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  • A tourism research agenda for Portugal
    Publication . Silva, João Albino; Rodrigues, Paulo M. M.; Mendes, Júlio; Pereira, Luis Nobre
    The need to direct research towards the tourism industry is related to the increasingly competitive environment it fi nds itself in, especially in terms of services rendered, having grown more complex in the features and critique that comprise the tourist experience, and as economic and social agents become more selective regarding both demand and supply. Possessing information and the proper understanding of the real needs of information users and those responsible for public and private decision-making processes at the action and intervention levels becomes a fundamental issue for sustainable tourism growth and its statement for international competitiveness. This paper proposes a tourism research agenda for Portugal in order to guide future developments towards the industry’s needs.
  • O impacto económico da Universidade do Algarve na Região do Algarve
    Publication . Silva, joão; Nunes, Rui; Santos, Sérgio
    Os impactos da Universidade do Algarve ao longo dos seus 40 anos de existência têm incidido em diversas dimensões, que vão desde a criação e difusão de conhecimento, a investigação e desenvolvimento, até aos efeitos diretos e indiretos em resultado das despesas efetuadas pela Universidade e por toda a sua comunidade académica na economia da Região do Algarve.
  • Residents' attitudes and the adoption of pro-tourism behaviours: The case of developing island countries
    Publication . Ribeiro, Manuel Alector; Patrícia Valle, Patrícia Oom do Valle; Silva, joão; Woosnam, Kyle M.
    This study considers both economic and non-economic factors to examine how residents perceive tourism and ultimately develop pro-tourism behaviour. The concepts used in model creation are Social Exchange Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action. Based on data derived from 418 residents of the Cape Verde Islands (off the coast of western Africa) a structural equation model is used to test how perceived personal benefits and general economic conditions shape perceptions of tourism, and in turn how these perceptions determine pro-tourism behaviour. Additionally, the concept of welcoming behaviour is included in the model. It is found the perceived tourism impacts mediate between welcoming and pro-tourism behaviours. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • The tourism position in the Algarve economic structure: a regional analysis
    Publication . Andraz, Jorge Miguel; Silva, João Albino; Viegas, Carlos
    This paper analyses the evolution of the Algarve’s economic structure and the position achieved by tourist activity in the region between 1995 and 2003 to evaluate the region’s degree of specialization on tourism. The methodology applies the regional analysis tools, in particular the location and specialization indicators and the analysis is developed both at the inter-regional and intra-regional levels. The results suggest that the Algarve is the second most specialized region in the country, together with the region of Madeira, and behind the region of Azores. In the basis of this phenomenon are the sector of hotels and restaurants, which is directly connected to tourism, and other sectors such as fishery, trade, transports, communications and other services, which are indirectly connected to tourism. Furthermore, the focuses of concentration are limited to the coast line, with particular relevance in the areas of Albufeira, Vila do Bispo and Portimão.
  • Physiological potential of the chlorophyte Caulerpa prolifera for proliferation across the Mediterranean-Atlantic basins in a warmer ocean
    Publication . Olivé, Irene; E, Varela-Álvarez; Silva, João; Serrao, Ester; Santos, Rui
    Ocean warming is altering the metabolic balances of organisms, favouring the expansion of thermo-tolerant individuals. The fast-growing macroalga Caulerpa prolifera is rapidly expanding in the Ria Formosa lagoon (Portugal), a connection area between Mediterranean and Atlantic basins. We investigated the metabolic capacity of C. prolifera to cope with ocean warming, to elucidate its expansion potential. The photosynthetic and respiratory plasticity of 4 populations of C. prolifera spread along the Mediterranean−Atlantic basins was assessed under a temperature range of 20 to 30°C. In addition, molecular markers were used to investigate the genetic identity of the strain found in Ria Formosa, which confirmed its Mediterranean origin. All examined populations showed large physiological thermo tolerance and metabolic plasticity to warming. The photosynthetic efficiency of C. prolifera improved by 50% with temperature, and the maximum photosynthetic production doubled along the temperature range tested. Respiration did not vary with temperature, whereas the metabolic quotient increased by more than 70%when temperature increased from 20 to 25−30°C. Minor differences in the photosynthetic descriptors were detected among populations, reflecting light- and dark-adapted physiology of Mediterranean and Atlantic populations, respectively. Our results show that all tested populations of C. prolifera have the physiological potential to cope with temperature increases up to 30°C, which indicates that ocean warming may contribute to the expansion of C. prolifera in the Mediterranean− Atlantic basins.
  • O padrão de especialização e a localização das actividades económicas no Algarve
    Publication . Silva, João Albino; Andraz, Jorge Miguel
    O presente trabalho pretende apresentar, de uma forma integrada, uma caracterização da região do Algarve na década de 90.
  • Modelling the interaction between the tourism accomodation industry and the environment
    Publication . Pintassilgo, Pedro; Silva, João Albino
    Neste artigo apresenta-se um modelo sobre a indústria de alojamento turístico, a qual mantém uma relação dialéctica, de impacte e dependência, com a qualidade ambiental – um recurso comum compósito. Mostra-se que o livre acesso conduz, geralmente, à sobre-exploração económica e ambiental, isto é à “tragédia do recurso comum”. Esta situação afecta, igualmente, a indústria turística no seu todo, pois o alojamento e a qualidade ambiental desempenham papéis centrais nesta actividade económica. O resultado deste cenário é um turismo de massas,caracterizado por turistas com reduzida disponibilidade a pagar. Os resultados do modelo indicam que,exceptuando situações em que as externalidades positivas são muito ignificativas, ou em que o livre acesso enfrenta restrições activas, nomeadamente no que se refere a espaços com as características apropriadas para a actividade, a entrada de empresas deverá ser limitada, tendo por base não só o critério de eficiência económica mas, também, o de sustentabilidade.
  • Estudos I - Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Algarve
    Publication . Covas, António; Cândido, Carlos; TRIGUEIROS, DUARTE; Rebelo, Efigénio; Silva, João Albino; Guerreiro, J.; Rodrigues, Paulo M. M.; Nunes, Rui
    Publicação da produção científica da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Algarve.Os artigos que constam desta edição abrangem muitos temas com actualidade nos campos científico e da política económica e empresarial.
  • A satisfação dos licenciados em turismo: os novos desafios para as Instituções de Ensino Superior e para o setor do turismo.
    Publication . Eurico, Sofia; Pinto, Patrícia; Silva, João Albino
    O presente estudo analisa os elementos antecedentes e consequentes da satisfação do diplomado em Turismo em relação à Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) frequentada, considerando ainda o seu conhecimento do setor do Turismo enquanto profissional desta área. Este encontro de experiências representará uma fonte de informação chave para o posicionamento e gestão estratégicos das IES com oferta formativa em Turismo, bem como para a indústria do Turismo, que reconhecerá as que correspondem de forma mais assertiva às necessidades dos atuais profissionais do Turismo. Utilizando um quadro conceptual baseado na análise da satisfação do consumidor e recorrendo à técnica Partial Least Square – Path Modelling, procurou-se analisar a relação entre as variáveis que integram o processo de formação da satisfação do consumidor considerado, e que se baseia na metodologias dos Índices Nacionais de Satisfação do Consumidor, e algumas caraterísticas da amostra. Os resultados evidenciam a variável imagem como o elemento principal no processo de formação da satisfação dos inquiridos em relação à IES frequentada e indicam ainda distinções relevantes na perceção dos inquiridos ao nível da natureza da IES, ensino universitário ou politécnico.
  • The Interview: methodological framework in the study of 'tourism and economics: the Faro Airport (1946-73)'
    Publication . Pereira, Renato Nuno; Leite, Joaquim da Costa; Silva, João Albino
    This methodological paper defines how to interview people regarding the decision-making process, construction and operation of Faro Airport and its role in the Portuguese tourism policy for the Algarve between 1946 and 1973. The interviewee’s age makes these interviews urgent and unique. We will hear retired workers and people who held head positions at the airport or in other relevant public or private organizations. The interviews will allow the access to data otherwise not attainable or not sufficiently evident in other sources, such as documents. The interview consists of hearing the stories of the people, as a narrative, being the interview a semi-structured, guided and unstructured mix. The use of photographs during the interview will help respondents recall events that occurred decades ago. The interviewee will be selected by snowball sampling technique. Content analysis is the method to obtain data from the transcripts of the interviews, in order to construct a coherent narrative and with the contribution of all the interviews and interviewee. As field instruments, we will use an informed consent form, photographs and the confidentiality form after the interview, which responds to the ethical requirement for confidentiality, consequences of the interview and the role of the researcher.