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- Atitudes e comportamentos dos residentes: contributos para o desenvolvimento turístico sustentável no AlgarvePublication . Pinto, Patrícia; Manuela Guerreiro, Maria; Renda, Ana Isabel; Ramos, Celia; Marques, João Filipe; Pereira, Luís Nobre; Lança, Milene; Lai, Hio Kuan; Pinto, Patrícia; Guerreiro, ManuelaO Projeto RESTUR (Atitudes e Comportamentos dos Residentes: Contributos para o Desenvolvimento de uma Estratégia de Turismo Sustentável no Algarve) pretende medir e monitorizar os impactos do turismo nos residentes do Algarve, considerando a região como um todo e os seus concelhos de forma individual.
- The moderating role of tourism intensity on residents’ intentions towards pro-tourism behavioursPublication . Lança, Milene; Silva, joão; Andraz, Jorge; Nunes, Rui; Pereira, LuisThis study analysed the complex dynamics of tourism based on perspectives and intentional behaviours of residents. The analysis focused on how residents perceive the effects of tourism, their satisfaction with it, their subjective well-being, and their inclinations towards pro-tourism behaviours. By merging social exchange theory and bottom-up spillover theory, it also investigates tourism intensity (TI) as a moderator, which has been understudied. A representative sample of 990 residents, in both high and low TI municipalities of the Algarve region, was surveyed. The model was estimated using PLS-SEM. The results revealed significant differences in residents' perceptions based on TI. Residents in high TI areas perceived stronger effects on satisfaction due to negative and positive impacts of tourism. However, TI did not affect the relationships between satisfaction with tourism, subjective well-being, and intentions for pro-tourism behaviours. The economic gains created by tourism may differ from the social and psychological factors shaping residents' well-being. These outcomes offer valuable insights for destination managers and politicians, aiding in the development of strategies to alleviate the adverse effects of tourism. Directing efforts towards improving residents' satisfaction with tourism, subjective well-being, and support for tourism can also contribute to securing long-term and sustainable benefits for host communities.
- Sructural equation modeling applied to sex, romance and liminal behaviour in tourism context - The case of Faro international bike meetingPublication . Lança, Milene; Marques, João Filipe; Pinto, PatríciaSex and romance are part of everyday life and therefore are part of the contemporary tourism experiences. Tourism, such as has been stressed by the literature, consists of a rupture with the everyday life – a liminal space-time which enables liminal behaviours. In these behaviours one can include a greater willingness for romance and sexual relationships. One of the dimensions of the theoretical articulation between tourism, romance and sexuality consists of the role played by these latter two dimensions in the decision of travelling and in the destination’s choice. Sex and romance may be the main motivators for travelling or, if they are not important drivers, may occur in an “accidental” way while already at the destination. This research investigates an event where the environment (e.g. the omnipresence of erotic shows), combined with the liminal experiences, may contribute to attract tourists whose main motivations are sex and romance. The correlation between these variables was tested using structural equation modeling with latent variables, applied to 449 data surveys carried out with the bikers who visited the 29th Faro International Bike Meeting, in 2010. The results suggest that bikers come motivated not only by participation in the event but also by the expectations of having sex and getting involved in a romance. These aspects have influence in the experienced environment which, in turn, has influence in the adoption of liminal behaviours. Bikers’ satisfaction is evident, as well as their intention to return, proving that a new market segment is rising up in the Algarve because of this event.
- Men's learning in PortugalPublication . Almeida, António Fragoso de; Marques, João Filipe; Lança, Milene; Golding, Barry; Mark, Rob; Foley, AnnetteIn the last three decades, rapid changes in Portuguese society have affected almost all dimensions of life in Portugal. The Portuguese population recognises a mix of traditional and modern in their normative cultural and social systems, which both operate simultaneously. Medeiros (1988) arguest that there are no solutions of continuity between these normative systems, indicative of hybridisations that potentially lead to tensions. This hybrid mix includes Portuguese approaches to gender and masculinities. In this chapter, we examine different theoretical positions on gender, masculinities and men's learning in contemporary Portuguese society, informed by a European learning partnership study of men learning in the community. We include some initial results of the Portuguese strand of this study, including some provisional conclusions which guide our ongoing research based around a case study of men involved in a Portuguese fishing club. Portugal is a society in transition, where gender roles are currently being redefined. As this process unfolds, we conclude from our research that some men seek out space in which to learn from each other, whether informally or through self-directed learning.
- Sexualidade lúdica em contexto turístico: o caso da concentração motard de FaroPublication . Lança, Milene; Correia, Antónia; Coelho, Bernardo Marques Soares da CruzO sexo e o romance fazem parte da vida quotidiana, mas tendem a ser mais proeminentes durante as férias. O turismo também faz parte das necessidades humanas e representa uma ruptura com a rotina do dia-a-dia. A relação entre turismo, sexo e romance tem sido estudada ao longo dos anos, permitindo uma maior compreensão do que motiva os turistas. No entanto, um consenso sobre o efeito moderador do sexo e do romance sobre a decisão de viajar ainda não existe. O ambiente também é uma variável importante para activar estes prazeres. Esse é o motivo pelo qual esta pesquisa incide sobre um evento lúdico onde a liberdade e os shows eróticos podem contribuir para atrair turistas, cujas principais motivações são o sexo e o romance. Com efeito, este estudo pretende analisar o tipo de prazeres que os turistas procuram quando decidem participar na Concentração Motard de Faro. Recorrendo aos mixing methods, foi aplicado numa primeira fase um questionário a uma amostra representativa de 449 turistas nacionais e estrangeiros. O questionário tem 26 questões derivadas da literatura sobre motivações e atitudes dos turistas, especialmente focadas nos comportamentos sexuais em férias e durante o evento. Para validar esta recolha de dados, foram realizadas na segunda fase 18 entrevistas em profundidade (16 a motards e duas a informantes privilegiados). Os resultados desta investigação sugerem que os visitantes da Concentração Motard de Faro não têm os mesmos comportamentos em férias. Distinguem-se dois clusters: um viaja com motivações sexuais/românticas e o outro viaja com motivações de diversão/socialização. Os resultados sugerem também que os comportamentos dos turistas dependem do género, levantando pistas importantes para a análise sociológica, nomeadamente sobre a relação entre género e sexualidade. Além disso, os comportamentos em férias não diferem dos que são adoptados no evento, significando que o sentido de fuga/evasão contribui mais do que o ambiente para a ocorrência de relações sexuais ou românticas. Finalmente, este estudo defende que quem viaja com motivações sexuais/românticas avalia o destino de forma mais positiva e apresenta uma maior intenção de retorno. Além disso, o evento não contribui directamente para melhorar as relações estabelecidas, sendo esta a consequência de um desejo intrínseco.
- Para além da vida quotidiana. Amor e sexualidade em contexto turístico: resultados preliminares de uma pesquisa exploratória no Algarve (Portugal)Publication . Marques, João Filipe; Lança, MileneThis artide explores the idea according to which the concept of liminality, concretely liminoides situations', can be used to analyse and explain the behaviours and attitudes towards romance and non-commercialino-mploratoly sexual relationships occurring in tourism context. In a broad sense, the research problem was: which are the patterns of romantic and sexual behaviour in 'sun and beach' destination? We intended to study behavioural patterns, the attitudes towards sexuality and expressions of intimacy in a contemporary (hyper) tourist setting: the Algarve southern (Portugal). The data were collected using a questionnaire in a sample (stratified by country of residence) of 1015 tourists visiting the Algarve in the summers of 2014 and 2015. The results are preliminary, in a descriptive and impressionistic analysis of an ongoing whose goals were precisely to produce empirical and theoretical evidence about the relationship between tourism and human sexuality, out of the "sex tourism' paradigm. The findings show, on the one hand, the relationship between the holidays and the availability for romance and sex and, on the other hand, a strong erotic and sexual potential of the tourism destination, even for married tourists.
- An assessment model of the Algarve as a sustainable tourism destination: a conceptual frameworkPublication . Nobre Pereira, Luis; Muhs, Christina Susanne; Andraz, Jorge; Nunes, Rui Miguel da Cunha; Lança, Milene; Silva, joãoSustainable tourism assessment models emphasize the need for holistic, integrated evaluations of tourism destinations, particularly in mature and mass tourism areas. While best practices can be shared, each destination requires a tailored approach, considering its unique features like infrastructure and natural assets. Research shows that sustainable tourism should involve continuous evaluation rather than a one-time assessment. This article develops a model for the ongoing review of sustainable tourism in the Algarve, a famous sun, sea, and sand destination in Portugal. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, the model was designed by analyzing existing frameworks and their relevant dimensions. A questionnaire was then administered to local stakeholders to validate and refine the selected indicators, which were ultimately used to create a framework for monitoring sustainable tourism in the region.
- Building bridges between residents and tourism: attitudinal support, emotional solidarity, and intentions for pro-tourism behavioursPublication . Lança, Milene; Nobre Pereira, Luis; Renda, Ana Isabel; Marques, João Filipe; Ramos, Celia; Martins Guerreiro, Maria Manuela; Hio Kuan Lai; Pinto, PatríciaThis study explores the relationships between residents' attitudes in support of tourism, emotional solidarity with tourists and willingness to engage in pro-tourism behaviours. Residents' support for tourism hinges on their perceived benefits and costs, as influenced by theories such as the Social Exchange Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action. Despite extensive research on residents' attitudes and tourism support, pro-tourism behaviours remain underexplored. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating how residents' attitudes and emotional solidarity, including newly added indicators of interpersonal connection, impact their intentions for pro-tourism behaviours. Empirical data from a sample of 4,026 residents in the Algarve region, Portugal, were analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of this study not only offer theoretical insights but also have practical implications for destination management. These findings underscore the importance of implementing internal marketing strategies that foster a welcoming and empathetic attitude among residents towards tourists. The study's results become directly relevant and beneficial to tourism by fostering a sense of connection and appreciation for tourists among residents.