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  • Evolution of the angiopoietin-like gene family in teleosts and their role in skin regeneration
    Publication . Costa, Rita A.; Cardoso, João CR; Power, Deborah
    Background The skin in vertebrates is a protective barrier and damage is rapidly repaired to re-establish barrier function and maintain internal homeostasis. The angiopoietin-like (ANGPTL) proteins are a family of eight secreted glycoproteins with an important role in skin repair and angiogenesis in humans. In other vertebrates their existence and role in skin remains largely unstudied. The present study characterizes for the first time the homologues of human ANGPTLs in fish and identifies the candidates that share a conserved role in skin repair using a regenerating teleost skin model over a 4-day healing period. Results Homologues of human ANGPTL1-7 were identified in fish, although ANGPTL8 was absent and a totally new family member designated angptl9 was identified in fish and other non-mammalian vertebrates. In the teleost fishes a gene family expansion occurred but all the deduced Angptl proteins retained conserved sequence and structure motifs with the human homologues. In sea bream skin angptl1b, angptl2b, angptl4a, angptl4b and angptl7 transcripts were successfully amplified and they were differentially expressed during skin regeneration. In the first 2 days of skin regeneration, re-establishment of the physical barrier and an increase in the number of blood vessels was observed. During the initial stages of skin regeneration angptl1b and angptl2b transcripts were significantly more abundant (p < 0.05) than in intact skin and angptl7 transcripts were down-regulated (p < 0.05) throughout the 4-days of skin regeneration that was studied. No difference in angptl4a and angptl4b transcript abundance was detected during regeneration or between regenerating and intact skin. Conclusions The angptl gene family has expanded in teleost genomes. In sea bream, changes in the expression of angptl1b, angptl2b and angptl7 were correlated with the main phases of skin regeneration, indicating the involvement of ANGPTL family members in skin regeneration has been conserved in the vertebrates. Exploration of the fish angptl family in skin sheds new light on the understanding of the molecular basis of skin regeneration an issue of importance for disease control in aquaculture.
  • Cartilage acidic protein 1, a new member of the beta-propeller protein family with amyloid propensity
    Publication . Anjos, Lliana; Morgado, Isabel; Guerreiro, Marta; Cardoso, João CR; Melo, Eduardo; Power, Deborah
    Cartilage acidic protein1 (CRTAC1) is an extracellular matrix protein of chondrogenic tissue in humans and its presence in bacteria indicate it is of ancient origin. Structural modeling of piscine CRTAC1 reveals it belongs to the large family of beta-propeller proteins that in mammals have been associated with diseases, including amyloid diseases such as Alzheimer's. In order to characterize the structure/function evolution of this new member of the beta-propeller family we exploited the unique characteristics of piscine duplicate genes Crtac1a and Crtac1b and compared their structural and biochemical modifications with human recombinant CRTAC1. We demonstrate that CRTAC1 has a beta-propeller structure that has been conserved during evolution and easily forms high molecular weight thermo-stable aggregates. We reveal for the first time the propensity of CRTAC1 to form amyloid-like structures, and hypothesize that the aggregating property of CRTAC1 may be related to its disease-association. We further contribute to the general understating of CRTAC1's and beta-propeller family evolution and function. Proteins 2017; 85:242-255. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Toll-like receptor evolution: does temperature matter?
    Publication . Sousa, Carmen; Fernandes, Stefan A.; Cardoso, João; Wang, Ying; Zhai, Wanying; Guerreiro, Pedro; Chen, Liangbiao; Canario, A.V.M.; Power, Deborah
    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and are an ancient and well-conserved group of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). The isolation of the Antarctic continent and its unique teleost fish and microbiota prompted the present investigation into Tlr evolution. Gene homologues of tlr members in teleosts from temperate regions were present in the genome of Antarctic Nototheniidae and the non-Antarctic sister lineage Bovichtidae. Overall, in Nototheniidae apart from D. mawsoni, no major tlr gene family expansion or contraction occurred. Instead, lineage and species-specific changes in the ectodomain and LRR of Tlrs occurred, particularly in the Tlr11 superfamily that is well represented in fish. Positive selective pressure and associated sequence modifications in the TLR ectodomain and within the leucine-rich repeats (LRR), important for pathogen recognition, occurred in Tlr5, Tlr8, Tlr13, Tlr21, Tlr22, and Tlr23 presumably associated with the unique Antarctic microbiota. Exposure to lipopolysaccharide (Escherichia coli O111:B4) Gram negative bacteria did not modify tlr gene expression in N. rossii head-kidney or anterior intestine, although increased water temperature (+4 degrees C) had a significant effect.
  • Cloning, characterisation and tissue distribution of an aquaporin-3 cDNA from fish (Sparus aurata)
    Publication . Santos, CRA; Fuentes, Juan; Cardoso, João CR; Estêvão, Dulce; Power, Deborah
    The major intrinsic protein (MIP) family consists of several transmembrane channel proteins specific for water and neutral solutes. All proteins belonging to the MIP family evolved from two divergent bacterial paralogues, one giving rise to the CHIP group, functionally characterised as water channels and the other to the GLP group, specialised in glycerol transport. Three forms of MIP proteins belonging to the GLP group have been identified in mammals: aquaporin-3 (AQP-3), aquaporin-7 (AQP-7) and aquaporin-9 (AQP-9). We have recently cloned and characterised a GLP cDNA from the marine teleost sea bream (Sparus aurata) and studied its tissue distribution. Phylogenetic analysis revealed it was most like AQP-3 and further studies are now underway to determine its role in hydromineral balance.
  • Feeding and the rhodopsin family g-protein coupled receptors in nematodes and arthropods
    Publication . Cardoso, João CR; Félix, Rute C.; Fonseca, V. G.; Power, Deborah
    In vertebrates, receptors of the rhodopsin G-protein coupled superfamily (GPCRs) play an important role in the regulation of feeding and energy homeostasis and are activated by peptide hormones produced in the brain-gut axis.These peptides regulate appetite and energy expenditure by promoting or inhibiting food intake. Sequence and function homologs of human GPCRs involved in feeding exist in the nematode roundworm, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), and the arthropod fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster (D. melanogaster), suggesting that the mechanisms that regulate food intake emerged early and have been conserved during metazoan radiation. Nematodes and arthropods are the most diverse and successful animal phyla on Earth. They can survive in a vast diversity of environments and have acquired distinct life styles and feeding strategies.The aim of the present review is to investigate if this diversity has affected the evolution of invertebrate GPCRs. Homologs of the C. elegans and D. melanogaster rhodopsin receptorswere characterized in the genome of other nematodes and arthropods and receptor evolution compared.With the exception of bombesin receptors (BBR) that are absent from nematodes, a similar gene complement was found. In arthropods, rhodopsin GPCR evolution is characterized by species-specific gene duplications and deletions and in nematodes by gene expansions in species with a free-living stage and gene deletions in representatives of obligate parasitic taxa. Based upon variation in GPCR gene number and potentially divergent functions within phyla we hypothesize that life style and feeding diversity practiced by nematodes and arthropods was one factor that contributed to rhodopsin GPCR gene evolution. Understanding how the regulation of food intake has evolved in invertebrates will contribute to the development of novel drugs to control nematodes and arthropods and the pests and diseases that use them as vectors.
  • Cartilage acidic protein 1 promotes increased cell viability, cell proliferation and energy metabolism in primary human dermal fibroblasts
    Publication . Letsiou, Sophia; Félix, Rute; Cardoso, João CR; L, Anjos; Mestre, Ana L G; H, Gomes; Power, Deborah
    Cartilage acidic protein 1 (CRTAC1) is an extracellular matrix protein of human chondrogenic tissue that is also present in other vertebrates, non-vertebrate eukaryotes and in some prokaryotes. The function of CRTAC1 remains unknown but the protein's structure indicates a role in cell-cell or cell-matrix interactions and calcium-binding. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro effects of hCRTAC1-A on normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF). A battery of in vitro assays (biochemical and PCR), immunofluorescence and a biosensor approach were used to characterize the protein's biological activities on NHDF cells in a scratch assay. Gene expression analysis revealed that hCRTAC1-A protein is associated with altered levels of expression for genes involved in the processes of cell proliferation (CXCL12 and NOS2), cell migration (AQP3 and TNC), and extracellular matrix-ECM regeneration and remodeling (FMOD, TIMP1, FN1) indicating a role for hCRTAC1-A in promoting these activities in a scratch assay. In parallel, the candidate processes identified by differential gene transcription were substantiated and extended using Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) technology, immunofluorescence and cell viability assays. Our findings indicate that hCRTAC1-A stimulated cell proliferation, migration and ECM production in primary human fibroblasts in vitro. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. and Societe Francaise de Biochimie et Biologie Moleculaire (SFBBM). All rights reserved.
  • Feeding and the rhodopsin family G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) in nematodes and arthropods
    Publication . Cardoso, João CR
    In vertebrates, receptors of the rhodopsin G-protein coupled superfamily (GPCRs) play an important role in the regulation of feeding and energy homeostasis and are activated by peptide hormones produced in the brain-gut axis. These peptides regulate appetite and energy expenditure by promoting or inhibiting food intake. Sequence and function homologues of human GPCRs involved in feeding exist in the nematode roundworm, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) and the arthropod fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster (D. melanogaster), suggesting that the mechanisms that regulate food intake emerged early and have been conserved during metazoan radiation. Nematodes and arthropods are the most diverse and successful animal phyla on Earth. They can survive in a vast diversity of environments and have acquired distinct life styles and feeding strategies. The aim of the present review is to investigate if this diversity has affected the evolution of invertebrate GPCRs. Homologues of the C. elegans and D. melanogaster rhodopsin receptors were characterized in the genome of other nematodes and arthropods and receptor evolution compared. With the exception of bombesin receptors (BBR) that are absent from nematodes, a similar gene complement was found. In arthropods, rhodopsin GPCR evolution is characterized by species-specific gene duplications and deletions and in nematodes by gene expansions in species with a free-living stage and gene deletions in representatives of obligate parasitic taxa. Based upon variation in GPCR gene number and potentially divergent functions within phyla we hypothesize that life style and feeding diversity practiced by nematodes and arthropods was one factor that contributed to rhodopsin GPCR gene evolution. Understanding how the regulation of food intake has evolved in invertebrates will contribute to the development of novel drugs to control nematodes and arthropods and the pests and diseases that use them as vectors.
  • Evolution and diversity of alpha-carbonic anhydrases in the mantle of the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
    Publication . Cardoso, João CR; Ferreira, Vinicius; Zhang, Xushuai; Anjos, Liliana; Félix, Rute; Batista, Frederico; Power, Deborah
    The α-carbonic anhydrases (α-CAs) are a large and ancient group of metazoan-specific enzymes. They generate bicarbonate from metabolic carbon dioxide and through calcium carbonate crystal formation play a key role in the regulation of mineralized structures. To better understand how α-CAs contribute to shell mineralization in the marine Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) we characterized them in the mantle. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that mollusc α-CA evolution was affected by lineage and species-specific events. Ten α-CAs were found in the Mediterranean mussel mantle and the most abundant form was named, MgNACR, as it grouped with oyster nacreins (NACR). Exposure of the Mediterranean mussel to reduced water salinity (18 vs 37 ppt), caused a significant reduction (p < 0.05) in mantle esterase activity and MgNACR transcript abundance (p < 0.05). Protonograms revealed multiple proteins in the mantle with α-CA hydratase activity and mapped to a protein with a similar size to that deduced for monomeric MgNACR. Our data indicate that MgNACR is a major α-CA enzyme in mantle and that by homology with oyster nacreins likely regulates mussel shell production. We propose that species-dependent α-CA evolution may contribute to explain the diversity of bivalve shell structures and their vulnerability to environmental changes.
  • Evolution of secretin family GPCR members in the metazoa
    Publication . Cardoso, João CR; Pinto, Vanda C.; Vieira, Florbela A.; Clark, M. S.; Power, Deborah
    Background: Comparative approaches using protostome and deuterostome data have greatly contributed to understanding gene function and organismal complexity. The family 2 G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are one of the largest and best studied hormone and neuropeptide receptor families. They are suggested to have arisen from a single ancestral gene via duplication events. Despite the recent identification of receptor members in protostome and early deuterostome genomes, relatively little is known about their function or origin during metazoan divergence. In this study a comprehensive description of family 2 GPCR evolution is given based on in silico and expression analyses of the invertebrate receptor genes. Results: Family 2 GPCR members were identified in the invertebrate genomes of the nematodes C. elegans and C. briggsae, the arthropods D. melanogaster and A. gambiae (mosquito) and in the tunicate C. intestinalis. This suggests that they are of ancient origin and have evolved through gene/ genome duplication events. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses have demonstrated that the immediate gene environment, with regard to gene content, is conserved between the protostome and deuterostome receptor genomic regions. Also that the protostome genes are more like the deuterostome Corticotrophin Releasing Factor (CRF) and Calcitonin/Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CAL/CGRP) receptors members than the other family 2 GPCR members. The evolution of family 2 GPCRs in deuterostomes is characterised by acquisition of new family members, with SCT (Secretin) receptors only present in tetrapods. Gene structure is characterised by an increase in intron number with organismal complexity with the exception of the vertebrate CAL/CGRP receptors. Conclusion: The family 2 GPCR members provide a good example of gene duplication events occurring in tandem with increasing organismal complexity during metazoan evolution. The putative ancestral receptors are proposed to be more like the deuterostome CAL/CGRP and CRF receptors and this may be associated with their fundamental role in calcium regulation and the stress response, both of which are essential for survival.
  • Evolution of the glucagon-like system across fish
    Publication . Cardoso, João CR; Félix, Rute C.; Costa, Carina; PFS, Palma; Canario, Adelino; Power, Deborah
    In fishes, including the jawless lampreys, the most ancient lineage of extant vertebrates, plasma glucose levels are highly variable and regulation is more relaxed than in mammals. The regulation of glucose and lipid in fishes in common with mammals involves members of the glucagon (GCG)-like family of gastrointestinal peptides. In mammals, four peptides GCG, glucagon-like peptide 1 and 2 (GLP1 and GLP2) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) that activate four specific receptors exist. However, in lamprey and other fishes the glucagon-like family evolved differently and they retained additional gene family members (glucagon-related peptide, gcrp and its receptor, gcrpr) that are absent from mammals. In the present study, we analysed the evolution of the glucagon-like system in fish and characterized gene expression of the family members in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) a teleost fish. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that multiple receptors and peptides of the glucagon-like family emerged early during the vertebrate radiation and evolved via lineage specific events. Synteny analysis suggested that family member gene loss is likely to be the result of a single gene deletion event. Lamprey was the only fish where a putative glp1r persisted and the presence of the receptor gene in the genomes of the elephant shark and coelacanth remains unresolved. In the coelacanth and elephant shark, unique proglucagon genes were acquired which in the former only encoded Gcg and Glp2 and in the latter, shared a similar structure to the teleost proglucagon gene but possessed an extra exon coding for Glp-like peptide that was most similar to Glp2. The variable tissue distribution of the gene transcripts encoding the ligands and receptors of the glucagon-like system in an advanced teleost, the European sea bass, suggested that, as occurs in mammals, they have acquired distinct functions. Statistically significant (p < .05) down-regulation of teleost proglucagon a in sea bass with modified plasma glucose levels confirmed the link between these peptides and metabolism. The tissue distribution of members of the glucagon-like system in sea bass and human suggests that evolution of the brain-gut-peptide regulatory loop diverged between teleosts and mammals despite the overall conservation and similarity of glucagon-like family members.