doméstica (VD), relativamente aos fatores de risco e de proteção, pretendendo analisar o impacto da violência doméstica nos indivíduos ao longo do ciclo de vida, de forma a melhorá-la e mostrar que pode funcionar como condicionante de futuros padrões comportamentais. Analisamos ainda a resiliência dos agentes sociais que acompanham estas vítimas de VD. Assim, após a introdução, esta investigação está organizada da seguinte forma:
- Enquadramento teórico: revisão bibliográfica do estado da arte, nomeadamente dos principais constructos a analisar: violência doméstica, vulnerabilidade no desenvolvimento do indivíduo, resiliência e enfrentamento das adversidades, importância da família e acolhimento institucional e suas potencialidades na interrupção do ciclo da violência.
- Estudo 1: estudo do tipo revisão da literatura, que tem como principal objetivo, efetuar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema da violência doméstica, das relações afetivas, do ciclo da violência doméstica e sua transgeracionalidade e dos fatores de risco e de proteção/resiliência na violência doméstica.
- Estudo 2: pretende analisar, com base nas características sociodemográficas dos sujeitos da amostra (N = 284), as eventuais relações entre as várias vivências dos indivíduos vítimas de violência doméstica, tendo como referência quer os estilos de vida no momento presente, quer os de fases anteriores das suas vidas, procurando identificar padrões de transmissão geracional de estilos de vida. Os resultados obtidos permitem corroborar os dados de estudos epidemiológicos e sociodemográficos internacionais, ou seja, existência de uma maior proporção de indivíduos de sexo feminino vítimas de VD, existência de antecedentes familiares de maus-tratos em fase anteriores da vida e a identificação de sujeitos do sexo masculino como perpetradores de atos de violência doméstica.
- Estudo 3: visa proceder à caracterização sociodemográfica dos agentes sociais (N = 137), que exercem funções em instituições vocacionadas para a violência doméstica e analisar os índices de resiliência de acordo com o tempo de trabalho nas respetivas instituições, através de um inventário de avaliação da resiliência: Measuring State Resilience (adaptado à população portuguesa por Martins, 2000). Foi possível constatar neste estudo que o aumento do tempo de serviço é inversamente proporcional aos níveis de resiliência.
- Estudo 4: pretende analisar a relação entre acontecimentos de vida negativos, memórias de infância, vinculação e resiliência numa amostra de indivíduos vítimas de VD (N = 283), recolhida no território continental e na Região Autónoma dos Açores, com recurso aos seguintes instrumentos: Inventário de Acontecimentos de Vida Negativos (adaptado à população portuguesa por Brás & Cruz, 2008), Memórias de Infância (adaptado à população portuguesa por Canavarro, 1996), Escala de Vinculação do Adulto (adaptado à população portuguesa por Canavarro, 1995), Measuring State Resilience e Measuring Child Resilience (adaptados à população portuguesa por Martins, 2000). Deste estudo, conclui-se que os indivíduos, que referem ter sofrido violência por parte dos pais, manifestam valores significativamente mais elevados em todas as dimensões dos acontecimentos de vida negativos, e índices mais baixos nas escalas que aferem a resiliência.
- Conclusões e implicações: apresenta as principais conclusões, bem como algumas limitações/alguns obstáculos encontrados ao longo desta investigação, e ainda sugestões e linhas de investigações propostas para eventuais estudos que possam dar continuidade e complementar este trabalho.
Sucintamente, os resultados obtidos permitem concluir a existência de correlações positivas relativamente às variáveis em estudo, tanto na amostra de indivíduos vítimas de violência doméstica, como na amostra dos agentes sociais.
Face ao exposto, consideramos lícito relembrar a importância, cada vez maior, de analisar e compreender a causalidade e as consequências do tema violência doméstica, por forma a atuarmos, sempre que possível, no âmbito da prevenção e intervenção, o mais precoce possível, minimizando, deste modo, as repercussões que acarretam ao nível individual (físico e psíquico), social e institucional.
This work has as main objective to understand, through bibliographic review and the study of the reality lived in Portugal, the meaning of resilience in victims of domestic violence (DV), concerning the risk and protection factors, aiming to analyze the impact of domestic violence in individuals throughout the life cycle, in a better way it can function as a condition for future behavioural patterns. The resilience of the social agents that support these victims of DV was also analyzed. Thus, after the introduction, this investigation is organized as follows: - Theoretical framework: bibliographic review of the state of the art, namely the main constructs to be analyzed: domestic violence, vulnerability in the development of the individual, resilience and coping with adversity, the importance of the family and the institutional welcome and its potential in interrupting the cycle of violence; - Study 1: a literature review study, whose main objective, as its name implies, is to carry out a bibliographic review on domestic violence, affective relationships, the cycle of domestic violence and its transgenerationality, and risk factors and protection-resilience in domestic violence; - Study 2: intends to analyze, based on the sociodemographic characteristics of the subjects in the sample (N = 284), the possible relationships between the experiences of individuals who are victims of domestic violence, taking as a reference both the lifestyles at the present and those of previous phases of their lives, seeking to identify patterns of generational transmission of lifestyles. The results obtained allow corroborating the data from international epidemiological and sociodemographic studies, that is, a greater proportion of female individuals who are victims of DV, the existence of a family history of mistreatment in earlier stages of life and identification of male subjects as perpetrators of acts of domestic violence; - Study 3: aims to carry out the sociodemographic characterization of social agents (N = 137), who work in institutions dedicated to domestic violence and to analyze the resilience rates according to the working time in the respective institutions, through an inventory of evaluation of resilience: Measuring State Resilience (adaptation to the Portuguese population by Martins, 2000). It was possible to verify in this study that the increase in the length of service is inversely proportional to the levels of resilience;- Study 4: aims to analyze the relationship between negative life events, childhood memories, bonding and resilience in a sample of individuals victims of DV (N = 283), collected at the continental territory level and in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, using the following instruments: Inventory of Negative Life Events (adapted to the Portuguese population by Brás & Cruz, 2008), Childhood Memories (adapted to the Portuguese population by Canavarro, 1996), Adult Linkage Scale (adaptation to the Portuguese population by Canavarro, 1995), Measuring State Resilience and Measuring Child Resilience (adapted to the Portuguese population by Martins, 2000). This study concludes that individuals who report having suffered violence from their parents show significantly higher values in all dimensions of negative life events, and lower rates on scales that affect resilience; - Conclusions and implications: it presents the main conclusions, as well as some limitations/obstacles found throughout this investigation, as well as suggestions and lines of investigation proposed for possible studies that can continue and complement the data found in this investigation. Briefly, the results obtained allow us to conclude the existence of positive correlations regarding the variables under study, either in the sample of individuals who are victims of domestic violence, or in the sample of social agents. In view of the above, we consider it lawful to recall the increasing importance of analyzing and understanding the causality and consequences of the theme of domestic violence, to act, whenever possible, in terms of prevention and intervention as early as possible, thus minimizing the repercussions that it has at the individual (physical and psychological), social and institutional level.
This work has as main objective to understand, through bibliographic review and the study of the reality lived in Portugal, the meaning of resilience in victims of domestic violence (DV), concerning the risk and protection factors, aiming to analyze the impact of domestic violence in individuals throughout the life cycle, in a better way it can function as a condition for future behavioural patterns. The resilience of the social agents that support these victims of DV was also analyzed. Thus, after the introduction, this investigation is organized as follows: - Theoretical framework: bibliographic review of the state of the art, namely the main constructs to be analyzed: domestic violence, vulnerability in the development of the individual, resilience and coping with adversity, the importance of the family and the institutional welcome and its potential in interrupting the cycle of violence; - Study 1: a literature review study, whose main objective, as its name implies, is to carry out a bibliographic review on domestic violence, affective relationships, the cycle of domestic violence and its transgenerationality, and risk factors and protection-resilience in domestic violence; - Study 2: intends to analyze, based on the sociodemographic characteristics of the subjects in the sample (N = 284), the possible relationships between the experiences of individuals who are victims of domestic violence, taking as a reference both the lifestyles at the present and those of previous phases of their lives, seeking to identify patterns of generational transmission of lifestyles. The results obtained allow corroborating the data from international epidemiological and sociodemographic studies, that is, a greater proportion of female individuals who are victims of DV, the existence of a family history of mistreatment in earlier stages of life and identification of male subjects as perpetrators of acts of domestic violence; - Study 3: aims to carry out the sociodemographic characterization of social agents (N = 137), who work in institutions dedicated to domestic violence and to analyze the resilience rates according to the working time in the respective institutions, through an inventory of evaluation of resilience: Measuring State Resilience (adaptation to the Portuguese population by Martins, 2000). It was possible to verify in this study that the increase in the length of service is inversely proportional to the levels of resilience;- Study 4: aims to analyze the relationship between negative life events, childhood memories, bonding and resilience in a sample of individuals victims of DV (N = 283), collected at the continental territory level and in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, using the following instruments: Inventory of Negative Life Events (adapted to the Portuguese population by Brás & Cruz, 2008), Childhood Memories (adapted to the Portuguese population by Canavarro, 1996), Adult Linkage Scale (adaptation to the Portuguese population by Canavarro, 1995), Measuring State Resilience and Measuring Child Resilience (adapted to the Portuguese population by Martins, 2000). This study concludes that individuals who report having suffered violence from their parents show significantly higher values in all dimensions of negative life events, and lower rates on scales that affect resilience; - Conclusions and implications: it presents the main conclusions, as well as some limitations/obstacles found throughout this investigation, as well as suggestions and lines of investigation proposed for possible studies that can continue and complement the data found in this investigation. Briefly, the results obtained allow us to conclude the existence of positive correlations regarding the variables under study, either in the sample of individuals who are victims of domestic violence, or in the sample of social agents. In view of the above, we consider it lawful to recall the increasing importance of analyzing and understanding the causality and consequences of the theme of domestic violence, to act, whenever possible, in terms of prevention and intervention as early as possible, thus minimizing the repercussions that it has at the individual (physical and psychological), social and institutional level.
Violência doméstica Vítimas de violência doméstica Agentes sociais Contextos vivenciais Relações afetivas Resiliência