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- Relationship between postharvest diseases resistance and mineral composition of citrus fruitPublication . Nunes, C.; Duarte, Amílcar; Manso, T.; Weiland, C.; Garcia, J. M.; Cayuela, J. A.; Yousfi, K.; Martínez, M.C.; Salazar, Miguelreen and blue moulds, due to the pathogenic action of Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium italicum respectively are the main cause of orange losses during postharvest. Under Mediterranean climate conditions, both together are responsible for 80% of total postharvest citrus fruit decay. The type of orchard production system, field location with different types of climate and soil has a main influence on mineral composition of fruits. The mineral composition of fruits can have a significant impact on fruit quality and shelf life during postharvest period. These include effects on fruit colour, texture, disease susceptibility, juice composition and development of physiological disorders. Oranges from different regions from South of Spain and Portugal and from three different production systems (conventional, integrated and organic) were studied to evaluate whether both factors (origin and production system) affected the degree of fruit sensitivity to decay. Results indicate that the sensitivity to green or blue mould is determined better by the origin of fruit than by the system of production.
- Comparative analysis between condom use clusters and risk behaviours among portuguese university studentsPublication . Gomes, Alexandra; Nunes, CristinaThe research on condom use has been focused on high-risk individuals, paying less attention to those who have moderate risk or safe sexual conducts. In order to design accurate interventions, potential differences among the condom use behavior groups must be considered. The goal was to assess possible differences in individuals presenting different types of risk behavior. 140 heterosexual university students answered a self-reported questionnaire about their sexual history, condom use habits, sexual self-esteem, sexual satisfaction, sexual control, attitudes towards condoms, self-efficacy to condom use, and emotions and feelings during sexual intercourse. A cluster analysis was conducted using the results about condom use and risk behaviors. Three groups with different risk levels emerged, presenting differences over sexual self-efficacy, attitudes towards condoms, socio-demographic variables, and sexual history. The results suggest the condom use inconsistency is highly associated with other risk behaviors but the contrary does not necessarily happens. Condom use consistent users also presented risk behaviors as smoking and drinking. The group differences suggest the risks were more affected by the combination of lack of skills with a negative attitude toward condoms than by contextual or personal variables. These differences sustain the need of an intervention adjusted to the individual's risk levels, since they differ on skills and beliefs that may hinder or promote the adoption of health behaviors.
- The volunteer functions inventory (VFI): Adaptation and psychometric properties among a portuguese sample of volunteersPublication . Martins, Cátia; da Silva, José Tomás; Jesus, Saúl; Ribeiro, Conceição; Estêvão, M. Dulce; Baptista, Ricardo; Carmo, Cláudia; Brás, Marta; Santos, Rita; Nunes, C.: The Volunteer Functions Inventory (VFI) is an instrument widely used to assess volunteers’ motivation based on the Functionalist Model of Omoto and Snyder. It assesses six factors that reflect several motivational functions. The VFI has been translated into various languages and validated in different cultural contexts, but some studies have reported different factor structures (e.g., five or four factors). In the Portuguese context, previous studies have also shown inconsistent results. The aim of this study was to adapt and validate the VFI for Portuguese volunteers, testing several alternative models (nine models) using confirmatory factor analysis. The sample comprised 468 volunteers (76.3% women), aged from 13 to 81 years (M = 36.66, SD = 14.93). The results support the original interrelated six-factor model as the best-fitting one. The VFI showed good internal consistency and convergent validity. Significant correlations were found between the VFI factors, organizational commitment, and volunteers’ satisfaction. Overall, the six-factor VFI is a valid and reliable tool for measuring the motivational functions of Portuguese volunteers, with implications for practice and research in the volunteering field.
- Parenting sense of competence in at psychosocial risk families and child well-beingPublication . Nunes, C.; Nunes, LaraINTRODUCTION. Parenting sense of competence is a central construct to understand the dynamics and processes that occur within the family system. It is a major determinant of competent parenting behaviors, and it is closely linked to a healthy child development and their overall well-being. The aim of the present study is to obtain a better understanding of parenting sense of competence in Portuguese at-risk families and, more specifically, to analyze the relations between sociodemographic variables, perceived parenting efficacy, satisfaction with the parenting role and the child well-being. METHOD. The participants were 207 families (168 mothers and 39 fathers) receiving family preservation interventions in the Algarve (South of Portugal). The Parenting Sense of Competence Scale and a sociodemographic questionnaire were applied by trained interviewers, through an individual interview. Furthermore, the Child Well-Being Scales were filled by 21 case managers. RESULTS. Results showed that the majority of participants lived under a precarious economic and occupational situation, and had a low educational level. On average, families consisted of four people and of two children with 58,5% living below the national poverty line. Participants presented, on average, medium-high levels of perceived parenting efficacy and satisfaction, although they scored significantly higher on efficacy. We observed significant and positive correlations between parenting efficacy and satisfaction with all the child well-being dimensions (child well-being score, parental disposition and child performance) with the exception of household adequacy. DISCUSSION. These findings highlight the need to include the boosting of parental satisfaction and the readjustment of parental sense of efficacy as the primary aim of psycho-educational interventions in at-risk families. The implications for social policies for this vulnerable group are discussed.
- Efficacy of electrolyzed water to inactivate foodborne pathogens on fresh-cut applesPublication . Graça, Ana; Nunes, C.; Quintas, Célia; Abadias, Maribel; Usall, J.; Salazar, MiguelChlorine is the most common disinfectant used in the fresh-cut industry but nowadays environmental and health risks have led to the need to find new sanitizers. Electrolyzed water (EW) appears to be a promising alternative. In this work, disinfection efficacy of acidic (AEW) and neutral (NEW) electrolyzed water in fresh-cut apple slices inoculated with Escherichia coli, Listeria innocua or Salmonella choleraesuis was studied. Apple slices were inoculated with a 10(7) cfu/ml suspension of pathogens and treated with the sanitizer EW solutions, with 100 or 50 ppm of free chlorine solutions and with distilled water. Population reduction was determined 30 min after washings and untreated apple slices were used as control in all assays. AEW100 was the treatment with more effective bactericidal activity followed by NEW100 and AEW50. EW had higher or similar efficacy than chlorine treatments in all tested conditions.
- Low dose UV-C illumination as an eco-innovative disinfection system on minimally processed applesPublication . Graça, Ana; Salazar, Miguel; Quintas, Célia; Nunes, C.In this study, the efficacy of UV-C illumination for inactivate Escherichia coli, Listeria innocua or Salmonella enterica, individually or in a mixture, in vitro and on apple slices was determined. Apple slices inoculated with a 10(7) cfu/mL suspension of above indicated pathogens were irradiated on both sides with UV-C illumination, with doses of 0.5 and 1.0 kJ/m(2). UV-C illumination disinfection efficacy was compared to that of washings with sodium hypochlorite at 100 ppm of free chlorine and with distilled water. Bactericidal activity of each treatment was assessed after 30 min and after 7 and 15 days of storage at 4 degrees C. Results showed that UV-C illumination at 1.0 kJ/m(2) could be an alternative to the wash with hypochlorite solutions. On the in vitro study, these doses completely inhibited the growth of the three bacteria either as pure cultures or in a mixture. In fresh-cut apple, the pathogens were also affected by the UV-C illumination, the 1.0 kJ/m(2) dosage being the one that resulted in higher bacteria inhibition in almost every case. The UV-C treatment did not affect the quality properties of fresh-cut apple. 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Psychological distress symptoms and resilience assets in adolescents in residential carePublication . Lemos, Ida; Brás, Marta; Lemos, Mariana; Nunes, CristinaMost studies with institutionalised children and adolescents focus on evaluating the impact of negative life events on emotional development. However, few have investigated the relationship between resilience assets and the teenagers’ psychopathological problems. The purpose of the present study was to investigate differences in psychological distress symptoms and in resilience assets in institutionalised and non-institutionalised adolescents. A total of 266 adolescents aged between 12 and 19 years old took part in the study (60.5% female): 125 lived in residential care and 144 resided with their families. Results found a significant and inverse relation between psychopathology and the perception of individual resilience assets, specifically with self-efficacy and self-awareness in the community sample, and with empathy in the institutionalised sample. Overall, and regardless of the age group, adolescents in residential care tend to perceive themselves as significantly less resilient in perceived self-efficacy and empathy, and they report fewer goals and aspirations for the future. The importance of promoting mental health and resilience assets in adolescents, particularly in those in residential care, is discussed. This can be achieved through early interventions that may prevent emotional suffering and deviant life paths, with transgenerational repercussions.
- Confirmatory analysis of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) short form in a portuguese samplePublication . Martins, Cátia; Ayala Nunes, Lara; Nunes, Cristina; Pechorro, Pedro; Costa, Emília; Matos, FilomenaAn important research field in family studies relates to the role parenting practices can have on several domains of children's development. Regarding to parenting styles, it was Baumrind's conceptualization that was responsible for a relevant research boost in this area. She proposed a model contemplating three different styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. The aim of our study was to examine the factor structure, internal consistency and others psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ). The participants were 424 parents (mainly mothers, 81.2%) from Algarve (South of Portugal), that answered to PSDQ and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The instrument comprises 32 items: 12 questions regarding the authoritative style, 15 questions regarding the authoritarian style, and 5 questions regarding the permissive style. Several competing models (i.e., one and three-factorial, and another where latent variables were organized in a 1st and 2nd order factors) were tested in regards to PSDQ factor structure using confirmatory factor analysis. A fourth model, contemplating inter-correlations between item 7 and 8 was also proposed, which showed adequate fit and internal consistency. These findings support the PSDQ original structure. Implications concerning the use and contributes to social and emotional child' adjustment are discussed.
- A comparative study on the health and well-being of adolescent immigrants in Spain and PortugalPublication . Hernando Gomez, Angel; Nunes, Cristina; Torres, Carmen Cruz; Lemos, Ida; Valadas, Sandra T.The terms on which the integration of new generations of immigrants into Portuguese and Spanish societies happens will have a decisive influence in the future of both countries. Therefore, promoting their health, well-being, and psychosocial adaptation is a matter of strategic interest. This paper analyses psychosocial factors associated with well-being and psychological adjustment on a sample of 108 adolescents (55 males and 53 females), children of immigrants from Huelva (Spain) and Algarve (Portugal), aged between 10 and 17 years. Adolescents were assessed for demographic characteristics and perceived well-being. We used the “KIDSCREEN-5”, a self-report questionnaire that yields detailed profile information for children aged 8 to 18 years for the following ten dimensions: Physical well-being, Psychological well-being, Moods and emotions, Self-perception, Autonomy, Parental relationships and home life, Financial resources, Social support and peers, School environment, and Social acceptance(Bullying). Overall, significant differences were found between the Spanish and Portuguese samples on physical well-being, psychological well-being, mood, financial resources and social acceptance (bullying). Boys perceived themselves as having a better physical well-being than girls. Mothers’ educational level was associated with psychological well-being and mood. Also, results suggested that residence location and other socio-demographical variables were not associated with the adolescents’ well-being and psychological adjustment.
- Parents' perceived social support and children's psychological adjustmentPublication . Nunes, Cristina; Martins, Cátia; Nunes, Lara; Adelaide de Matos, Filomena; Costa, Emília Isabel; Gonçalves, AndreaPerceived social support has often been investigated due to its direct and indirect effects in reducing the impact of several risk factors on physical and psychological well-being. Moreover, many studies have revealed a link between social support and positive parenting, which in turn has an impact on children's well-being. In Portugal, there is a significant lack of studies in this area. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between parents' perceived social support and children's psychological adjustment. The sample consisted of 409 parents (83.13% mothers) living in the region of Algarve (South of Portugal). The Duke-UNC Functional Social Support and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires were used. Findings The results showed that, on average, families had a social support network of nine people, with a balanced presence of family (M = 4.25, SD = 3.54) and friends (M = 4.36, SD = 3.17). Parents reported medium-high levels of confidant and affective support, but instrumental support was lower. However, single-parent families, immigrant families, and divorced parents were found to be more socially isolated and received less support than they needed. Affective social support showed predictive value for child psychological adjustment. Applications These findings suggest that developing universal and selective parental education and support programs that focus on strengthening informal social support networks is needed, especially for vulnerable families. Implications for social workers who intervene with families are discussed.