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  • The state of the art in social care research in Portugal
    Publication . São José, José
    With the aim of gauging the state of knowledge on the care of children and older people in Portugal, we have carried out as extensive a survey as possible of bibliographical references. An analysis of the data we have collected provides a number of main features, and these are described in the following paragraphs.
  • Managing Work and Care: A Difficult Challenge for Immigrant Families
    Publication . São José, José; Wall, Karin
    Explores the strategies used by immigrant families to reconcile work and care for young children in Finland, France, Italy and Portugal. Drawing upon interviews with couples or lone parents who have children below age ten, it shows that immigrant families rely on a diversity of work/care strategies. These strategies include extensive delegation of care (mostly to formal or non-familial informal care), negotiation of care within the nuclear family (both partners sharing the care responsibilities as well as older child care), mother-centredness (mothers cutting back on working hours), child negligence (leaving children alone) and the superimposition of care upon work (taking children to work). Almost all immigrant families, but especially first-generation ones, suffer from the absence of close kin networks to support childcare, strong pressure to work and from work (long or atypical hours) and various integration problems such as social isolation, lack of information on services, and problems with housing. However, our findings show that migration patterns, among other factors, have a significant impact on work/care strategies. Highly qualified “professional migration” is more associated with extensive paid delegation (often private and high-cost), “marriage migration” with mother-centredness, and “unskilled worker migration” with low-cost solutions supplemented by workplace care, older child care and negligence. First-generation unskilled worker migrant families are more exposed to occupational and residential segregation, atypical working hours, low earnings and difficulties in managing work and care for young children. Findings point to the still weak regulatory function of the different welfare states in the protection of these families.
  • Families, work and social care in Europe. A qualitative study of care arrangements in Finland, France, Italy, Portugal and the UK
    Publication . São José, José; Sipilä, Jorma; Repo, Katja; Zechnner, Minna; Martin, Claude; Debroise, A.; Le Bihan, B.; Wall, Karin; Correia, Sónia; Baldock, J.; Hadlow, Jan; Vion, A.; Larsen, Trine; Kröger, Teppo
    The SOCCARE Project studied social care arrangements of European families in five different socio-economic and cultural environments that represent the variety of European welfare states (Finland, France, Italy, Portugal and the UK). It focused on four key family types that all are heavily affected by the ongoing demographic, socio-economic and structural changes within European societies: 1) lone parent families, 2) dual-career families, 3) immigrant families and, 4) “double front carer” families (that have young children and, at the same time, elderly family members in need of care).
  • Measuring active ageing: a Data Envelopment Analysis approach
    Publication . Amado, Carla; São José, José; Santos, Sérgio Pereira dos
    The 'Active Ageing Index' was created with the purpose of helping policy makers implement and monitor active ageing policies both at European and national levels. However, this index has not fully achieved this purpose. In this article we propose a methodological approach based on Data Envelopment Analysis to enhance the measurement of active ageing in the European Union countries. We use a model with 22 indicators grouped into four domains. By introducing different types of virtual weight restrictions, we combine normative judgements with an optimisation procedure, showing each country in the best possible light. Furthermore, we undertake a sensitivity analysis regarding the effect of varying the limits of the relative contribution of each domain.The results show that the proposed approach has great potential in this context, allowing the comparison of countries and the identification of relevant targets and benchmarks, even when there is uncertainty regarding the relative importance of the indicators and domains considered. For most countries, the results are robust regarding different levels of flexibility for the relative contribution of each domain. We identify six countries that represent relevant benchmarks for the underperforming countries. The underperforming countries have some potential for improvement in terms of active ageing, whilst respecting their preferences and specificities for the processes that can be used to actively age. Based on a flexible evaluation of the countries, we contribute to develop a better tool to guide the European Union countries towards the formulation and monitoring of more effective policy measures to promote active ageing. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Older persons' experiences and perspectives of receiving social care: a systematic review of the qualitative literature
    Publication . São José, José; Barros, Rosanna; Samitca, Sanda; Teixeira, Ana Rita
    The topic of social care for older people has gained increasing attention from the part of academics, professionals, policy makers and media. However, we know little about this topic from the perspectives of older persons, which hinders future developments in terms of theory, empirical research, professional practice and social policy. This article presents and discusses a systematic review of relevant qualitative research-based evidence on the older persons' experiences and perspectives of receiving social care published between 1990 and September 2014. This review aimed to obtain answers to the following questions: How is the reception of social care experienced by the older persons? What are the negative and positive aspects of these experiences? What are the factors which influence the experiences? The synthesis of the findings of reviewed papers identified six analytical themes: asking for care as a major challenge; ambivalences; (dis)engagement in decisions concerning care; multiple losses as outcomes of receiving social care; multiple strategies to deal with losses originated by the ageing process; and properties of good care'. These themes are discussed from the point of view of their implications for theory, care practice and social policy, and future research.
  • Care and the shadow of the fourth age: how does home care get caught up in it and how does it stay away from it?
    Publication . São José, José
    This article examines how care encounters at the elders' homes are forged, and how the way these encounters are forged avoids or evokes the social imaginary of the fourth age. Data were gathered in Portugal from elders receiving home care (16 cases), their care workers (eight cases) and family carers (six cases), through participant observation and informal conversations (conducted at the elders' homes), as well as focus groups. The collected data were analysed according to the procedures of Framework Analysis. This study found five forms of care encounters - marked by conflict, infantilisation, burden, harmony and indifference - the harmony form being the only one found to maintain the fourth age at a distance. It concludes that home care has a Janus-like nature in relation to the fourth age, and that the way home care encounters are forged depends on the conditions of the care settings and the actions of all participants in care encounters. It also concludes that it is difficult to maintain the social imaginary of the fourth age at a distance when the elders exhibit high levels of infirmity. Finally, it concludes that family carers play a crucial role in the way care encounters unfold. Implications for practice and policy include vocational training regarding the relational component of care, and information and educational programmes for family carers.
  • ElderViews. O Outro Lado da Relação de Cuidar: o Olhar do Idoso. Relatório de Revisão da Literatura
    Publication . São José, José; Barros, Rosanna; Samitca, Sanda; Teixeira, Ana Rita
    Na revisão da literatura que se segue pretendemos dar resposta à seguinte questão: o que é que se sabe, em termos científicos, sobre as perspetivas das pessoas idosas relativamente aos relacionamentos de cuidar em que estão inseridos? Far-se-á também uma caracterização da produção científica sobre esta problemática em termos das suas orientações teóricas e metodológicas, e ainda uma apreciação crítica da investigação revista, salientando-se os seus principais aspetos positivos e as suas principais fragilidades.
  • As políticas de envelhecimento ativo: contributos para uma análise crítica
    Publication . São José, José; Teixeira, Ana Rita
    O envelhecimento populacional coloca diversos desafios às sociedades contemporâneas, nomeadamente nos domínios dos cuidados de saúde, cuidados sociais, proteção social, produtividade económica, entre outros domínios. Uma das estratégias políticas mais propaladas para lidar com estes desafios, tanto ao nível europeu como a nível global, é o “Envelhecimento Ativo”. Apesar da crescente ênfase atribuída ao envelhecimento ativo, ainda não se sabe muito bem de que é que falamos quando falamos de EA, pois não existe um consenso sobre a sua definição. Para além disto, o debate sobre o EA, mais concretamente sobre o seu suporte teórico e empírico, bem como sobre as suas potencialidades, obstáculos e riscos, ainda está numa fase inicial. Este artigo pretende contribuir para a discussão crítica das políticas de EA, procurando discutir, mais especificamente, os obstáculos, as potencialidades e os riscos das políticas de EA.
  • A divisão dos cuidados sociais prestados a pessoas idosas: complexidades, desigualdades e preferências
    Publication . São José, José
    Este artigo foca-se na divisão dos cuidados sociais prestados a pessoas idosas entre os cuidadores familiares e os cuidadores não familiares. Através do uso de instrumentos concetuais que vão para além das concetualizações dicotómicas usadas na investigação já realizada sobre este tema, este artigo tem como objetivo dar conta das formas como os cuidadores familiares dividem os cuidados com os cuidadores não familiares, das vantagens e desvantagens que os primeiros atribuem às respetivas formas de divisão, e das suas perspetivas relativamente à futura divisão dos cuidados. Os resultados mais relevantes—do ponto de vista sociológico, das práticas profissionais e das políticas sociais—são discutidos de uma forma aprofundada.
  • WP3 Care arrangements in multi-career families National report: Portugal
    Publication . Wall, Karin; São José, José; Correia, Sónia
    The division of labour within the family and the behaviour of families in relation to the labour market have changed significantly in Portugal over the last few decades. Of particular importance have been the increased labour force participation of women, especially of married women and those with young children, and the rise in women’s levels of educational attainment.. Women (aged 15-64) as a proportion of the total labour force rose rapidly from 18.3% in 1960 to 52.8% in 1991,and 62% in 1998.