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  • The influence of planning and response inhibition on cognitive functioning of Non-Psychotic unipolar depressed suicide attempters
    Publication . Moniz, Marco; Jesus, Saul Neves de; Pacheco, Andreia; Gonçalves, Eduardo; Viseu, J.; Brás, Marta; Silva, Dina; Batista, Silvia
    Depression is one of the main risk factors for suicide. However, little is known about the intricate relationships among depressive symptomatology in unipolar depression, suicide risk, and the characteristics of executive dysfunction in depressed patients. We compared 20 non-psychotic unipolar depressed suicide attempters to 20 matching depressed non-attempters and to 20 healthy controls to further investigate the possible differences in neuropsychological performance. Depressed subjects were controlled for current suicidal ideation, and their neuropsychological profile was assessed using a range of measures of executive functioning, attention, verbal memory, processing speed, and psychomotor speed. Depressed groups were outperformed by healthy controls. Depressed attempters presented more cognitive impairment than depressed non-attempters on a simple Go/No-go response inhibition task and performed better than non-attempters on the Tower of London planning task. Depressed attempters were clearly distinguished by a deficit in response inhibition (Go/No-go commission errors). The normative planning performance (Tower of London extra moves) of the suicide attempters was unexpected, and this unanticipated finding calls for further research. Normative planning may indicate an increased risk of suicidal behavior.
  • Um estudo sobre a reputação, satisfação e motivação em contexto organizacional: um caso do sector público
    Publication . Viseu, J.; Jesus, Saul Neves de
    Este estudo pretende averiguar qual o impacto que a percepção de reputação, na óptica do colaborador, tem na sua satisfação laboral e, por sua vez, qual a influência que esta tem na satisfação com a vida e motivação no trabalho. Com este intuito, foi recolhida uma amostra composta por 1082 colaboradores da Comboios de Portugal Entidade Pública Empresarial. Para concretização desta investigação, recorreu-se a uma metodologia de índole quantitativa utilizando-se um protocolo de investigação constituído por quatro escalas, destinadas a aferir, a percepção de reputação, a satisfação e motivação no trabalho, e a satisfação com a vida, bem como por um questionário demográfico. Os resultados obtidos, através do recurso ao programa de análise estatística SPSS, permitem-nos compreender que a percepção de reputação tem um impacto significativo na explicação da satisfação no trabalho (32.9%), e que esta influencia, de forma significativa, a satisfação com a vida (55.0%) e a motivação no trabalho (64.6%). Estes dados, podem ter influência ao nível das políticas organizacionais internas, dado que, indicam às organizações que a percepção de reputação dos seus colaboradores é, possivelmente, garantia de uma satisfação laboral positiva e que esta, afecta tanto a motivação laboral como a satisfação com a vida. Se estes conceitos forem correctamente conciliados, a imagem projectada para o exterior, público-alvo e comunidade, será positiva e isso poderá trazer um efeito benéfico ao nível do bottom-line (retorno financeiro).
  • Teacher motivation: bibliometric analysis of the relationship with individual and organizational variables, and work attitudes
    Publication . Viseu, João; Neves de Jesus, Saul; Quevedo-Blasco, Raul; Rus, Claudia L.; Canavarro, Jose M.
    Teachers' motivation is essential to the success of educational policies. When studying this concept, it is necessary to examine school and teacher characteristics. Due to the relevance of this theme, it becomes crucial to analyze the body of research conducted about it, taking into account organizational variables -as schools are organizations-but also psychological capital and work satisfaction. Therefore, a bibliometric study was conducted using Web of Science (WoS) database, having defined the search period for the years 2000-2013 and only considering works that belong to the psychology field. 33 documents in total fulfilled the inclusion criteria, where it was verified that: (a) 2012 was the year with most publications; (b) work satisfaction was the concept which was most frequently studied, along with teacher motivation; (c) the educational psychology category had the most documents; and (d) English was the dominant language in these works. The United States of America and Canada obtained the highest values in the following bibliometric indicators: number of documents (Ndoc) and number of researchers (Nres), and Israel had a higher level of productivity (Prod) than the other countries. The results and their implications are discussed. Copyright (C) 2014, Konrad Lorenz University Foundation. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC ND Licence (
  • Coping as a moderator of the influence of economic stressors on psychological health
    Publication . Neves de Jesus, Saul; Leal, Ana Rita; Viseu, J.; Matavelli, Rafaela Dias; Pereira, Joana; Greenglass, Esther; Pinto, Patrícia
    Since 2008, there has been a decline in the economy of several European countries, including Portugal. In the literature, it is emphasized that periods of economic uncertainty propitiate the appearance of mental health problems and diminish populations? well-being. The aim of the present study, with 729 Portuguese participants, 33.9% (n=247) males and 66.1% (n=482) females with an average age of 37 years old (M=36.99; SD=12.81), was to examine the relationship between economic hardship, financial threat, and financial well-being (i.e., economic stressors) and stress, anxiety, and depression (i.e., psychological health indicators), as well as to test the moderation effect of coping in the aforementioned relationship. To achieve these goals, a cross-sectional design was implemented and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the obtained data. Our results underline that coping affects the relationship between economic stressors and psychological health since subjects with lower coping levels are more vulnerable to economic stress factors than those with higher coping levels. The moderation effect was more evident in the relationships between economic hardship and stress, anxiety, and depression. The main implications of this study are presented, as well as its? limitations and suggestions for future research.
  • Relationship BetweenTeacher Motivation and Organizational Variables: ALiterature Review
    Publication . Viseu, J.; Jesus, Saúl; Rus, Claudia; Canavarro, Jos? Manuel; Pereira, Joana
    Abstract Teacher motivation plays a central role in education because ofitsimpacton student motivation. Previous reviews of teacher motivation have focused on individual variables and psychopathology indicators. However, it is also important to understand the effect of organizational variableson teacher motivationbecause these highlightthe contextthat the teacher is a part of(i.e.,the school). The literature review in this paper analysed studies related to teacher motivation and a pre-defined group of organizational variablesthat werepublished between 1990 and 2014 in several electronic databases.The study found that organizational culture was the most studied variable associated with teacher motivationand most studies in this area were published between 2010 and 2014.Further,there was a prevalence of quantitative studies. This paper concludes with the theoreticaland practical implications of the results,as well assuggestions for future research directions.
  • Depression and quality of life in older adults: Mediation effect of steep quality
    Publication . Brandolim Becker, Nathália; de Jesus, Saul Neves; Viseu, João; Stobaus, Claus Dieter; Guerreiro, Mariana; Domingues, Rita B.
    Background/Objective: Sleep insufficiency, which affects more than 45% of the world's population, has a great importance when considering older adults. Thus, this research tested a mediation hypothesis, through a path analysis, which explains how depression relates to the quality of life considering the effect's of sleep quality in older adults. Method: A sample of 187 community-dwelling Portuguese older adults answered questionnaires about sociodemographic status (age, gender, highest level of education completed, family status, sports activities, health, and retirement status), quality of life, sleep quality, and depression. Descriptive and path analysis statistics were performed considering the results of the normality test. Results: The sample has health characteristics and presents adequate sleep duration. Sleep quality acted as a mediator between depression and the quality of life in older adults, considering the variation of gender and health. This suggests that it is important to establish self-care practices, namely sleep quality, to intervene in the ageing process. Conclusions: It is important to consider sleep quality associated with depression for older adults and to test interventions to minimize health impacts. Also, more researches are needed about the primary prevention in steep quality relating to depression. (c) 2017 Asociacion Espanola de Psicologia Conductual. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.
  • A motivação profissional dos docentes do Ensino Básico e Secundário: a influência de variáveis organizacionais, individuais e pertencentes à interface sujeito-organização
    Publication . Viseu, J.; Jesus, Saul; Rus, Claudia Lenuta; Canavarro, José Manuel de Albuquerque Pontacarrero
    A motivação no trabalho tem-se assumido como uma pedra basilar para o alcance do sucesso organizacional em vários setores de atividade. No setor da educação tem-se dado grande ênfase à motivação docente, dado que professores motivados têm um impacto positivo na motivação dos alunos, ministram um ensino de qualidade, promovem o bem-estar na sala de aula e estão disponíveis para participar na conceção de implementação de reformas educativas. No entanto, este tema tem uma natureza complexa e multifacetada, sendo que grande parte da investigação efetuada sobre ele se tem focado no impacto dos fatores de mal-estar (e.g., ansiedade, burnout, depressão e stresse) na motivação dos professores. Ou seja, os estudos realizados têm apresentado predominantemente um cariz individual e estão ligados à psicopatologia. Assim, podemos verificar que não existe uma visão organizacional para o estudo deste tema. Contudo, as escolas são, na sua essência, organizações e, como tal, é crucial perceber como as dinâmicas organizacionais influenciam a motivação destes profissionais. Além disso, também não tem havido a preocupação em utilizar variáveis ligadas à psicologia positiva como forma de fomentar a motivação dos docentes. Deste modo, através da recolha de uma amostra composta por 1129 professores do Ensino Básico e Secundário, foram realizados um conjunto de estudos que procuraram analisar a relação entre a motivação docente, medida através do commitment organizacional, do engagement no trabalho, da motivação intrínseca e da intenção de permanecer, e um conjunto de variáveis organizacionais (clima organizacional, cultura organizacional e saúde organizacional), pertencentes à interface sujeito-organização (avaliação de desempenho, justiça organizacional e satisfação no trabalho) e individuais (capital psicológico positivo). Os estudos efetuados procuraram compreender os mecanismos, diretos e indiretos, existentes entre estas variáveis e possibilitaram a elaboração de um conjunto de propostas destinadas a promover a motivação dos docentes portugueses.
  • Validity and reliability evidence of the psychological capital questionnaire-12 in a sample of Mexican workers
    Publication . Santana-Cardenas, Soraya; Viseu, João; Lopez Nunez, Maria Inmaculada; Neves de Jesus, Saul
    Psychological capital is a construct that is included in the positive organizational behavior framework, which is based on positive psychology principles. This concept is composed by four dimensions, self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism, which have a synergistic action. The aim of this study was to report the psychometric properties of one of the measures of psychological capital, the Psychological Capital Questionnaire-12 (PCQ-12), in a sample of 396 Mexican workers. This instruments' factor structure was analyzed through a confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability was assessed with the Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability coefficients. Furthermore, convergent and discriminant validity were also evaluated. Based on three concurrent models, it was observed that the model which possessed a better fit was composed by four-correlated factors. The implications of these results are discussed, and recommendations are provided for future researches. This paper, which presents a different factor structure than the usual of psychological capital, suggests that cultural differences may play a crucial role on the way the assessed construct behaves.
  • Coping and social support as moderators: relationship between financial threat and negative psychological outcomes
    Publication . Viseu, João; Jesus, Saúl; Leal, Ana Rita Cavaco; Pinto, Patrícia; Nunes, Lara Ayala; Matavelli, Rafaela
    Between 2011 and 2014 Portugal faced an economic crisis. During a crisis, individuals develop threat perceptions regarding their financial situation. When individuals perceive that their financial situation worsens, negative psychological outcomes emerge. The present study assessed the relationship between financial threat and three negative psychological outcomes (stress, anxiety, and depression), and tested the moderating role of proactive coping and social support, individually and combined, on this relationship. The moderating role of sociodemographic variables (age, gender, marital status, and professional situation) was also considered. A sample of 729 participants, 33.9% males and 66.1% females, was collected online between March–June 2013. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the obtained data. Financial threat was positively and significantly associated with stress, anxiety, and depression. Proactive coping moderated the relationship between financial threat and depression. Social support, individually and combined with proactive coping, did not moderate the relationship between financial threat and any of the negative psychological outcomes. Age moderated the relationship between financial threat and stress. The main implications of this study are presented, as well as its limitations and suggestions for future works.
  • Depression and sleep quality in older adults: a meta-analysis.
    Publication . Brandolim Becker, Nathália; Jesus, Saúl; João, Karine; Viseu, J.; Martins, Rute
    The literature emphasizes depression and poor sleep quality as problems that affect many elderly individuals. However, these problems have been related in few studies and there is no meta-analysis performed so far on this relationship. The present research reviewed the studies performed on the subjective sleep quality in order to understand how it relates to depression in older adults. The review was conducted in January 2016 and comprised publications between 2005 and 2015. Based on the electronic databases Web of Science and EBSCO, we used the keywords 'sleep quality', 'depression', and 'older' to identify the empirical studies performed. After assessing the collected studies, we selected those that presented the elderly as participants, resulting in nine papers (N=3069). A random-effects method was used to evaluate the relationship between depression and sleep. We found that an older person's lack of good sleep quality is significantly related with depression. The main limitation of this study was the difficulty in collecting a greater number of studies. Future research should consider the importance of additional variables (e.g. moderators) in order to understand and investigate viable interventions for prevention and health promotion in the elderly.