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  • State of the art of pricing policy in air transportation: network carriers vs. low-cost airlines
    Publication . Wehner, Christian; López-Bonilla, Jesús Manuel; López-Bonilla, Luis Miguel; Santos, José António C.
    The modern air transport industry is highly competitive. To survive in the market, the implementation of a successful marketing strategy is fundamental. In particular, an effective pricing policy has become crucial for airlines to remain profitable. Correspondingly, the different types of airline in the market have also established very distinct pricing policies. The present study is based on a literature review and presents the state of the art of pricing policy in air transportation. The aim is to compare and discuss the pricing strategies of network carriers and low-cost airlines. Special attention is paid to Revenue Management, which is a very important management tool used by airlines to take advantage of the differences in willingness to pay of passengers. The pricing policy, however, depends on the overall business strategy of the airline. Results show many differences, resulting from the fact that these two types of airline are characterized by very different fundamental business models and, correspondingly, also target groups. Since network carriers and also low-cost airlines have adjusted their pricing strategies lately, these recent developments will be discussed as well. This paper adds to the knowledge of this topic because it presents the most up-to-date and complete study on pricing regarding network carriers vs. low-cost airlines.
  • Determinants of residents’ support for sustainable tourism development: an empirical study in Midyat, Turkey
    Publication . Uslu, Abdullah; Erul, Emrullah; Santos, José António C.; Obradović, Sanja; Santos, Margarida Custódio
    The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which residents’ perceptions of their place image can predict their perceptions of the impacts of tourism, and ultimately, to elucidate their support for sustainable tourism development in Midyat, Turkey. This city currently faces a range of negative impacts associated with tourism, such as inflation, high leakage, threats to family structures, environmental degradation, pollution, and crowding. At the same time, Midyat seeks to maximize the positive impacts of tourism, including job creation and employment, environmental protection, cultural and educational enrichment, and recreational opportunities. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a strategic shift in development. The study population consists of residents residing in Midyat, Turkey, from whom three hundred and fifty-six questionnaires were collected. PLS (Partial Least Squares) path analysis was utilized to analyze the research model constructed based on the literature. The results demonstrated that residents’ place image significantly predicted two out of three impacts of tourism, namely, socio-cultural and economic impacts. Additionally, residents’ perceptions of environmental and socio-cultural impacts were significant predictors of their support or opposition to sustainable tourism. While perceived environmental impacts have a positive effect on support for sustainable tourism, perceived economic impacts have a negative effect. This finding can guide tourism planners and professionals to make more informed decisions and take stronger steps toward sustainable tourism development. This study revealed that the quality of life, job opportunities, infrastructure, and economic income of Midyat’s residents are insufficient. However, the city is characterized by social attributes, such as friendliness, trust, and supportiveness. The results are limited to local residents, and using only one tourist stakeholder to assess sustainable tourism development is insufficient. Therefore, additional research must be performed to guarantee the involvement of other tourism stakeholders.
  • Holiday rentals in cultural tourism destinations: a comparison of daily rate estimation for Seville and Porto
    Publication . Solano-Sánchez, Miguel Ángel; Santos, José António C.; Santos, Margarida Custódio; Fernández-Gámez, Manuel Ángel
    Multiple variables determine holiday rentals’ price composition in cultural tourism destinations. This study sought, first, to test a model including the variables with the greatest impact on tourism accommodations’ prices in these destinations and, second, to demonstrate the proposed model’s applicability to cultural city destinations by identifying the adaptations needed to apply it to different contexts. Two cities were selected for the model application—Seville in Spain and Porto in Portugal—both of which are located in different countries and are well-known cultural tourism destinations. The data were extracted from because this accommodations platform has adapted its offer to the sharing economy, becoming one of the most important players in the market, and because research on holiday rentals using data from is scarce. The results show that the variables used are relevant and highlight the adaptations necessary for specific cultural tourism destinations, thereby indicating that the model can be applied to all cultural tourism destinations. The proposed approach can help holiday rental managers select the correct tools for determining their accommodation units’ daily rates according to their product and marketing context’s characteristics.
  • Representações do Apocalipse nas primeiras obras de Ernst Jünger
    Publication . Santos, José António C.
    Partindo do desenvolvimento dos cenários apocalípticos nos textos bíblicos e das suas formas mais características de representação, assim como de algumas influências dessas representações na cultura ocidental, o presente artigo centra-se na configuração literária do Apocalipse nas duas primeiras obras de Ernst Junger, ou seja no Kriegstagebuch 1914-1918, 1º diário que o autor escreveu durante a sua participação na Primeira Guerra Mundial e em In Stahlgewittern (Nas Tempestades de Aço ), obra publicada em 1920 a partir da reescrita do referido diário e reformulada sete vezes ao longo da vida do autor.
  • Sustainability communication in hospitality in peripheral tourist destinations Implications for marketing strategies
    Publication . Santos, Margarida Custódio; Veiga, Celia; Águas, Paulo; Santos, José António C.
    Purpose The purpose of this study posited that tourism companies and more especially hotels located in tourist destinations dependent on air transportation, need to commit more strongly to sustainability because of their greater distance from the main outbound markets. The research focused on determining whether hotels' star rating, location, age and size influence their sustainability communication and on identifying the characteristics of the messages used in hotels' sustainability communication. Design/methodology/approach To accomplish these objectives, a sequential mixed methods design with three interconnected phases was used, including quantitative data and content analysis. Findings Less than 10% of hotels located in a tourist destination strongly dependent on air transportation and peripheral to the main outbound markets actually communicate about sustainable practices on their websites. Communication practices are dependent on hotels' star rating, location, size and age. Research limitations/implications - The study limitations are that it was conducted in only one destination and that the hotel websites' layouts are heterogeneous, which means that the analysis and comparison of the relevant information is extremely challenging. In addition, the research only considered hotels or similar lodgings, leaving out other types of accommodation. Practical implications - Hotels in tourist destinations dependent on air transportation need to adjust their sustainability communication in response to the trend among tourists toward greater consciousness about the environmental impacts of their individual tourism-related choices. Hotels also need to provide more accurate and detailed information on sustainable practices, with both affective and rational appeals that focus on tourists' experiences. Originality/value The study was conducted in a destination dependent on air transportation and peripheral to the primary outbound markets.
  • Dataset for holiday rentals’ daily rate pricing in a cultural tourism destination
    Publication . Solano Sánchez, Miguel Ángel; Núñez Tabales, Julia Margarita; Caridad y Ocerin, José María; Santos, José António C.; Santos, Margarida Custódio
    This data article describes a holiday rental dataset from a medium-size cultural city destination. Daily rate and variables related to location, size, amenities, rating, and seasonality are highlighted as the main features. The data was extracted from, legal registration of the accommodation (RTA) and Google Maps, among other sources. This dataset contains data from 665 holiday rentals offered as entire flat (rent per room was discarded), with a total of 1623 cases and 28 variables considered. Regarding data extraction, RTA is ordered by registration number, which is taken and, through a Google search with the following structure: "apartment registration no. + Booking + Seville", the holiday rental profile in is found. Then, it is verified that both the address of the accommodation and the registration number match in RTA and, proceeding with data extraction to a Microsoft Excel's file. Google Maps is used to determine the minutes spent walking from the accommodation to the spot of maximum tourist interest of the city. A price index based on the average price per square meter of real estate per district is also incorporated to the dataset, as well as a visual appeal rating made by the authors of every holiday rental based on its photos profile. Only cases with complete data were considered. A statistics summary of all variables of the data collected is presented. This dataset can be used to develop an estimation model of daily prices of stay in holiday rentals through predetermined variables. Econometrics methodologies applied to this dataset can also allow testing which variables included affecting the composition of holiday rentals' daily rates and which not, as well as determining their respective influence on daily rates.
  • Future travel intentions in light of risk and uncertainty: An extended theory of planned behavior
    Publication . Erul, Emrullah; Woosnam, Kyle Maurice; Salazar, John; Uslu, Abdullah; Santos, José António C.; Sthapit, Erose
    COVID-19 has affected travel and will undoubtedly impact how people view travel and future intentions to travel as we adjust to life moving forward. Understanding how people arrive at these travel intentions will be paramount for managers and planners in determining how best to reactively and proactively plan for tourism, especially considering perceived risk and uncertainty related to COVID-19. By extending the theory of planned behavior, this study aims to examine the relationship between perceived risk, perceived uncertainty, subjective norms, attitudes about future travel, and perceived behavioral control in explaining individuals’ intentions to travel in the near future. This study employed a quantitative research method, and data were gathered using an online questionnaire distributed through Qualtrics from a sample of 541 potential travelers (representing residents of 46 US states) from 23 June 2020 to 1 July 2020. Of the eight hypotheses tested, four were supported. Surprisingly, neither perceived risk nor uncertainty were significant within the model. Subjective norms significantly predicted both attitudes about traveling and perceived behavioral control. Subjective norms and perceived behavioral control, in turn, explained a moderate degree of variation in individuals’ intentions to travel. Study implications, limitations, and future research suggestions are offered. One of the main managerial implications includes the need for destinations to be proactive and focus on intentional planning for sustainable tourism.
  • Local food and changes in tourist eating habits in a sun-and-sea destination: a segmentation approach
    Publication . Santos, José António C.; Santos, Margarida Custódio; Pereira, Luis; Richards, Greg; Caiado, Luis
    Purpose Little is known about how tourists' eating habits change between everyday life and holidays. This study aims to identify market segments based on changes in food consumption and experiences of a sun-and-sea destination's local food. The authors evaluate to what extent tourists consume local food and assess the contribution of local food experiences to the tourists' overall experience. Design/methodology/approach The target population was all tourists visiting the Algarve in the Summer 2018 and included both domestic and international sun-and-sea tourists. A sample of 378 valid questionnaires was collected. Data analysis included descriptive analysis, statistical tests and cluster analysis. Findings Cluster analysis identified three segments: non-foodies, selective foodies and local gastronomy foodies. Results indicate that tourists change their eating habits during holidays, eating significantly more seafood and fish and less legumes, meat, fast food and cereals and their derivatives. International and domestic sun-and-sea tourists reported that eating local food contributes significantly to their overall tourism experience. Practical implications Sun-and-sea destinations should promote the offer of local dishes, especially those that include locally produced fish and seafood, to improve the tourist experience, differentiate the destination and increase sustainability. Originality/value The authors address three identified research gaps:a posteriorisegmentation based on tourists' food consumption behaviour; measurement of changes in eating practices between home and in a sun-and-sea destination; and assessment of the role of food experiences to overall tourism experience of tourists visiting a sun-and-sea destination.
  • Cognição e comunicação no âmbito da pedagogia – uma reflexão à luz da relevance theory
    Publication . Santos, José António C.
    Partindo do pressuposto defendido pela Relevance Theory, de que os processos cognitivos humanos são orientados por um mecanismo de otimização da relevância, procurando obter os máximos efeitos contextuais ao menor custo de processamento, este artigo tenta delinear a aplicação à prática pedagógica de alguns princípios da referida teoria, tendo como objetivo, o desencadear de uma reflexão individual acerca das implicações pedagógicas aqui demonstradas, nomeadamente em termos da escolha da linguagem e dos conteúdos, assim como em termos das intenções comunicativa e informativa da comunicação humana.
  • A literarização como processo: o caso da obra In Stahlgewittern de Ernst Jünger
    Publication . Santos, José António C.
    O processo de literarização da obra In Stahlgewittern de Ernst Junger é um caso paradigmático em toda a literatura alemã devido à sua complexidade e ao seu alongamento temporal.