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- Conhecimento das ciências para o ensino da célula: um estudo de caso instrumentalPublication . Santos, C. Susana; Monteiro, Rute; Ribeiro, Carlos MiguelPara se ser professor de Ciências da Natureza não é suficiente, por um lado, um conhecimento equiparável ao dos alunos, e por outro tampouco é suficiente um conhecimento enciclopédico sobre cada um dos tópicos de forma isolada, ou de um mero conjunto de estratégias gerais de gestão do espaço de sala de aula.
- Non-traditional access to higher education – an evolution in PortugalPublication . Bago, Joana; Santos, Lucilia; Fonseca, Henrique; Almeida, António Fragoso de; Gonçalves, Teresa; Ribeiro, Carlos Miguel; Quintas, Helena; Monteiro, RuteIn Portugal the access to Higher Education (HE), comprising Universities and Polytechnic institutions, can be achieved by several dedicated “doors”. Besides the “National Admission Process” that accounts for the largest number of candidacies and vacancies and constitutes the regular pathway, there are a number of other processes, such as particular admission processes and special regimes, created as a result of the effort to open Higher Education to more and different publics. Gateways have been built based on the profiles at entrance, identifying, in particular, Non-Traditional Students, in particular older than 23 years that have now a dedicated via on the “Special Admission to HE” (SAHE) that has it set of vacancies established on a yearly basis by each university, and targets candidates (M23 regime). As a case study, this work pretends to bring up the major changes between past and present protocols of the SAHE, i.e., “ad-hoc examinations” and the actual M23 regime.
- Interspecies human encounters as learning opportunities in/for environmental educationPublication . Monteiro, Rute; Reis, G.The presentation aims at examining the potential directions and issues emerging from a international research project that seeks to investigate how young children interact with captive animals—i.e. dolphins and reptiles—in Portugal and Canada.
- Animais versus plantas e estudo do meioPublication . Monteiro, Rute; Luís, Mónica; Rodríguez-Miranda, Francisco P.Neste estudo analisaram-se duas séries de manuais escolares de duas editoras (oito manuais) de forma a conhecer como são apresentados os temas Animais e Plantas. Com a sua análise qualitativa e quantitativa, pretendeu-se conhecer que conteúdos são mais valorizados nos livros escolares, que exemplos são apresentados e a relevância de imagens, relativos a animais e plantas. Relativamente aos conteúdos analisados verificou-se uma ligeira valorização dos animais sobre as plantas em ambas as editoras. De entre as categorias definidas distinguem-se com maior domínio a Classificação, a Nutrição e as Utilidades, sendo que cada uma das editoras valoriza de modo diferente os dois temas. Também o número de imagens é bastante assimétrico entre as editoras já que na editora A o número de imagens de plantas e animais é semelhante e a editora B apresenta aproximadamente o dobro de imagens de plantas relativamente aos animais. O número de exemplos apresentados sobre as plantas também supera os exemplos sobre os animais.
- Teacher scripts in biologyPublication . Monteiro, Rute; Carrillo, José; Aguaded, S.Understanding teaching implies an understanding of the thinking and action of the teacher (Shulman, 1986), this leading to a fuller understanding when these two domains are studied together and each is examined in relation to the other. There are several ways to understand the teacher’s thought and action. For instance the teaching modelisation (Schoenfeld, 1998, Monteiro, 2006) enables the study of teacher’s thoughts from its cognition (believes, knowledge, goals) and actions, which in turn are derived from scripts, acting altogether.
- At crossroads of EE and science education: a collaborative research agendaPublication . Monteiro, RuteAccess the prior knowledge of young zoo visitors about sharks “How full is your luggage? ”Building a Learning Progression Hypothesis (LPH) and identify obstacles to the conceptual progression. What is the prior knowledge of young zoo visitors regarding sharks?
- Who are they? Making non-traditional students visiblePublication . Gonçalves, Teresa; Almeida, António Fragoso de; Ribeiro, Carlos Miguel; Monteiro, Rute; Quintas, Helena; Bago, Joana; Fonseca, Henrique; Santos, LuciliaThe implementation of the Bologna processes in Portugal allowed a national Law to be changed so that the access to Higher Education was made easier for mature students older than 23, who have some sort of professional experience. In this paper we’ll report the first (still superficial) results of a research project which, involving the universities of Aveiro and Algarve5, aims to study deeply non-traditional student’s situation in order to create conditions for improving their academic success and reduce dropout.
- Cognitions and types of communication of mathematics teachers: Illustration of an analytical model in a divided episodePublication . Miguel Ribeiro, C.; Carrillo, Jose; Monteiro, RuteIn this article we focus our attention on the classroom and, more specifically, on the actions of the teacher during the teaching process, since we consider that said actions are conditioned or strengthened by their cognitions (beliefs, mathematical knowledge for teaching and objectives). For this reason, we explain and discuss an analytic model in relation to the practice of the teacher, which focuses on their actions, cognitions and type of mathematical communication that promotes (as an exteriorization of cognitions), as well as in their relations. In order to illustrate the modeling process, we use a situation (episode) in which a teacher presents the concept (concept of millesimal) during two different moments. First of all, we tackle what we understand in relation to each of the components of the model and, secondly, we present the modeling process and the relationships between components. Finally, we discuss some of the implications of this type of analysis in the training of teachers.
- Covid-19 literacy as a modulator of emotions linked to the pandemicPublication . Fernández, Raquel Romero; Castanedo, Yolanda González; Pérez, Mª Ángeles De las Heras; Monteiro, RuteAn inquiry-based teacher training proposal concerning covid-19 was implemented during lockdown with Pre-Primary Education Degree students. The objective was to analyse how the workshop changed the students' emotions and their knowledge linked to the pandemic. To this end, the participants responded to an open-ended questionnaire passed out before and after the workshop, and to a Likert-type questionnaire on emotions when they handed in their responses. The results show that, in the case of learning, the students modified their covid-19 literacy to a greater or lesser extent and, in the case of emotions, they felt less fear, anger, concern, and insecurity, and greater tranquillity and optimism. In conclusion, an emotional modulation is perceived in which scientific literacy participates.
- Navigating through higher education: mature students in transitionPublication . Almeida, António Fragoso de; Quintas, Helena; Ribeiro, Carlos Miguel; Monteiro, Rute; Gonçalves, Teresa; Fonseca, Henrique; Bago, Joana; Santos, LuciliaIn our paper we are going to focus mature students close to 50 years old. We will present the results of two life histories co-constructed with these mature students, who have entered university in the year of 2010/2011. Our particular interest is to investigate how they have lived this very important transition to higher education.