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- Revisiting the destination image construct through a conceptual modelPublication . Matos, Nelson; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, PatríciaIn a highly complex and dynamic sector like tourism, the current economic crisis brings to destination managers not only challenges but also opportunities. The image destinations promote to the market is a key element in the tourist decision-making process when choosing a tourism destination. This paper’s purpose is, therefore, to review and explore the destination image construct and its implications for the destination, and also to present a model of destination image based on previous studies. Implications for creating, enhancing and implementing the correct marketing programs for tourism destinations are provided.
- A model development of relationships between tourism experiencesPublication . de Matos, Nelson; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, PatríciaThe latest economic downturn raises new predicaments for DMO’s and stakeholders to meet their target’s needs, but it also takes to the forefront of the tourism industry the importance to assess how the tourism experiences impact on the tourists’ perceived destination image, to prevent money being loss in the wrong promotion strategies. This paper purpose is twofold: A) to review the destination image and tourism experiences constructs; B) to develop a theoretical model between the experiences and the destination image.
- Residents' attitudes and the adoption of pro-tourism behaviours: The case of developing island countriesPublication . Ribeiro, Manuel Alector; Patrícia Valle, Patrícia Oom do Valle; Silva, joão; Woosnam, Kyle M.This study considers both economic and non-economic factors to examine how residents perceive tourism and ultimately develop pro-tourism behaviour. The concepts used in model creation are Social Exchange Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action. Based on data derived from 418 residents of the Cape Verde Islands (off the coast of western Africa) a structural equation model is used to test how perceived personal benefits and general economic conditions shape perceptions of tourism, and in turn how these perceptions determine pro-tourism behaviour. Additionally, the concept of welcoming behaviour is included in the model. It is found the perceived tourism impacts mediate between welcoming and pro-tourism behaviours. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Tourist management: Destinations management structure in Algarve-Portugal and Foz do Iguacu-BrazilPublication . Fontana, Rosislene de Fatima; Gadotti dos Anjos, Sara J.; Pinto, PatríciaCompetitiveness among tourist destinations has increasingly required its managers to stay in the market. Thus, the management of the destination should be made up of people from both the public and private sectors, looking for a better management of the resources of the destination. The objective of this article is to recognize the tourism management structure of two internationally renowned destinations: the Algarve, situated in the south of Portugal, one of the main tourist destinations in this European country; and Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, located on the triple border with Argentina and Paraguay, the third most visited tourist destination in the country. This is an exploratory descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, involving bibliographical and documentary research. The results indicate that in both destinations, public and private organizations are present in the management process, even though they have different structures.
- A satisfação dos licenciados em turismo: os novos desafios para as Instituções de Ensino Superior e para o setor do turismo.Publication . Eurico, Sofia; Pinto, Patrícia; Silva, João AlbinoO presente estudo analisa os elementos antecedentes e consequentes da satisfação do diplomado em Turismo em relação à Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) frequentada, considerando ainda o seu conhecimento do setor do Turismo enquanto profissional desta área. Este encontro de experiências representará uma fonte de informação chave para o posicionamento e gestão estratégicos das IES com oferta formativa em Turismo, bem como para a indústria do Turismo, que reconhecerá as que correspondem de forma mais assertiva às necessidades dos atuais profissionais do Turismo. Utilizando um quadro conceptual baseado na análise da satisfação do consumidor e recorrendo à técnica Partial Least Square – Path Modelling, procurou-se analisar a relação entre as variáveis que integram o processo de formação da satisfação do consumidor considerado, e que se baseia na metodologias dos Índices Nacionais de Satisfação do Consumidor, e algumas caraterísticas da amostra. Os resultados evidenciam a variável imagem como o elemento principal no processo de formação da satisfação dos inquiridos em relação à IES frequentada e indicam ainda distinções relevantes na perceção dos inquiridos ao nível da natureza da IES, ensino universitário ou politécnico.
- Inserção Profissional e Progressão na Carreira dos Antigos Alunos de Mestrado da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Algarve no Período de 1992 a 2006Publication . Cândido, Carlos; Pinto, PatríciaPassados mais de dez anos desde que os primeiros alunos de mestrado da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Algarve conclufram os seus cursos, tornou-se necessario conhecer urn pouco melhor a trajectoria da sua insen;ao profissional e progressao na carreira. Adoptou-se uma metodologia semelhante a ja empregue anteriormente em estudos realizados junto de recem-licenciados,essencialmente descritiva e baseada numinquerito atraves do correio. Os dados obtidos permitem retirar conclusoes relevantes para os actuais e futuros mestres, bem coma para a propria Faculdade de Economia. Em geral, as conclusoes saDpositivas e sugerem que, apesar do contexto economico menos favoravel de alguns dos anos do periodo em estudo, a insen;ao profissional e a progressao na carreira são satisfatorias essencialmente descritiva e baseada numinquerito atraves do correio. Os dados obtidos permitem retirar conclusoes relevantes para os actuais e futuros mestres, bem coma para a propria Faculdade de Economia. Em geral, as conclusoes saDpositivas e sugerem que, apesar do contexto economico menos favoravel de alguns dos anos do periodo em estudo, a insen;ao profissional e a progressao na carreira saDsatisfatorias.
- Designing tourist experiences in the countrysidePublication . Agapito, Dora; Pinto, Patrícia; Mendes, JúlioThe rise of the experiential paradigm in conceptualizing tourism has directed special attention to the five senses - sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch - in designing tourist experiences. Additionally, a multidisciplinary literature approach shows the importance of all the senses in human perception, suggesting multiple sensory experiences in geographical encounters, such as in tourism destinations. In the countryside, tourist experiences are highly based on a diversified collection of undeveloped resources, offering multiple sensory stimuli that can be managed in order to design and enhance tourist experiences and bolster natural resources, in a view to a sustainable local development. This study aims to understand the role of human senses in designing tourist experiences in the countryside. A survey was presented to tourists in rural lodgings. Sensory experiences emerged from a content analysis followed by a multiple correspondence analysis, suggesting that sensory information is suitable for theming tourist experiences in rural areas. Practical implications are discussed.
- A review on destination social responsibility: towards a research agendaPublication . Agapito, Dora; Kronenburg, Rosalie; Pinto, PatríciaDestination social responsibility (DSR) is a contemporary construct related to social responsibility efforts at the level of destinations rather than corporations. While DSR has become a salient topic for destinations, research approaches are still fragmented. This work discusses existing conceptualisations, followed by a systematic review. Studies have supported positive outcomes of DSR, which can be favourable towards destinations at large. Although stakeholder theory is deemed foundational in conceptualizing DSR, findings reveal the construct has been studied from the perspective of tourists or residents, whereas other stakeholders are still absent from studies. The topic is biased towards quantitative methods and settings, and a comprehensive measurement instrument and definition of DSR are called for. This review aims to outline the contribution and progress of DSR in the context of responsible tourism, propose a unifying definition of DSR, and offer avenues for future research.
- Tourism experiences and experiential image: Algarve, a safe and joyful destination in EuropePublication . Manuela Guerreiro, Maria; Pinto, Patrícia; de Matos, Nelson; Pereira, Luís; Sequeira, Bernardete; Ramos, Celia; Wikesjö, Magda; Agapito, Dora; Martins, Rafaela; Bender, Ana; Lampreia, FatimaTurExperience is a project within the scope of the Regional Intelligent Specialization Strategy of the Algarve (RIES3 Algarve),and the Intelligent Algarve Region – RIA,contributing to the promotion of research and development (R&D) of the tourism industry in the Algarve. Funded by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional(FEDER) and the Programa Operacional CRESC Algarve 2020, Portugal2020, and Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), the project involves several stakeholders, namely the ResearchCenter for Tourism, Sustainability, and Well-being (CinTurs) and the Economics Faculty the University of Algarve, Aeroporto Gago Coutinho at Faro, Algarve Tourism Board, hotel units, among other entities. The project addresses the followingresearch question: How is the Algarve tourism destination experienced and perceived by tourists? Overall, it aims to identify and measure the touristic experiences and their impacts on the experiential image of the Algarve as a tourism destination. The project results are expected to contribute to the future Observatory for Sustainable Tourism in the Algarve (a partnership between regionalentities [RTA and CCDR] and theUniversity of Algarve). A mix-methodapproach was performed using triangulation involving three studies. First,a survey-based questionnaire encompassing the high and low seasons of the Algarve tourism experience.
- Motivations of tourists in wine regions: the case of La Rioja, SpainPublication . Vorobiova, Natalia; Patrícia Valle, Patrícia Oom do Valle; Pintassilgo, Pedro; Lavandoski, JoicePurpose This paper addresses the motivations of tourists who visit the region of La Rioja, Spain, which is well known for its internationally recognized, high-quality wines, yet remains understudied as a wine tourism destination. The paper aims to ascertain whether tourists are attracted to La Rioja because of its famous wines and wine-related activities or if other motivations exist. Design/methodology/approach The data were derived from 217 questionnaires regarding tourists' motivations. A tourist survey was applied in La Rioja's capital city, Logrono, and segmentation analysis was undertaken. The data were first grouped into five factors regarding motivations for one's visit. These factors were then used to create two clusters: "wine tourists" and "other tourists". Findings The results enabled us to detect different segments of tourists. The existence of two clusters suggests that tourists are motivated to visit the region for various reasons that are not necessarily wine-related. Thus, the region should be marketed to tourists beyond the theme of wine, as there is a demand for diverse experiences. Originality/value Using the push and pull theory, this study contributes to the literature on the profile of visitors to wine tourism destinations by identifying differences in terms of motivations and other personal characteristics between "wine tourists" and the "other tourists". It also adds to the few existing studies on wine tourism segmentation in Spain through its focus on La Rioja, which is one of the most famous Spanish wine tourism destinations.