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A forma como se aprende ou como se ensina matemática depende da predisposição e dedicação do professor. As tarefas que o docente utiliza na sala de aula e a forma como são exploradas são fatores primordiais na aprendizagem da matemática. A presente investigação foi desenvolvida numa turma do 6.º ano do 2.º ciclo do ensino básico, no concelho de Faro, composta por vinte e três alunos.
O principal objetivo desta investigação era desenvolver diferentes estratégias de ensino de forma que as transformações geométricas sejam compreendidas e exploradas, sem recorrer à exposição tradicional e aos manuais escolares. Assim sendo, foram delineados quatro momentos de intervenção interligados com o artesanato, mais concretamente com os Tapetes de Arraiolos.
Para sistematizar a investigação foram delineadas duas questões de pesquisa: (i) De que forma é que a geometria articulada com o artesanato promove aprendizagens significativas, associadas às transformações geométricas, em alunos do 6.º ano? (ii) Que potencialidades e limitações têm a implementação destas tarefas, na aprendizagem das isometrias?
Para este estudo optou-se por uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa de caráter exploratório. Os instrumentos de recolha de dados foram as observações diretas, os registos fotográficos, as gravações áudio, que possibilitaram registar os diálogos e as discussões em sala de aula, e as produções dos alunos.
Desta forma, através de uma panóplia de instrumentos de recolha de dados, podemos concluir que as tarefas matemáticas contribuíram para o desenvolvimento da comunicação, do raciocínio e da argumentação, em que os alunos mostraram uma significativa participação, um desempenho satisfatório e, ainda, despertaram o gosto pela matemática e pelo artesanato.
The way mathematics is learned or taught depends on the teacher's predisposition and dedication. The tasks that the teacher uses in the classroom and the way they are explored are key factors in learning mathematics. This research was developed in a 6th grade class of the 2nd cycle of basic education, in the municipality of Faro, composed of twenty-three students. The main goal of this research was to develop different teaching strategies so that geometric transformations are understood and explored, without resorting to traditional exposition and textbooks. Therefore, four moments of intervention were outlined, interconnected with handicraft, more specifically with Arraiolos carpets. To systematize the research were outlined two research questions: (i) How does the geometry articulated with handicrafts promotes meaningful learning, associated with geometric transformations, in students of the 6th grade? (ii) What potential and limitations have the implementation of these tasks, in learning isometries? For this study we chose a qualitative methodology of exploratory nature. The instruments for data collection were direct observations, photographic records, audio recordings, which allowed recording the dialogues and discussions in the classroom, and the students' productions. Thus, through a panoply of data collection instruments, we can conclude that the mathematical tasks contributed to the development of communication, reasoning and argumentation, in which students showed significant participation, satisfactory performance, and also awakened a taste for mathematics and handicraft.
The way mathematics is learned or taught depends on the teacher's predisposition and dedication. The tasks that the teacher uses in the classroom and the way they are explored are key factors in learning mathematics. This research was developed in a 6th grade class of the 2nd cycle of basic education, in the municipality of Faro, composed of twenty-three students. The main goal of this research was to develop different teaching strategies so that geometric transformations are understood and explored, without resorting to traditional exposition and textbooks. Therefore, four moments of intervention were outlined, interconnected with handicraft, more specifically with Arraiolos carpets. To systematize the research were outlined two research questions: (i) How does the geometry articulated with handicrafts promotes meaningful learning, associated with geometric transformations, in students of the 6th grade? (ii) What potential and limitations have the implementation of these tasks, in learning isometries? For this study we chose a qualitative methodology of exploratory nature. The instruments for data collection were direct observations, photographic records, audio recordings, which allowed recording the dialogues and discussions in the classroom, and the students' productions. Thus, through a panoply of data collection instruments, we can conclude that the mathematical tasks contributed to the development of communication, reasoning and argumentation, in which students showed significant participation, satisfactory performance, and also awakened a taste for mathematics and handicraft.
Transformações geométricas Artesanato Tapetes de arraiolos Tarefas matemáticas Ensino exploratório