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Introdução =Vorwort =Introduction
Isabel Cardigos e Ines Köler-Zülch

Gender, culture and folklore
Aili Nenola

Feminism and bluebeard
Rose Lovell-Smith
Perspectives on cowgirls, humor and images of the American West
Kristin McAndrews

Gender trouble? On the gender constitution of clergymen's wives
Birgitta Meurlin

Personal narratives on war: a challenge to women's essays and ethnography in Croatia
Renata Jambresic Kirin

Women's and men's storytelling: what is the difference? Some observations in contemporary slovak storytelling communities
Gabriela Kiliánová

The multilingual subaltern: creolization as agency
Lee Haring

The rebellious girl who wants the perfect man: role assignments in folktales of the bulsa in Northern Ghana
Rudiger Schott

Looking for a spouse in mwera folk narratives
Uta Teuster-Jahn

Gender and magic in junkun folktales
Sabine Dinslage and Anne Storch

Recognizing female sexuality: at 313, the maid as mentor in the young man's maturation
Gerald Thomas

Speech and gender: indian versions of the silence wager (at 1351)
Stuart Blackburn

Virgins in brothels: gender and religious ecotypfication
Daniel Boyarin

The wearing and shedding of enchanted shoes
Isabel Cardigos 


Marina Warner, No go the Bogeyman. Scaring, lulling and making mock. London: Chatto and Windus, 1998.435 pages
Patricia Baubeta

Marvels & tales. Journal of fairy-tale studies. Special issue: Angela Carter and the literary Märchen, vol. 12, nº 1, 1998, 252 pp.
Natividade Pires
