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Atualmente, é percetível que os empregadores valorizam o facto de existir uma Norma desenvolvida pelo comité técnico da ISO para a Gestão do Risco, ISO/TC 262 publicada em fevereiro de 2018 pela International Organization for Standardization (ISO 31000, 2018).
Os empregadores reconhecem cada vez mais a importância que o impacto que esta norma tem nos seus colaboradores, valorizando desta forma uma boa gestão para a segurança e saúde do colaborador sendo percetível que a aplicação da norma internacional na gestão de risco tem na sua essência garantir a segurança e saúde no local de trabalho como forma de melhorar a eficiência e confiança dos colaboradores promovendo a redução de ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho e de doenças profissionais. (ISO 31000, 2018)
Este é um projeto em Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho, apresentado com o tema “Identificação e Avaliação de Riscos Profissionais dos Colaboradores de um Instituto Público”, e visa a aplicação da metodologia M.A.R.A.T. (Método de Avaliação de Riscos e Acidentes de Trabalho), permitindo determinar níveis de risco, verificar a eficiência das medidas já existentes, definir prioridades na aplicação de medidas preventivas ou corretivas e detetar necessidades de formação dos colaboradores, uma vez que estes, todos os dias estão expostos aos riscos laborais no seu espaço de trabalho, que vão desde um desnível no pavimento, deficiente climatização, excesso de carga de trabalho, insuficiente luminosidade, ruídos, vibrações, poeiras, bactérias ou vírus, por limpeza incorreta, ou mesmo riscos ergonómicos, como a má postura, associada a cadeiras desajustadas ou a locais de trabalho desadaptados ou mal dimensionados. (IGAS, 2018)
Para a efetivação deste projeto, a amostra incidiu sobre os 197 colaboradores da Organização, tendo sido analisados 17 riscos profissionais que se identificaram como mais relevantes nos postos de trabalho de cariz administrativo analisado: (Ex: o ambiente térmico, o espaço de trabalho disponível, a luminosidade, as condições ergonómicas, a organização do arquivo em gabinete, entre outros riscos adiante descritos). Após um primeiro levantamento dos riscos laborais por todos os espaços de trabalho, e recolha dos dados que incluí realização de medições dos parâmetros associados ao ambiente térmico, humidade e luminosidade, incidiu num gabinete por piso e por fachada, posicionado aproximadamente em zonas centrais.
Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar a existência de alguns pontos de maior ou menor índice de gravidade.
No que refere os índices de menor gravidade referenciados como sendo nível de intervenção V, estão referenciados nos anexos, sendo que a prioridade é a Organização ter a preocupação de os manter neste nível.
Quanto aos de maior gravidade, que são os de nível de intervenção I, a maior incidência foi no que se refere ao ambiente térmico, com a exceção de um caso referente a equipamentos dotados de visor e teclado.
Currently, it is noticeable that employers value the fact that there is a Standard developed by the ISO technical committee for Risk Management, ISO/TC 262 published in February 2018 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 31000). Employers increasingly recognizing the importance that the impact of this standard has on their employees, thus valuing good management for safety and health of the employee. It is noticeable that the application of the international standard in risk management is fundamentally aimed at ensuring safety and health in the workplace as a way to improve efficiency and trust of employees, promoting the reduction of occurrence of work accidents and occupational diseases. (ISO 31000, 2018) This is a project in Occupational Safety and Health, presented with the theme " Identification and Evaluation of Occupational Risks for Employees of a Public Institute ", and aims at the application of the M.A.R.A.T. methodology (Method of assessment of work-related risks and accidents), allowing to determine levels of risk, verify the efficiency of existing measures, define priorities in the application of preventive or corrective measures and detect training needs for employees, as they are exposed to work-related risks in their workspace every day, ranging from uneven floors, uncomfortable temperatures, excess workload, insufficient lighting, noise, vibrations, dust, bacteria or viruses due to incorrect cleaning, or even ergonomic risks, such as poor posture, associated with poorly adjusted chairs or workplaces that are ill-adapted or poorly dimensioned. (IGAS, 2018) For the completion of this project, the sample focused on the 197 employees of the headquarters of the Organization, having analyzed 17 work-related risks that were identified as most relevant in the administrative sector were analyzed: (e.g.: the thermal environment, the physical space available to work, the lighting, the ergonomic conditions, the organization of the archives in the office, among other risks subsequently described). After an initial survey of work-related risks throughout all workspaces, the data collection includes of measurements of parameters associated with the thermal environment, humidity and lighting, and a single office per floor and per facade, approximately in central areas. The results obtained allowed to identify the existence of some points of greater or lesser severity index. In terms of the lower severity indices, referred to as intervention level V, they are referenced in the annexes, with the priority being for the Organization to keep them at this level. As for the higher severity ones, which are the intervention level I, the highest incidence was in terms of the thermal environment, with the exception of one case referring to equipment with a screen and keyboard.
Currently, it is noticeable that employers value the fact that there is a Standard developed by the ISO technical committee for Risk Management, ISO/TC 262 published in February 2018 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 31000). Employers increasingly recognizing the importance that the impact of this standard has on their employees, thus valuing good management for safety and health of the employee. It is noticeable that the application of the international standard in risk management is fundamentally aimed at ensuring safety and health in the workplace as a way to improve efficiency and trust of employees, promoting the reduction of occurrence of work accidents and occupational diseases. (ISO 31000, 2018) This is a project in Occupational Safety and Health, presented with the theme " Identification and Evaluation of Occupational Risks for Employees of a Public Institute ", and aims at the application of the M.A.R.A.T. methodology (Method of assessment of work-related risks and accidents), allowing to determine levels of risk, verify the efficiency of existing measures, define priorities in the application of preventive or corrective measures and detect training needs for employees, as they are exposed to work-related risks in their workspace every day, ranging from uneven floors, uncomfortable temperatures, excess workload, insufficient lighting, noise, vibrations, dust, bacteria or viruses due to incorrect cleaning, or even ergonomic risks, such as poor posture, associated with poorly adjusted chairs or workplaces that are ill-adapted or poorly dimensioned. (IGAS, 2018) For the completion of this project, the sample focused on the 197 employees of the headquarters of the Organization, having analyzed 17 work-related risks that were identified as most relevant in the administrative sector were analyzed: (e.g.: the thermal environment, the physical space available to work, the lighting, the ergonomic conditions, the organization of the archives in the office, among other risks subsequently described). After an initial survey of work-related risks throughout all workspaces, the data collection includes of measurements of parameters associated with the thermal environment, humidity and lighting, and a single office per floor and per facade, approximately in central areas. The results obtained allowed to identify the existence of some points of greater or lesser severity index. In terms of the lower severity indices, referred to as intervention level V, they are referenced in the annexes, with the priority being for the Organization to keep them at this level. As for the higher severity ones, which are the intervention level I, the highest incidence was in terms of the thermal environment, with the exception of one case referring to equipment with a screen and keyboard.
Marat Avaliação de riscos Riscos laborais Saúde no trabalho Segurança no trabalho