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Browsing CAC2-Artigos (em revistas ou actas indexadas) by Title
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- Alchimia: an inexplicable or mysterious transmutation, a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combinationPublication . Veiga, PedroAlchimia V2 is an interactive installation that relies on a single spectator/interactor standing in front of a screen/webcam. It has been coded in Processing 3.0 and is calculation intensive, using the webcam to perform facial detection, while simultaneously processing pre-prepared images and sounds, thus creating a virtual space of constant audio-visual movement to deliberately interfere with real-time self-perception and self-recognition. Alchimia V2 questions and changes our relationship with our own representation through the (ever present) camera and screen by focusing on the spectator’s face, altering the expression, gender, assigning masks, making the facial traits diffuse, mixed, funny or scary, always mysterious, in a search for another "self", oblivious of the "selfie" pose and attitude, while allowing for self discovery and playfulness – or intimidation. Through the interaction the spectator/interactor is absorbed in the transmutation process, unaware of the fact that they also have become part of a performance: unique, unrepeatable, transformed.
- Algumas notas sobre "o sapo negro" no âmbito da 'edição crítica das obras completas de Almeida GarrettʼPublication . Boto, SandraEste estudo pretende demonstrar a pertinência do modelo editorial a aplicar à edição crítico-genética em curso do Romanceirodo escritor romântico português Almeida Garrett. Apela-se, para o efeito, ao exemplo concreto da fixação do texto inédito por ele intitulado O sapo negro,poema que consideramos uma recriação própria garrettiana a partir de romances da tradição oral. Paratal, apresenta-se uma recensiodos núcleos documentais manuscritos e das edições a considerar no âmbito da edição, para depois se discutirem os limites e a natureza do corpusa editar, em franco respeito pelos princípios norteadores da coleção ‘Edição Crítica das Obras Completas de Almeida Garrett’, na qual este labor editorial se insere. Através do estabelecimento do mencionado poema, onde se exibem naturalmente as soluções ecdóticas propostas para os problemas críticos que ele nos coloca, seremos levadosa extrair algumas conclusões relevantes que permitem não só compreender o processo criativo deste editor português como avançar no conhecimento do romanceiro da tradição oral moderna da primeira metade do século XIX.
- Alienação e escravatura a partir de precious ou aquilo que não queremos verPublication . Cardoso, PauloIt is our purpose to establish, in a parallel reading, these two films (highly rewarded), namely The Fence and Precious, that apparently being so different, are an illustration of the reality of life and the modern democratic world: the social uprooting and slavery. If in the movie of Philip Noyce and Christone Olsen The Fence, is told a story of three young Aboriginal girls who are forcibly taken to be transformed in domestic slaves, in the movie of Lee Daniels Precious, the young woman is already a servant in her own home and seeks the transformation of her life. Uniting these two stories, we find fundamental elements: literacy, ill-treatment, the idea of a migration (real or metaphysical), among others, but whose fundamental notion is the journey. If the film The Fence, the fence itself is used to conduct the three young Aboriginal to a real reunion with the family, in Precious, the metaphorical 'fence ' is the limit of her world. From these interpretation, we will undertake our reflection about what we consider to be the alienation of the modern world and the silence we produce about them.
- Âmago II: the creative process of an underwater vietnamese self-portraitPublication . Costas, Susana; Mendes da Silva, BrunoThis short paper explores the legacy of video art, challenging conventions of representation and perception while blurring boundaries between physical and virtual realities. It focuses on the digital creation process of the video artwork Amago II, which delves into themes of self-representation, self-narratives, and cultural symbolism of spaces and objects. The video art employs visual metaphors to guide the viewer through a diachronic experience, reflecting deliberate technical and aesthetic choices. The culmination of these choices results in the presentation of the artwork and its reception by the audience.
- Âmago: creative process of a Macanese video artPublication . Costa, Susana; Tavares, Mirian; Mendes Da Silva, BrunoIn this article, we proceed from identifying inspirations and triggers in the creation process and the intention of the artistic object Amago. According to Salles [1], we understand that the existence of a purpose, even if of a general and vague character, is the first guide of unlimited freedom for creation. In this sense, we seek to represent biographical moments and narratives summoned in diegetic space and audiovisual language through visual metaphors and metonymy. The diachronic signification of experiences and inspirations is built through aesthetic options, such as slow motion, warm colors, parallel sound, and the option for semi-subaquatic images.
- An efficient parallel collision detection algorithm for virtual prototype environmentsPublication . Figueiredo, Mauro; Terrence, FernandoThe automatic recognition of geometric constraints in virtual assembly and maintenance operations relies in the determination of intersecting surfaces between virtual prototypes. This is a key challenge in many virtual prototype applications, where it is necessary to find collisions precisely and interactively. This paper presents a novel algorithm to determine intersecting surfaces at interactive speed in a virtual prototyping environment. The proposed algorithm is based on the Overlapping AxisAligned Bounding Box (OAABB). The OAABB concept is used effectively to eliminate the number of surfaces that cannot intersect and improve performance. The algorithm also facilitates the implementation using parallel computing methods. OpenMP is used, taking advantage of shared memory multiple processors and reducing the overall time complexity of the collision detection algorithm. To achieve an efficient parallel simulation, it is necessary to provide an efficient load balancing scheme. Our experiences in parallelising the code to achieve a better work distribution are also described. Results show that the proposed collision detection achieves interactive rates in real industrial applications as desired.
- Arenas Simbólicas VirtuaisPublication . Silva, BrunoEste trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre o videojogo enquanto espaço simbólico onde a simulação transfigura a realidade em hiper-realidade, possibilitando, assim, a vivência controlada de perigos ficcionados. As facetas virtuais dos jogadores de consola transcendem os limites da vida quotidiana abrindo-lhe portas de mundos paralelos onde pode praticar aptidões fálicas e agressivas.
- Arte, entretenimento e política: o cinema no contexto educativoPublication . Pacheco, RaquelFocamos nos principais projetos de cinema e educação, tendo como certeza que um campo é uma constituição de elementos em constante movimento. Identificamos e refletimos sobre o surgimento e desenvolvimento do cinema e educação em Portugal, assim como seus atuais desafios. Escrito com a intenção de sistematizar as informações e dados encontrados durante nossa pesquisa, este texto aborda contextos históricos e políticas públicas com enfase nos projetos que são implementados. Analisamos os motivos e movimentos que impulsionaram e que continuam a impulsionar este campo, assim como aquilo que o retrai e que vem limitando seu crescimento.
- Assum Livre: performance paradoxal entre o real e o digitalPublication . Rocha, Rosimária; Canossa, Hugo; Maria Manuela Lopes; Bastos, Paulo Bernardino; António B. Araújo; Lucas Fabian Oliveros; Fernandes-Marcos, AdéritoA proposta artística “Assum Livre” consiste numa performance de Inter-Arte que tem como objetivo principal refletir sobre a liberdade/ aprisionamento, evocando uma metáfora que recria a experiência do confinamento / desconfinamento nos tempos de pandemia 2020 / 2021. Para além da questão da vida pós-digital, questionamos sobre o negacionismo científico no que denominamos de “sombras e a luz”, em virtude da cegueira provocada. A performance fundamenta-se na transmissão de um vídeo gravado com a autora / cantora a interpretar parte da canção “Assum Preto” (Humberto Teixeira e Luiz Gonzaga, 1950), simultaneamente com a interpretação ao vivo das outras estrofes da música, que alternam com a apresentação da totalidade da letra. Teremos a materialização da performer, da gravação / vídeo à existência real. Como cenário temos a natureza enquanto projeção da “liberdade”, o habitat natural outrora ameaçado pela intervenção humana, potencializando as paisagens sonoras naturais e possibilitando a hibridização imagem / som / performance ao vivo.
- Augmented reality in formal learning environments Intervention in a Visual Education textbookPublication . Gomes, Jose; Gomes, Cristina Maria Cardoso; Oliveira, LidiaThis article describes an intervention carried out on a 2nd Cycle of Basic Education Visual Education (VE) textbook in formal learning context, using mobile computing devices (smartphones and tablets) and Augmented Reality technology (AR). AR experiments were developed with the Aurasma Studio application and implemented with the Aurasma app. The prototypes produced were the subject of an experimental comparative study aiming to know the effects of the intervention on the students' learning achievements. Results suggest that the augmented textbook contributes to better learning results than the traditional textbook.