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- Anelídeos poliquetas como isco vivo: caracterização da atividade de apanha em ambientes salobros costeiros PortuguesesPublication . Fidalgo E Costa, Pedro; Sá, Erica; Alves, Ana Sofia; Cabral, Sara; Castro, Nuno; Picard, David; Castro, João J.; Cancela Da Fonseca, Luís; Chainho, Paula; Canning-Clode, João; Pombo, Ana Margarida; Costa, José LinoA captura de isco vivo para a pesca, efetuada em sedimentos intertidais, tem aumentado em todo o Mundo, pois face ao incremento da procura, constitui uma importante fonte de rendimento para as populações que vivem junto à costa. Macroinvertebrados, tais como, moluscos, crustáceos e anelídeos poliquetas, entre outros, são capturados em muitos sistemas estuarinos portugueses, sendo a dimensão real das capturas subestimada. Este é o caso das capturas de anelídeos poliquetas para utilização, quer como isco vivo, quer como suplemento alimentar em atividades de aquacultura.Com o intuito de estimar o esforço da apanha de isco, espécies-alvo, técnicas e ferramentas utilizadas nesta atividade e as características dos apanhadores (número, idade e género), foram escolhidos como locais de estudo os estuários do Tejo e do Sado e as Rias de Aveiro e Formosa, no âmbito do projeto“Anelídeos Poliquetas como Isco Vivo em Portugal: Gestão da Apanha, Importação e Cultivo”, financiado pelo Programa PROMAR. Os resultados obtidos nestes sistemas mostraram que: i) os apanhadores de moluscos bivalves foram claramente maioritários no Estuário do Tejo e nas Rias de Aveiro e Formosa.
- Cytotoxic and hemolytic activities of extracts of the fish parasite dinoflagellate amyloodinium ocellatumPublication . Moreira, Márcio; Soliño, Lucia; Marques, Cátia L.; Laizé, Vincent; Pousão-Ferreira, Pedro; Fidalgo E Costa, Pedro; Soares, FlorbelaThe dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum is the etiological agent of a parasitic disease named amyloodiniosis. Mortalities of diseased fish are usually attributed to anoxia, osmoregulatory impairment, or opportunistic bacterial infections. Nevertheless, the phylogenetic proximity of A. ocellatum to a group of toxin-producing dinoflagellates from Pfiesteria, Parvodinium and Paulsenella genera suggests that it may produce toxin-like compounds, adding a new dimension to the possible cause of mortalities in A. ocellatum outbreaks. To address this question, extracts prepared from different life stages of the parasite were tested in vitro for cytotoxic effects using two cell lines derived from branchial arches (ABSa15) and the caudal fin (CFSa1) of the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), and for hemolytic effects using erythrocytes purified from the blood of gilthead seabream juveniles. Cytotoxicity and a strong hemolytic effect, similar to those observed for Karlodinium toxins, were observed for the less polar extracts of the parasitic stage (trophont). A similar trend was observed for the less polar extracts of the infective stage (dinospores), although cell viability was only affected in the ABSa15 line. These results suggest that A. ocellatum produces tissue-specific toxic compounds that may have a role in the attachment of the dinospores’ and trophonts’ feeding process.
- Insight into aquaculture's potential of marine annelid worms and ecological concerns: a reviewPublication . Pombo, Ana; Baptista, Teresa; Granada, Luana; Ferreira, Susana M. F.; Gonçalves, Sílvia C.; Anjos, Catarina; Sá, Erica; Chainho, Paula; Fonseca, Luís Cancela da; Costa, Pedro Fidalgo e; Costa, José L.Polychaetes are marine annelid worms that can contribute to aquaculture diversification. Its culture has been viable, and commercially attempted, but intensive production has progressed only in few countries around the world. In the countries with no production, marine polychaetes are imported or harvested. A strong and sustained research investment provided to a better understanding of the nutritional requirements and reproduction of some species. Recent studies showed new technical improvements, which can lead to an important progress in productivity and give a new impetus to the polychaete production. Some marine worm species were identified as good candidates for integrated multitrophic aquaculture. The development of cost-effective aquaculture techniques for marine annelid worms is essential to ensure a balance between commercial interests and the preservation of ecosystems. The influence of polychaete aquaculture on the environment and vice versa raise important concerns related to ecological security and sustainability of this activity. This review focus on the main technical improvements and advances that have been made in areas as diverse as: aquaculture potential of polychaetes, reared species, main species used worldwide, and highlights biological and ecological concerns, important challenges and recommendations.