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- Desenvolvimento regional e investimento rodoviário em Portugal: o caso das auto-estradas SCUTPublication . Pereira, Alfredo; Andraz, Jorge MiguelEste livro corresponde ao primeiro de uma série de três obras e responde a uma proposta da Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional junto dos seus associados para a realização de três estudos sobre temas importantes para o desenvolvimento regional em Portugal: um primeiro sobre os problemas emergentes para o desenvolvimento regional, outro sobre casos de desenvolvimento regional e um terceiro sobre modelos operacionais de desenvolvimento regional. O objectivo desta primeira obra é responder a questões emergentes para a problemática do desenvolvimento regional em Portugal nomeadamente as que se relacionam com os impactos territoriais que resultam de alterações profundas no movimento de pessoas, de capital, de energia e de mercadorias estimuladas por fenómenos globais.
- On the effects of highway investment on the regional concentration of economic activity in the USAPublication . Pereira, Alfredo; Andraz, Jorge MiguelThe empirical results in this note are based on state-level VAR estimates using private output, employment, and investment, as well as different measures of highway investment to capture, for each state, both the direct effects of highway investment in the state itself and spillover effects of highway investment in other states. Empirical results suggest that the largest states tend to also be the biggest beneficiaries of highway investments which means that highway investment has not only contributed to regional concentration of economic activity but has done so in many of the largest states thereby contributing to regional asymmetries in the country
- Análise custo-benefício ex-ante dos investimentos em Scuts: o caso da Scut do grande PortoPublication . Pereira, Alfredo; Pereira, Rui; Andraz, Jorge MiguelO presente trabalho tem como objectivo a apresentação do projecto de investimento na SCUT do Grande Porto, uma auto-estrada em regime de portagem sem cobrança aos utilizadores, e a sua avaliação financeira e microeconómica numa base ex-ante.
- Public investment in transportation infrastructure and economic performance in PortugalPublication . Pereira, Alfredo; Andraz, Jorge MiguelIn this paper, we use a VAR approach to investigate the effects of public investment in transportation infrastructures on private investment, employment, and output in Portugal. Estimation results suggest that public investment crowds in private investment and employment, and has a strong positive effect on output. We estimate that one euro in public investment increases output in the long-term by 9.5 euros, which corresponds to a rate of return of 15.9%. These figures imply that there are strong long-term budgetary benefits from public investment in the form of increased future tax revenues. A closer look at the effects of different types of public investment uncovers the same general patterns. These results are very important from a public policy perspective. They suggest that the strategy followed by the Portuguese authorities of investing in public infrastructures is justified, both from a long-term development perspective and a long-term public budgetary perspective.
- Análise custo-benefício ex-post dos investimentos em scuts: o caso da scut do interior nortePublication . Pereira, Alfredo; Pereira, Rui; Andraz, Jorge MiguelA análise custo-benefício ex-post do projecto de investimento na SCUT Interior Norte aponta no sentido de este projecto demonstrar um valor financeiro e microeconómico muito positivo. Partindo da comparação de resultados entre cenários com e sem a existência da SCUT mostra-se que a existência desta SCUT permite ganhos consideráveis em termos de redução dos tempos de viagem, de sinistralidade, e de impactes ambientais.
- The tourism position in the Algarve economic structure: a regional analysisPublication . Andraz, Jorge Miguel; Silva, João Albino; Viegas, CarlosThis paper analyses the evolution of the Algarve’s economic structure and the position achieved by tourist activity in the region between 1995 and 2003 to evaluate the region’s degree of specialization on tourism. The methodology applies the regional analysis tools, in particular the location and specialization indicators and the analysis is developed both at the inter-regional and intra-regional levels. The results suggest that the Algarve is the second most specialized region in the country, together with the region of Madeira, and behind the region of Azores. In the basis of this phenomenon are the sector of hotels and restaurants, which is directly connected to tourism, and other sectors such as fishery, trade, transports, communications and other services, which are indirectly connected to tourism. Furthermore, the focuses of concentration are limited to the coast line, with particular relevance in the areas of Albufeira, Vila do Bispo and Portimão.
- Theoretical approaches and empirical results on the economic effects of public investmentPublication . Andraz, Jorge Miguel; Pereira, AlfredoThis paper presents an extensive discussion of the literature on the economic impact of public investment on infrastructures both for the US and internationally. The paper expands the focus of previous surveys by concentrating on empirical econometric studies about the effects of public investment as well as on the evolution of the methodological issues motivated by criticisms. From the empirical results reported in the literature, there is a general evidence that suggests that nonmilitary public investment contributes significantly to output growth and production costs reduction, not only as a direct input to production function, but also by its influence on private factors of production. This evidence raises the importance of the endogeneity of private inputs and also public investment, as well as the direction of causality. The studies performed at sectoral and regional levels show very often unbalanced effects from public investment. Moreover, as the geographic focus narrows,the estimated elasticities with respect to public capital become smaller, which suggests the existence of spillover effects.
- A previsão com modelos de espaço de estado: Uma aplicação à economia portuguesaPublication . Andraz, Jorge Miguel; Guerreiro, Raúl Filipe C.; Rodrigues, Paulo M. M.A previsão com modelos de espaço de estado: modelo estrutural, modelo espaço estados (MEE), previsão com filtro de Kalman.
- Convergir para um novo paradigma de ensinoPublication . Andraz, Jorge Miguel; Rodrigues, Paulo M. M.Os sistemas de ensino estão actualmente expostos a um enorme desafio associado à prossecução do estabelecimento de uma àrea de ensino superior europeu comum até 2010.
- O padrão de especialização e a localização das actividades económicas no AlgarvePublication . Silva, João Albino; Andraz, Jorge MiguelO presente trabalho pretende apresentar, de uma forma integrada, uma caracterização da região do Algarve na década de 90.