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- Prática pedagógica em Engenharia Informática: análise da utilização do Wolfram|AlphaPublication . Martins, Paula Ventura; Conceição, Ana C.A utilização em sala de aula do motor de conhecimento computacional Wolfram|Alpha, desenvolvido pela Wolfram Research, permite uma abordagem interativa e dinâmica no ensino de conceitos e propriedades fundamentais nas áreas do Cálculo Diferencial e do Cálculo Integral, proporcionando um contexto de ensino-aprendizagem onde alunos e professores são igualmente convidados a contribuir. Sendo uma ferramenta de acesso livre decidiu-se aplicar em aulas de Análise Matemática para alunos inscritos numa licenciatura em Engenharia Informática com o objetivo de consolidar conteúdos programáticos adquiridos, em outras unidades curriculares da mesma área científica, e de tornar mais interessante a aquisição de novos conceitos matemáticos.
- ProPAM/Static: A static view of a methodology for process and project alignmentPublication . Martins, Paula Ventura; Silva, Alberto Rodrigues daProcess descriptions represent high-level plans and do not contain information necessary for concrete software projects. Processes that are unrelated to daily practices or hardly mapped to project practices, cause misalignments between processes and projects. We argue that software processes should emerge and evolve collaboratively within an organization. In this chapter we present a Process and Project Alignment Methodology for agile software process improvement and particularly describe its static view.
- Monitoring invasive macroalgae in southern Portugal: drivers and citizen science contributionPublication . Jiménez, Javier; Simes, Dina; Abecasis, Ana Rita Costa; Relvas, Paulo; Garel, Erwan; Martins, Paula Ventura; Santos, RuiUnder certain environmental and oceanographic conditions, macroalgae can overgrow and accumulate in massive quantities on beaches, causing serious ecological and economic impacts. To address this problem, a citizen science monitoring platform was created to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of macroalgae accumulations along the beaches of Algarve in southern Portugal, with the aim to assess the extent of beach-cast events and their relationship with abiotic factors. A Redundancy Analysis (RDA) and a permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) were carried out to explore the relationship between macroalgae accumulation level and the abiotic variables: sea surface temperature, wind speed, wind direction, currents, maximum sea level, significant wave height, salinity, nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, precipitation and radiation. The citizen science campaign showed great participation, resulting in 404 submissions between July 2021 and September 2023. The campaign revealed that three species of macroalgae accumulated on the beaches of Algarve, Ulva sp. (with the presence of Ectocarpales and Dyctiotales) along the sandy eastern coast, and the invasive species Asparagopsis armata and Rugulopteryx okamurae in the rocky central and western beaches, respectively. The accumulations of R. okamurae increased from 2021 to 2023, were registered throughout the year and were more abundant than those of Ulva sp. and A. armata, which were only observed in spring and summer. The highest levels of R. okamurae beach-cast depositions were related to strong wave conditions, and high sea surface temperature and salinity. The accumulation of Ulva sp. was related to high sea surface temperature and salinity whereas A. armata was also correlated with winds parallel to the shore (NW-W). PERMANOVA analysis revealed that sea surface temperature and wave conditions had a significant effect on the overall abundance of macroalgae beach-cast accumulations. Overall, our citizen science campaign effectively involved the public, leading to the collection of important data on monitoring macroalgae accumulations. Through these findings, we were able to pinpoint the environmental, atmospheric, and hydrodynamic factors that contribute to their development, movement, and buildup along the Algarve coastlines.
- BPPAM tool: A business process frameworkPublication . Martins, Paula Ventura; Zacarias, M.Current business process modeling methodologies offer little guidance regarding how to discover and maintain business process models aligned with their actual execution. We argue that business processes should emerge and evolve collaboratively within an organization. In this article we present a business process and practice authoring tool based on our vision for business process improvement. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier RV.
- BAM: business alignment methodologyPublication . Zacarias, Marielba; Martins, Paula VenturaInformation flows across the organization are complex and procedures employed to understand, share and control organizational knowledge and experiences should be properly supported by collaborative environments. Nevertheless, few collaborative methodologies had been proposed to describe and evolve business processes. In the future, business processes models should be the result of cross-team and cross-departmental collaboration, with involved business people sharing their personal knowledge and formalizing it. This paper focuses on a methodology for business process discovery and the importance to integrate local information into coherent and sound process definitions. Business Alignment Methodology (BAM) is a methodology that provides guidance about how organizational practices and knowledge are gathered to contribute for business process improvement against current BPM approaches.
- An agile business process improvement methodologyPublication . Martins, Paula Ventura; Zacarias, Marielba; CruzCunha, MM; Varajao, JEQ; Rijo, R; Martinho, R; Peppard, J; SanCristobal, JR; Monguet, JAdoption of business process improvement strategies are now a concern of most organisations. Organisations are still facing challenges and finding transient solutions to immediate problems. The misalignment between IT solutions and organisational aspects evolves across space and time showing discrepancies. Unfortunately, existing business process approaches are not according with continuous business process improvement involving business stakeholders. Considering this limitation in well-known Business Process (BP) methodologies, this paper presents a comparative study of some approaches and introduces agility in the Business Process and Practice Alignment Methodology (BPPAM). Our intention is to present observed problems in existing approaches and introduce agility in our proposal to address features, like the alignment between daily work practices and business process descriptions, in a simple and agile way. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
- Projeto transversal em Engenharia Informática: continuidade nas unidades curricularesPublication . Martins, Paula Ventura; Zacarias, MarielbaO projeto transversal a várias unidades curriculares (UCs) constitui uma metodologia de ensino inovadora em qualquer sistema de ensino. O projeto mencionado neste trabalho consiste na construção de uma aplicação informática para organizações reais, indo além da dinâmica da sala de aula e exigindo a interação com o meio exterior. Este documento descreve o projeto transversal a quatro Unidades Curriculares do primeiro ciclo em Engenharia Informática. Uma vez que se pretende analisar a importância deste tipo de metodologia de trabalho, apresentamos estatísticas descritivas resultantes de questionários feitos aos alunos.
- Conceção de modelo e aplicação de avaliação de práticas ágeisPublication . Coelho, Isabel; Martins, Paula Ventura; Reis, Leonilde; Rocha, A; Perez, BE; Penalvo, FG; Miras, MD; Goncalves, RA orientação à criação de maior valor percecionado e da proximidade com os seus clientes e mercados, tem conduzido as organizações a tornarem-se cada vez mais ágeis nas suas estruturas e processos de negócio, identificando áreas de ineficiência e de pouca eficácia em termos de criação de valor junto dos seus clientes (internos/externos) e mercados. O artigo tem por objetivo a apresentar um modelo de avaliação (de maturidade), no domínio das práticas ágeis, desde o contexto do indivíduo, das equipas de desenvolvimento à organização na gestão dos seus produtos, gestão de projetos/programas da respetiva cadeia de valor, onde os valores e princípios ágeis, são os eixos orientadores ao longo do modelo associado à tese de doutoramento e respetiva aplicação. A metodologia subjacente ao desenvolvimento deste trabalho, assentou na revisão da literatura e análise de referenciais e frameworks no domínio da temática. O Modelo desenvolvido constituirá valor acrescentado dado que atualmente não existe um modelo multidimensional (níveis de capacidade e de maturidade versus a ótica das dimensões orientadas ao indivíduo, às equipas, aos produtos, projetos/programas e clientes), num contexto que ajude as organizações a identificarem o seu “status quo” e a promoverem a implementação de práticas ágeis.
- Collaborative business process discovery: method and case studyPublication . Martins, Paula Ventura; Zacarias, M.; Castela, Nuno; Dias, PauloInformation flows across the organization are complex and procedures employed to understand, share and control organizational knowledge and experiences should be properly supported by collaborative environments. Nevertheless, few collaborative methodologies had been proposed to describe and evolve business processes. Existing tools don’t provide the right methods for business processes discovery, modeling, monitoring and improvement. In the future, business processes models should be the result of cross-team and cross-departmental collaboration, with involved business people sharing their personal knowledge and formalizing it. This paper focuses on case study applying a collaborative process discovery method. Business Alignment Methodology (BAM) is a methodology that provides guidance about how organizational practices and knowledge are gathered to contribute for business process improvement against current BPM approaches.
- An agile business process and practice meta-modelPublication . Zacarias, Marielba; Martins, Paula Ventura; Gonçalves, António; CruzCunha, M. M.; Varajao, J. E. Q.; Rijo, R.; Martinho, R.; Peppard, J.; SanCristobal, J. R.; Monguet, J.Business Process Management (BPM) encompasses the discovery, modelling, monitoring, analysis and improvement of business processes. Limitations of traditional BPM approaches in addressing changes in business requirements have resulted in a number of agile BPM approaches that seek to accelerate the redesign of business process models. Meta-models are a key BPM feature that reduce the ambiguity of business process models. This paper describes a meta-model supporting the agile version of the Business Process and Practice Alignment Methodology (BPPAM) for business process improvement, which captures process information from actual work practices. The ability of the meta-model to achieve business process agility is discussed and compared with other agile meta-models, based on definitions of business process flexibility and agility found in the literature. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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