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- Stress approach by media artPublication . Figueiredo, Mauro; Jesus, Saúl; Duarte, Duarte; Cabral, FernandoWith a background in conceptual art and media art, and the relations between science and art, we tried to approach the concept of stress through art. Stress is a recent problem of people in several countries, and could be caused by external factors, such as social pressure, or be derived from internal factors, such as the requirement that the subject puts himself. Stress had a negative impact at several organs of the human body, but heart is the main one. Taking into account all of these aspects, and from photos of two drawings of the heart ...setup program EDIUS, that integrate all the images and sounds planned to perform the stress.
- Milage aprender+ uma app para aprender matemática usando smartphones e tabletsPublication . Figueiredo, Mauro; Rodrigues, J. I.O baixo desempenho dos estudantes na aprendizagem da matemática constitui problema que em alguns países se tem vindo a acentuar nos últimos anos. De acordo com um estudo realizado pelo Departamento de Educação dos EUA, em 2010, as aulas em regime de blended-learning, ou b-learning, apresentam melhores resultados do que as tradicionais aulas presenciais. Por outro lado, observa-se um número crescente de estudantes que usa smartphones e tablets nas escolas, cuja popularidade pode ser aproveitada para estimular a sua utilização em atividades educacionais para melhorar a aprendizagem. Nesta comunicação apresenta-se uma nova aplicação para dispositivos móveis, smartphones e tablets, app MILAGE, através da qual o aluno pode aceder a conteúdos pedagógicos, dentro e fora da sala de aula. De modo a estimular e apoiar a realização das várias atividades propostas, a interface incorpora características de gamificação e recursos multimédia.
- Augmented reality system to assist inexperienced pool playersPublication . Figueiredo, Mauro; Gomes, Cristina; Gomes, José; Lopes, JoãoCombining mobile technologies with Augmented Reality (AR) has recently enabled the ubiquity of AR technologies in our everyday life. Many schools are implementing 1:1 iPad or Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs and in this way smartphones and tablets are being increasingly used by students to improve learning. There are many augmented reality (AR) applications available that can be used to create educational contents for these mobile devices. This paper surveys the most popular augmented reality applications and we select AR eco-systems to be used in daily teaching activities which are user friendly, do not require programming skills and are free. Different augmented reality technologies are explored in this paper to create teaching activities with animations, 3D models and other information to be shown on top of interactive documents. It is presented the creation of a novel augmented reality book that was developed with teachers and students. Several examples are also presented that are used in educational activities, from kindergarten to elementary and secondary schools, to improve reading, comprehension and learning of music. It is also presented the application of augmented reality to help students of the first year of mechanical engineering to better understand the drawing of orthographic views. These examples illustrate several approaches that were presented to students of Science Education at the Algarve University that will be future teachers.
- An efficient parallel collision detection algorithm for virtual prototype environmentsPublication . Figueiredo, Mauro; Terrence, FernandoThe automatic recognition of geometric constraints in virtual assembly and maintenance operations relies in the determination of intersecting surfaces between virtual prototypes. This is a key challenge in many virtual prototype applications, where it is necessary to find collisions precisely and interactively. This paper presents a novel algorithm to determine intersecting surfaces at interactive speed in a virtual prototyping environment. The proposed algorithm is based on the Overlapping AxisAligned Bounding Box (OAABB). The OAABB concept is used effectively to eliminate the number of surfaces that cannot intersect and improve performance. The algorithm also facilitates the implementation using parallel computing methods. OpenMP is used, taking advantage of shared memory multiple processors and reducing the overall time complexity of the collision detection algorithm. To achieve an efficient parallel simulation, it is necessary to provide an efficient load balancing scheme. Our experiences in parallelising the code to achieve a better work distribution are also described. Results show that the proposed collision detection achieves interactive rates in real industrial applications as desired.
- MILAGE LEARN+: A mobile learning app to aid the students in the study of organic chemistryPublication . Fonseca, Custódia; Zacarias, Marielba; Figueiredo, MauroInteractive learning is one of the approaches that is very important to explore in higher education. Chemistry students own smartphones, laptops, and tablets and could use appropriate apps to complement traditional forms of learning. Here we introduce a new app, MILAGE LEARN+, which integrates several teaching strategies, such as mobile learning, autonomous learning, peer review, blended learning, and gamification. These strategies were evaluated by the student users through an electronic survey form containing 15 statements with responses graded on a Likert-type scale. Students rate the usage of novel teaching/learning strategies in the MILAGE LEARN+ app as something very positive. There is a positive correlation between the relative grades obtained using MILAGE LEARN+ and the final exam grades. Thus, in this experience, students with better results in MILAGE LEARN+ also had better results in the final exam.
- Anamorfoses e outras tecnologias imersivas no contexto da educação artísticaPublication . Flores, Manuel; Araújo, António; Figueiredo, MauroApresentamos uma proposta de investigação na área da média-arte digital onde se pretende combinar os princípios da anamorfose com as novas tecnologias baseadas na realidade aumentada. Esta perspetiva tem subjacente a ideia de que é possível relacionar a anamorfose cónica com as projeções realizadas em Realidade Aumentada. No âmbito desta investigação propõe-se uma abordagem ao estudo da perspetiva centrada nos contributos de Dürer e nos conceitos fundamentais da construção de anamorfoses. Pretende-se refletir sobre as possibilidades desta abordagem metodológica e analisar os seus contributos no desenvolvimento da capacidade de visualização espacial dos alunos do 3º ciclo do ensino básico e, desta forma, facilitar a compreensão dos conceitos relativos ao ensino da geometria.
- Learning programming and electronics with augmented realityPublication . Figueiredo, Mauro; Cifredo-Chacon, Maria-Angeles; Gonçalves, VitorDigital native generations have been technology consumers all their life. Our children should be educated to be capable to contribute, as active producers, to the digital framework with a maturity and critical attitude. To do that children should learn to program from very early stage at school and combine this with electronics can be the right way to motivate them to develop skills such as reasoning, problems resolution, logic, creativity, perseverance and team work. This paper describes the development of an augmented reality book that can be used by children to learn programming and electronics. Students alone, in groups, at home or in the classroom can use mobile devices (smart-phones or tablets) and augmented reality to help them in the electronics assembly. We believe that the use of augmented reality will change significantly the teaching activities by enabling the addition of supplementary information that is seen on a mobile device.
- Desenvolvimento de recursos educativos em mundos virtuaisPublication . Gomes, José; Figueiredo, MauroVirtual Worlds arean important area for development and implementation of educational resources, especially by their enclosing potential in termsof interaction, collaboration, participationand immersion factors regarded as significant stimuli in the teaching-learning process. The modeling and exploration of virtualworldscan provide usersinnovative learningenvironments, as well as means to develop ideas and concepts, conveying the creation of new knowledge. The Virtual Worldcan act as a platformfor synthesis and sharingof information using various types of media. In this article we contextualize Virtual Worldtechnology applied to learning of music history, and describe the creation and implementation of a VW, developed with the program VivatyStudio. This virtual worldrecreates a musical gallery, focusing on Aesthetic Periods of Music History, used in educational context, for an audience consisting of students from the 2ndCycleof Basic Education,in MusicalEducation area.
- The development of an eBook for teaching and learning mathematicsPublication . Figueiredo, Mauro; Bidarra, José; Bostad, RuneMobile devices, smartphones, phablets and tablets, are widely available. This is a generation of digital natives. We cannot ignore that they are no longer the same students for which the education system was designed traditionally. Studying math is many times a cumbersome task. But this can be changed if the teacher takes advantage of the technology that is currently available. We are working in the use of different tools to extend the classroom in a blended learning model. In this paper, it is presented the development of an eBook for teaching mathematics to secondary students. It is developed with the free and open standard EPUB 3 that is available for Android and iOS platforms. This specification supports video embedded in the eBook. In this paper it is shown how to take advantage of this feature, making videos available about lectures and problems resolutions, which is especially interesting for learning mathematics.
- Realidade aumentada e gamificação. Desenvolvimento de aumentações num manual escolar de educação musicalPublication . Gomes, Cristina; Figueiredo, Mauro; Bidarra de Almeida, José; Gomes, JoséO tema proposto nesta comunicação versa a problemática da introdução de estratégias de gamificação em contextos de aprendizagem formal por meio de objetos didáticos tecnológicos mediados por livros aumentados, sugerindo uma parceria simbiótica entre o livro tradicional em formato de papel e uma abordagem pedagógica que se atualiza ao incorporar os mecanismos próprios dos jogos de vídeo. O estudo que aqui se apresenta teve como principal objetivo validar ou inferir a hipótese suportada pela nossa observação de que o emprego destes artefactos e estratégias aportam ganhos à instrução, constituindo profícuas ferramentas pedagógicas. No decurso da pesquisa tentamos apreender os fenómenos investigados no contexto em que ocorreram, pelo que adotamos uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa de génese construtivista, com especial incidência numa tipologia de investigação desenvolvimento (development research). Utilizamos em concomitância a metodologia de estudo de caso, nas vertentes descritiva e interpretativa, para caracterizar a utilização dos objetos protótipos desenvolvidos num projeto real, com condições não simuladas. Este artigo sintetiza um estudo de caso realizado no âmbito de uma investigação de tese de doutoramento pelo que os resultados relativos à pesquisa efetuada serão apresentados e discutidos, ponderando-se as possíveis ilações a partir dos dados recolhidos.