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No âmbito da conclusão do Mestrado em Arquitetura Paisagista, foi aceite a proposta de estágio curricular do Município de Albufeira na Divisão de Higiene Urbana e Espaços Verdes (DHUEV), que teve como principal objetivo a realização de um Anteprojeto de Arquitetura Paisagista para a Ampliação do Parque Urbano do Ribeiro que fica situado em Albufeira.
Este relatório começa por descrever as funções desempenhadas, enquanto estagiário, que constituíram um leque de tarefas de diferentes complexidades, as quais, permitiram enriquecer, desenvolver e adquirir novos conhecimentos práticos e teóricos no ramo da Arquitetura Paisagista ao nível profissional numa entidade pública municipal. Estas tarefas incluíram a realização de levantamentos, grafismos e projetos de Arquitetura Paisagista.
De modo a complementar a execução do Anteprojeto de Ampliação do Parque Urbano do Ribeiro, foi elaborado um estudo sumário acerca da evolução da paisagem urbana da cidade de Albufeira.
No desenvolvimento do Anteprojeto de Ampliação do Parque Urbano do Ribeiro, foi necessário ter em conta as diversas temáticas que influenciam a Arquitetura Paisagista atualmente. A gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos e das funções ecossistémicas foram tópicos fundamentais para a criação deste novo espaço verde.
As part of completing my Master's degree in Landscape Architecture, I was accepted as a trainee by the Municipality of Albufeira in the Urban Hygiene and Green Spaces Division (DHUEV), whose main objective was to carry out a Landscape Architecture Project for the Expansion of the Parque Urbano do Ribeiro in Albufeira. This report begins by describing the tasks carried out as a trainee, which were a range of tasks of different complexities, which allowed me to enrich, develop and acquire new practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of Landscape Architecture at a professional level in a municipal public entity. These tasks included carrying out surveys, graphics and landscape architecture projects. In order to complement the execution of the Parque Urbano do Ribeiro Expansion Project, a summary study was carried out on the Evolution of the Urban Landscape of the city of Albufeira. In developing the Parque Urbano do Ribeiro Expansion Project, it was necessary to take into account the various themes that influence Landscape Architecture today. The sustainable management of water resources and ecosystem functions were fundamental topics for the creation of this new green space.
As part of completing my Master's degree in Landscape Architecture, I was accepted as a trainee by the Municipality of Albufeira in the Urban Hygiene and Green Spaces Division (DHUEV), whose main objective was to carry out a Landscape Architecture Project for the Expansion of the Parque Urbano do Ribeiro in Albufeira. This report begins by describing the tasks carried out as a trainee, which were a range of tasks of different complexities, which allowed me to enrich, develop and acquire new practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of Landscape Architecture at a professional level in a municipal public entity. These tasks included carrying out surveys, graphics and landscape architecture projects. In order to complement the execution of the Parque Urbano do Ribeiro Expansion Project, a summary study was carried out on the Evolution of the Urban Landscape of the city of Albufeira. In developing the Parque Urbano do Ribeiro Expansion Project, it was necessary to take into account the various themes that influence Landscape Architecture today. The sustainable management of water resources and ecosystem functions were fundamental topics for the creation of this new green space.
Projeto de arquitetura paisagista Parque urbano Recursos hídricos Espaços públicos Estágio curricular