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  • Revisiting the destination image construct through a conceptual model
    Publication . Matos, Nelson; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, Patrícia
    In a highly complex and dynamic sector like tourism, the current economic crisis brings to destination managers not only challenges but also opportunities. The image destinations promote to the market is a key element in the tourist decision-making process when choosing a tourism destination. This paper’s purpose is, therefore, to review and explore the destination image construct and its implications for the destination, and also to present a model of destination image based on previous studies. Implications for creating, enhancing and implementing the correct marketing programs for tourism destinations are provided.
  • A model development of relationships between tourism experiences
    Publication . de Matos, Nelson; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, Patrícia
    The latest economic downturn raises new predicaments for DMO’s and stakeholders to meet their target’s needs, but it also takes to the forefront of the tourism industry the importance to assess how the tourism experiences impact on the tourists’ perceived destination image, to prevent money being loss in the wrong promotion strategies. This paper purpose is twofold: A) to review the destination image and tourism experiences constructs; B) to develop a theoretical model between the experiences and the destination image.
  • Destination image: perspectives of tourists vs. residents
    Publication . Agapito, Dora; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, Patrícia
    This study aims to measure the image of Lagos in the Algarve region, the most important Portuguese destination, using a cognitive, affective and behavioral approach. Given the lack of studies which compare the perspectives of tourists and residents, the empirical investigation includes a mixed methodology enabling a holistic approach followed by a quantitative methodology with the use of questionnaires for both tourists and residents. The attributes that are more consensually associated with Lagos are the good weather and good beaches, although these variables do not have significant discriminatory power for "recommendation of the destination to friends and family" as the dependent variable.
  • The impacts of tourism experiences in the destination impact. The case of the Algarve
    Publication . Matos, Nelson; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, Patrícia
    To succeed nowadays, tourism destinations must differentiate and create a competitive positioning, and this can only be done by addressing and adapting to the needs of their visitors. A value-attainment construct based on tourism experiences is proposed for the product development and promotion strategy of the destination Algarve.
  • The cognitive-affective-conative model of destination image: A confirmatory analysis
    Publication . Agapito, Dora; Pinto, Patrícia; Mendes, Júlio
    Destination image influences tourist behaviour before, during and after travel, as it is an important instrument which contributes to tourists’ loyalty. Although Gartner (1993) advocates that the cognitive, affective and conative dimensions of destination image are hierarchically interrelated, there is no empirical evidence to support the complete model. This study aims to test the hierarchical nature of the relationship between the dimensions of destination image. The results of structural equation modelling confirm Gartner’s theoretical model, validating the theory that the influence of the cognitive component on the conative dimension is higher when mediated by the affective component, raising managerial implications.
  • Destination image: perspectives of tourists vs. residents
    Publication . Agapito, Dora; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, Patrícia
    This study aims to measure the image of Lagos in the Algarve region, the most important Portuguese destination, in a cognitive, affective and behavioral approach. Given the lack of studies which compare the perspectives of tourists and residents, the empirical investigation includes a mixed methodology enabling a holistic approach followed by a quantitative methodology with the use of questionnaires. The attributes that are more consensually associated with Lagos are the good weather and good beaches, although these variables do not have significant discriminatory power for “recommendation of the destination to friends and family” as the dependent variable, in a CHAID analysis.
  • Allgarve events: Implications for the Algarve image
    Publication . Manuela Guerreiro, Maria; Pinto, Patrícia; Mendes, Júlio
    Located in the south of Portugal, the Algarve belongs to the top twenty travel destinations worldwide, with a local economy relying strongly on tourism-related activities. The Allgarve programme was launched in 2007 and is an umbrella brand that aims to reposition the Algarve as a refi ned tourism destination with glamour. Allgarve is a set of cultural, artistic and sports events off ered mainly during the summer season. Based on data from a questionnaire carried out with 282 foreign tourists who visited the Algarve, this study identifi es and profi les clusters of tourists based on their perceptions of Allgarve. In addition, we analyse to what extent the image of the Algarve has changed as a consequence of the Allgarve events. The results show that most respondents agree with the Allgarve brand name, report a positive perception of the campaign, and agree that it has a positive impact for the Algarve differentiation. However, the results suggest that the majority of tourists still come to the region attracted by the Algarve brand, and that this brand has not been aff ected by the Allgarve programme's content. Th e fi ndings of this study are important in understanding the implications of events in repositioning strategies of mature tourism destinations.
  • The sea as a connection between residents and tourists in coastal destinations: A case in Algarve
    Publication . Agapito, Dora; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, Patrícia
    Coastal regions involve a set of interactions between tourists and residents, which implies that management and marketing strategies should take into account both stakeholders. Indeed, one of the greatest challenges of destination management organizations is to understand that they serve not only tourists and stakeholders directly related to tourism, but also the local community. Thus, the central purpose of this study is to measure the destination image of both tourists’ and residents’ perspectives, identifying the major aspects of agreement and disagreement. The data was collected in Lagos, one of the 16 municipalities of the Algarve (South Portugal), which, due to its coastal location, offers sun-beach tourism. Furthermore, due to historical, cultural and economic reasons, the sea has been a factor of identity for the coastal communities in the region. The empirical investigation includes a mixed methodology, with the use of open-ended questions followed by the application of a structured questionnaire to both tourists and residents. The results meet the growing need to diversify the destination supply depending on “sun and beach”, aiming at local sustainable development by focusing on the cultural component and the sea as an important attribute of the destination.