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  • Bebidas espirituosas do Algarve
    Publication . Galego, Ludovina; Silva, José Paulo da
    A preparação de bebidas espirituosas é uma tradição com séculos no Algarve. Esta atividade tem sido e continua a ser importante para o desenvolvimento social e económico da região. A caracterização dos processos de produção, tanto tradicionais como industriais, bem como das bebidas resultantes, nunca foi feita de um modo sistemático. Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados e conclusões da avaliação dos vários aspetos relacionados com estas bebidas, sempre numa ótica de melhoria dos recursos já existentes e de valorização dos recursos biológicos disponíveis. Foram estudadas as aguardentes de medronho e de figo, preparada e caraterizada a aguardente de batata-doce pela primeira vez, estudados os licores de murta e preparados, também pela primeira vez, licores de romã aromáticos, e caraterizadas ainda algumas castas utilizadas na preparação de vinhos licorosos. Foram desenvolvidos métodos analíticos para identificação e quantificação de poliaminas em aguardentes e compostos voláteis e polifenóis em todas as matrizes. As aguardentes de medronho preparadas por produtores da região apresentam melhoria na qualidade relativamente às da década de 90, com redução de 30 % na acidez e 50 % no teor em acetato de etilo. O cis-3-hexeno-1-ol é um potencial marcador geográfico da aguardente de medronho. Não foram detetadas poliaminas na aguardente de medronho. Aguardente de batata-doce com excelente aceitação ao nível do consumidor foi preparada utilizando batatas assadas a 130 ºC. A utilização de aguardentes de frutos na meceração origina licores de romã aromáticos. Estes licores apresentam elevado teor em polifenóis (> 2 g/L) se preparados com a casca do fruto. O álcool e o açúcar dos licores retardam a transformação das antocianinas. Os elagitaninos permanecem estáveis nos licores. A preparação de licores de murta com aguardente origina bebidas com perfil aromático complexo. O teor em polifenóis dos vinhos licorosos do Algarve é inferior a 1 g/L. As uvas da casta Trincadeira apresentam teores em resveratrol relativamente elevados (43,9 μg/g de película desidratada).
  • On the valorization of Arbutus unedo L. Pomace: Polyphenol extraction and development of novel functional cookies
    Publication . Duarte, Hugo; Carrera, Ceferino; Aliaño-González, M.J.; Gutiérrez-Escobar, Rocío; Jiménez-Hierro, María Jesús; Palma, Miguel; Galego, Ludovina; Romano, Anabela; Medronho, Bruno
    The fruits of Arbutus unedo L. have a crimson colour and are enriched with remarkable concentrations of bioactive compounds such as anthocyanins and polyphenols. These fruits are commonly used in the production of a Portuguese Protected Geographical Indication distillate called “Aguardente de Medronho”. During this process, a solid pomace is generated and presently discarded without valuable applications. In this work, two strategies have been developed for the valorisation of A. unedo pomace. The first approach considers the extraction of polyphenols from this by-product through the optimization of an ultrasound-assisted method using a Box-Behnken design coupled with response surface methodology. The results indicate that the temperature and the percentage of methanol, along with their interaction, significantly influence the total concentration of polyphenols and the antioxidant activity of the extracts obtained. The optimal conditions identified consider the extraction of 0.5 g of sample with 20 mL of a solvent containing 74% MeOH (aq), at a pH of 4.8, maintained at 70 ◦C for 15 min. On the other hand, the second valorisation strategy considered the use of A. unedo pomace in the development of functional cookies. The incorporation of 15–20% pomace in the cookie formulation was well-received by consumers. This incorporation results in an intake of ca. 6.55 mg of polyphenols per gram of cookie consumed, accompanied by an antioxidant activity of 4.54 mg Trolox equivalents per gram of cookie consumed. Overall, these results encourage the employment of A. unedo pomace either as a reliable source of extracts enriched in polyphenols or as a nutraceutical active ingredient in functional cookies, thereby positively impacting human health.
  • Valorização de aguardentes de fruto e licores tradicionais como suporte de desenvolvimento na Serra Algarvia
    Publication . Almeida, Valentim Ribeiro de; Galego, Ludovina
    Durante séculos, os segredos envolvidos no fabrico de produtos tradicionais, passaram verbalmente de geração em geração. Contudo, a busca de melhores condições sociais levou, nas últimas décadas, ao desenvolvimento de grandes centros urbanos, onde praticamente tudo o que se consome provém de outras regiões do país ou do estrangeiro.
  • Evolução da qualidade da aguardente de medronho na região
    Publication . Galego, Ludovina
    A aguardente de medronho pela sua importância histórica, cultural e económica, para a região, tem sido objeto de vários estudos, desde o início da década de 90 do século XX. A fermentação é a tarefa mais sensível da produção de aguardente de medronho, porque precisa de usar medronhos em bom estado de maturação e decorrer sempre em recipientes fechados, apenas com saída para libertação do gás formado (dióxido de carbono – CO2). A destilação deve ser em alambique de cobre ou contendo cobre, mas as condutas e ou serpentinas devem ser de aço inox porque o cobre nessas condições é difícil de higienizar. A recolha e conservação do destilado deve ser feito em inox, vidro ou madeira e nunca em plástico, uma vez que o plástico deixa resíduos perigosos para a saúde (ftalatos e/ou estireno). Os resultados das aguardentes analisadas desde 2009 apresentam-se, em média, de acordo com as exigências da atual legislação. Deve-se contudo continuar a melhorar para conquistar mercados mais exigentes.
  • Pomegranate liquor preparation and analysis
    Publication . Galego, Ludovina; Estevinho, Letícia; Silva, José P. da
    The pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) liquor has been produced for several centuries in the south of Portugal, mainly in the mountain areas. The “Assaria” variety is the preferred cultivar due to its organoleptic properties and high arils to peel ratio. Wild pomegranates are also widely distributed but, despite the health benefits that have been associated to the fruits, they continue to be unappreciated for consumption. Liquor preparation is a very good alternative for wild pomegranate fruits. We prepared pomegranate liquors by following a maceration procedure using the arils or juice of Assaria and wild pomegranate fruits. Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) fruit spirits were used to prepare the liquors. At the end of the maceration time 5 day as minimum sugar syrup was added. The maturation period was three months or longer. The obtained liquors showed a very attractive pink colour. The colour and the total polyphenol, as well as the anthocyanin and ellagitannin profiles, were measured at the end of the maceration and maturation times. Wild pomegranates gave rise liquors with more intense pink colour and higher polyphenol contents than the prepared using Assaria fruits. The anthocyanin and ellagitannin profiles also indicated higher contents of polyphenols for liquors prepared using wild pomegranate fruits. When juice is used instead of complete arils during the maceration period punicalin is not present and the consequently total polyphenols is low. The main anthocyanins identified in the liquors were delphinidin-3,5-diglucoside, cyaniding-3,5-diglucoside, delphinidin–3-glucoside, cyaniding–3-glucoside, pelargonidin–3–glucoside; the main ellagitannins were punicalagin and punicalin.
  • Início do estudo do envelhecimento da aguardente de medronho
    Publication . Galego, Ludovina
    A cor nos destilados indica geralmente um prévio envelhecimento. Os consumidores associam tal facto a um produto de qualidade. Refiram-se os casos dos whiskies e dos brandies. A aguardente de medronho não foge à regra, sendo preferida nos casos em que apresenta cor. No entanto a qualidade deve ser confirmada pelo aroma e sabor, bem como pelas análises químicas. Com efeito, o processo da obtenção da cor nem sempre é o mais adequado. Com o duplo objectivo de estudar o processo mais adequado para obter uma aguardente medronheira velha de qualidade e de a tipificar de modo a identificar eventuais fraudes, a Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Universidade do Algarve (EST-UAlg) em parceria com a Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Algarve (DRAALG) candidataram-se a um projecto PAMAF-IE
  • Parâmetros de qualidade para a aguardente de medronho
    Publication . Galego, Ludovina
    A Aguardente de Medronho, apesar de merecer interesse por parte da Comunidade Europeia desde 1989 (Regulamento (CEE) 1576/89 do conselho de 29 de Maio de 1989, substituído pelo Regulamento (CE) Nº 110/2008 do Parlamento Europeu e do conselho de 15 de Janeiro de 2008), não teve legislação específica até o ano 2000, o que levava a que facilmente se pudessem vender diversas bebidas espirituosas com a designação de Aguardente de Medronho. A legislação só por si não impede falsificações mas limita o campo das falsificações. Também não conduz a que se produzam aguardentes de boa qualidade, até porque os limites fixados para muitos dos compostos são muito altos para produtos de qualidade. Neste campo de optimizar a qualidade dos destilados há ainda muito por fazer mas sem dúvida a actual lei foi o primeiro passo para moralizar o comércio deste destilado, há que lutar por legislação mais apertada para aguardentes de qualidade.
  • Quantitative analysis of biogenic polyamines in distilled drinks by direct electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry using a nanocontainer
    Publication . Galego, Ludovina; Rodrigues, Maria A. A.; Mendes, Débora C.; Jockusch, Steffen; Silva, José P. da
    RATIONALE: Biogenic polyamines in drinks have been implicated in undesirable physiological effects. Methods for their detection and quantification usually involve derivatization, pre-concentration and clean-up. To assist the evaluation of the potential risk of distillates, it was important to develop a simple and fast analytical method, which is described in this study.METHODS: Biogenic polyamines were selectively encapsulated after addition of a nanocontainer, cucurbit[7] uril (50 mu M), to the distilled drink samples, which were acidified with HCl (pH 3) prior addition of the nanocontainer. The quantification of polyamines was achieved by direct infusion electrospray ionization quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry in the multiple reaction monitoring mode, using encapsulated amantadine as internal standard, and by monitoring signals originating from their host-guest complexes.RESULTS: Six point calibration curves, ranging from 0.5 mu M to 20 mu M of polyamines in water and ethanol/water (50: 50), were used to establish instrument response. The method was validated by analysis of fortified Arbutus spirits. Samples of Arbutus and grape pomace spirits were also analyzed. Linear responses were observed for all polyamines and were similar in water, hydro-alcoholic solutions and fortified Arbutus spirits. Putrescine the simple polyamine was detected only in grape pomace distillate samples.CONCLUSIONS: A quantitative method was developed for rapid and simple analysis of biogenic polyamines in distilled drinks. The detection limits depend on the ionization properties of the samples. Encapsulated amantadine can be used to probe these properties and method application. Copyright (C) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Traditional algarvian distillats and liqueurs historic scientific aspects
    Publication . Galego, Ludovina
    All the evidence indicates that distillation and liqueurs preparation began in Monchique mountain because this place was pointed as a possible capital of the oldest population of Algarve and an important Arabic village (Barreto, 1972: 19). It was possible to find lots of vestiges like the alembic produced by Arabic population near the X century (Telo, 1988: 77). Traditionally the Algarvian people produce the Arbutus unedo L., fig, carob, grape distillates. At the same time they produce liqueur-using maceration of parts of plants or fruits in some kinds of distillates. Most of the work about Algarvian distillates started by studying the basic compounds of Arbutus unedo spirits by gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) as well as other physical-chemical properties. In a second phase aged distillates were studied by their phenolic compounds evolution using high resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC). Volatile compounds of traditional liqueurs were identified by head space micro extraction solid phase (HE-SPME) and also analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and when possible confirmed with standards. Total phenols were determined by Folin-Ciocalteur method. Flavenoids were studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sensorial analysis was also done in every drink studies. The results showed that the arbutus distillate doesn’t present a high level of methanol according to the current legislation. The excesses of acidity or ethyl acetate present normal values when the fermentation is well done (Galego, et al. 1995: 341; Galego, et al. 1995: 685). During the aging process, the colour of spirits tend to become darker, the colour changes occurred more rapidly in the arbutus spirits located in cellars with higher temperatures (Galego, et al. 2001: 432). In the sensory evaluation of samples aged during 12 months into 50 L medium toasting level oak wood barrels, panellists considered that samples of arbutus spirit had too much wood flavour and they were not able to detect the characteristic aroma of arbutus fruit (Galego, et al., 2001: 183). Differences in liqueurs were observed using HS-SPME-GC, HS-SPME-GC-MS or HPLC analysis and this observation was confirmed by a sensorial panel (Galego, et al. 2003: 60).
  • Influence of elaboration process on chemical, biological, and sensory characteristics of European pennyroyal liqueurs
    Publication . Rodríguez Solana, Raquel; Esteves, Eduardo; Mansinhos, Inês; Gonçalves, Sandra; Perez-Santin, Efren; Galego, Ludovina; Romano, Anabela
    BACKGROUND: Mentha pulegium is an aromatic and medicinal plant used in different Mediterranean herb-based liqueurs, whose phytochemical composition depends on the elaboration technique used. The aim of this work was to investigate differences in the sensory, chemical, and biological characteristics of pennyroyal liqueurs elaborated by hydro-alcoholic (HI) and aqueous (AI) infusions, percolation (P), maceration (M), and distillation (D) techniques, and by the mixture of spirit with pennyroyal essential oil (EO). The volatile composition determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography coupled to flame ionization detection (GC-FID), the total phenolic (TPC) and flavonoid (TFC) contents, the antioxidant (AC), and enzyme (alpha-glucosidase, tyrosinase, and acetylcholinesterase) inhibitory capacities, and the sensory analysis by napping, were evaluated in the liqueurs obtained. RESULTS: Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes were the main volatiles present in liqueurs. The M, P, HI, and AI liqueurs showed the highest TPC, TFC, and AC values; and pulegone, the main hepatotoxic chemotype, was found in concentrations that gave rise to concern. The D and EO liqueurs stand out for their acceptable pulegone content and greater tyrosinase inhibition. Similar liqueur classifications were achieved by sensory analyses, and physico-chemical and biological analyses using multiple factor and principal component analyses, respectively. CONCLUSION: These results are an important contribution to the identification of the most appropriate elaboration conditions for herbal liqueurs with the healthiest chemical composition and functional properties. (c) 2020 Society of Chemical Industry