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Pacheco Gamboa, Vítor Manuel

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  • Curiosity saved the cat: socio-emotional skills mediate the relationship between parental support and career exploration
    Publication . GAMBOA, VITOR; Rodrigues, Suzi; Bértolo, Filipa; Marcelo, Beatriz; Paixão, Olímpio
    According to career literature, greater parental support seems to be associated with higher levels of career exploration. This relationship may be mediated by self-regulatory processes, such as social-emotional skills, as curiosity. However, despite the large number of empirical studies that analyze the antecedents of career exploration, there are no references, to our knowledge, to the role of socio-emotional skills. Following this gap, the present study aims to examine the extent to which perceived parental support is associated with career exploration through the mediating effect of curiosity (socio-emotional skill), among a group of 8th and 9th grade students from public schools in southern Portugal (N = 540). An integrated model was conducted using AMOS 20.0 and the results revealed that curiosity is a partial mediator of the relationship between perceived parental support and career exploration. These results highlight the importance of considering socio-emotional skills (such as curiosity) when designing interventions to foster adaptive career behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed to open the opportunity to progressively extend the participation of proximal contexts (e.g., families) to career and socio-emotional skills development processes.
  • Work experience quality and vocational development of students from technological courses
    Publication . Gamboa, Vitor; Paixao, Maria Paula
    The provision of workplace-based experiences (internship) is an important component of training programs of students attending vocational education courses. Regarding the impact of such experiences in the vocational development, results of the present research are not conclusive enough. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between work experience quality and students vocational development. Using a longitudinal design, we conducted a study that explores the relationship between the perceived qualities of the training experience and the vocational development of Portuguese high school students (N = 196). The results suggest that the work experience quality is relevant for the vocational development of students, mainly, in what concerns the process of career exploration.
  • Exploração vocacional e vivências académicas
    Publication . Gamboa, Vitor; Vieira, Luís Sérgio
    Embora exista uma expectativa teórica suficientemente estabelecida, a investigação que considerou a exploração vocacional na qualidade de preditor do desenvolvimento de carreira é ainda bastante limitada (Blustein, 1997) e não tem produzido resultados suficientemente consistentes. Globalmente, os estudos empíricos sugerem que a exploração vocacional tem impacto na identidade vocacional (Robitschek & Cook, 1999), no progresso na tomada de decisão (Blustein, Pauling, DeMania & Faye, 1994), na cristalização do auto-conceito vocacional (Brooks et al., 1995), no recurso a programas de formação (Zikic & Saks, 2009), na formulação de expectativas de trabalho realistas (Stumpf & Hartman, 1984), no ajustamento à universidade (Soares & Taveira, 1998), entre outros. No que se refere à transição para o ensino superior, a exploração vocacional pode constituir um importante facilitador da mesma, uma vez que este processo psicológico pode garantir a actualização entre o self e as diversas solicitações que os alunos experimentam no novo contexto de aprendizagem (e.g., Jordaan, 1963). Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve como principal objectivo esclarecer se a actividade exploratória que antecedeu a entrada no ensino superior constitui um preditor significativo das vivências académicas.
  • A eficácia de uma intervenção de carreira para a exploração vocacional
    Publication . Gamboa, Vitor; Paixão, Maria Paula; Jesus, Saúl
    A exploração vocacional pode constituir um importante facilitador da organização subjetiva da experiência de estágio e do consequente ajustamento e satisfação com esta atividade. Por esta razão, levamos a cabo uma intervenção vocacional, na modalidade programa, que teve como principal objetivo incrementar a atividade exploratória vocacional de um grupo de alunos estagiários do ensino secundário. Para avaliar o impacto do referido programa nas diferentes dimensões da exploração vocacional, recorreu-se a um desenho quasi-experimental, pré-teste/pósteste, com grupos não equivalentes. Globalmente, os resultados parecem-nos relevantes, uma vez que a intervenção vocacional teve um impacto positivo e signifi cativo nas duas principais dimensões da exploração vocacional: o self e o meio.
  • Validação da versão portuguesa da Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) em contextos académicos
    Publication . Gamboa, Vitor; Valadas, Sandra T.; Paixão, Olímpio
    A Escala da Motivação Situacional – SIMS (Guay, Vallerand & Blanchard, 2000), procura avaliar, de acordo com o modelo hierárquico da motivação intrínseca / extrínseca de Vallerand (1997), a motivação experimentada no decurso da realização de uma tarefa específica. Na presente comunicação pretendemos dar conta dos principais resultados do estudo de tradução e adaptação à população portuguesa da SIMS, junto de uma amostra de 312 estudantes do ensino superior. Globalmente, os resultados das análises psicométricas dos itens e das diferentes subescalas (amotivação, regulação externa, regulação identificada e motivação intrínseca) atestam a qualidade psicométrica da SIMS. No que se refere à validade de constructo (CFA), os contributos dos fatores e os índices de qualidade do ajustamento demostraram a necessidade de eliminação de dois itens, o que parece estar de acordo com os resultados encontrados em outros estudos de validação (e.g., Martín-Albo, Núñez & Navarro, 2009). Em síntese, os resultados obtidos parecem suportar a utilização da versão portuguesa da escala SIMS para avaliar a motivação situacional em contexto académico.
  • Work experience quality and vocational development
    Publication . Gamboa, Vitor; Paixão, Maria Paula
    The provision of workplace-based experiences (internship/placement) is an important component of the training program of students attending technological and professional courses (VET), in secondary education. Regarding the effect of such experiences in vocational development, research results are not conclusive enough, mostly, if we consider the theoretical expectation that work experiences clearly affects the vocational development of adolescents (e.g., Dawis, 2002, 2005; Lent, Brown & Hackett, 1994; Mitchell & Krumboltz, 1996; Savickas, 2005; Super, 1957; Super, Savickas & Super, 1996; Vondracek, Lerner & Schulenberg, 1986). As a corollary of this observation, the main purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between work experience quality and students vocational development. Using a longitudinal design (pre and post - internship), we conducted a study (N = 346) that explores the relationship between perceived qualities of the training experience (IQE - autonomy, colleagues feedback, social support, task variety, learning opportunities, instructions clarity, training, supervisor feedback and support ) and career exploration (CES – Stumpf et al., 1983; Taveira, 1997), career decision-making (CDS– Osipow, Carney, Winer, Yanico & Koschier, 1976; Silva, 1997), Decision-Making Self-Efficacy (CDMSE-SF (Betz, Klein & Taylor, 1996; Silva & Paixão, 2005) and career commitment (CCCS Blustein, Ellis & Devenis, 1987; Silva, 1997). The results suggest that the quality of work experience is relevant for the vocational development of students, mainly, in what concerns the process of career exploration.
  • Autonomous versus controlled motivation on career indecision: the mediating effect of career exploration
    Publication . Paixão, Olímpio; Gamboa, Vitor
    Effective career decision-making outcomes may depend on the type of motivation underlying career development. The purpose of this study was to analyze how autonomous and controlled motivation predict exploration behaviors and career indecision and in which degree the effect of motivation on indecision is mediated by career exploration (environmental exploration, self-exploration, intended-systematic exploration and amount of information), among a group of high-school students (10th, 11th, and 12th grades, N = 523, M = 16.40). An integrative model was tested using path analysis to test direct and indirect effects and model fit (AMOS 20.0). The final model showed good fit to the data. Three indirect effects were found significant, being self-exploration, and amount of information presented as mediators. Our results highlight the importance to design career interventions not only focusing on promoting exploration behaviors but also on creating purposeful planning, based on students' reasons underlying their involvement in the career decision-making process.
  • Motivational Profiles and Career Decision Making of High School Students
    Publication . Paixão, Olímpio; Gamboa, Vitor
    Based on self-determination theory, this study sought to identify distinct motivational profiles in a sample of high school students (N = 396, mean age = 17.02 years) using a person-centered approach. Three motivational clusters of students emerged: self-determined students, non-self-determined students, and externally regulated students. Differences between and among these profiles across career exploration and career indecision levels were analyzed. Overall, self-determination theory appears to offer a conceptual framework for organizing career interventions. The fact that motivational profiles can distinguish students among career exploration and career indecision levels leads the authors to reaffirm the importance of differential career intervention practices. Future research should examine the stability of motivational profiles, their predictive power over career exploration and career decision making, and the differences between highly motivated students regarding the career decision-making process.
  • O impacto da experiência de estágio no processo de exploração vocacional em alunos dos cursos tecnológicos e profissionais do ensino secundário
    Publication . Gamboa, Vitor; Paixão, Maria Paula
    O estágio surge, no processo de formação, como um contacto formal e estruturado com o mundo do trabalho. Vários autores salientam o valor da experiência directa em contexto de trabalho, apontando-a como a modalidade mais realista de exploração vocacional. Porém, o resultado das experiências de trabalho (nomeadamente os estágios) é extremamente variável e depende de vários aspectos. Os estudos empíricos que procuram relacionar a qualidade das experiências de trabalho, estágios incluídos, com o desenvolvimento global e vocacional / carreira dos estudantes não são suficientemente conclusivos, tendo em consideração a expectativa teórica de que a experiência de trabalho afecta claramente o desenvolvimento vocacional dos adolescentes. No corolário desta observação, surge o principal objectivo deste estudo – esclarecer a relação entre as diferentes qualidades do estágio curricular e o comportamento de exploração vocacional. Recorrendo a um desenho longitudinal (pré e pós – estágio), este estudo (N=309) explora a relação entre as qualidades percebidas do estágio (autonomia, variedade e oportunidades de aprendizagem, feedback dos colegas, suporte social e supervisão) e quatro dimensões do processo de exploração vocacional (exploração do meio, exploração de si próprio, exploração sistemática e quantidade de informação). Os resultados sugerem que entre o pré e o pós - estágio, os alunos assinalam um aumento da actividade exploratória, sobretudo naquela que se orientou para o meio. As análises de variância e de covariância com medições repetidas sugerem interacção entre algumas das qualidades do estágio e o comportamento exploratório. São discutidas as implicações destes resultados para a intervenção vocacional e para as futuras investigações neste domínio.
  • Validation of a portuguese version of the situational motivation scale (SIMS) in academic contexts
    Publication . Gamboa, Vitor; Valadas, Sandra T.; Paixão, Olímpio
    The Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS), seeks to evaluate the motivation experienced when carrying out a specific task. The purpose of this research was to validate a Portuguese-language version of the scale, using a sample of 409 students, by attempting to reproduce its factor structure. The reliability analysis revealed acceptable internal consistency indexes in all subscales. Construct validity was assessed through Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The contributions of the factors and index of goodness-of-fit demonstrated the need to eliminate two items, which seems to agree with the results in other validation studies. Overall, results revealed that the SIMS is composed of four consistent factors and attested its psychometric quality. The scale does seem to represent a self-report measure of situational intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regulation, and amotivation, and can be widely used for the assessment of this construct in Portuguese academic contexts.