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- “Live cinema” and the challenges in creating narratives for "real time" performances - a solution based on the “structure of the three acts”Publication . Perfeito, Ana de Jesus Caeiro; Silva, Bruno Mendes daCurrently, due to the advancement of digital technologies, artists are able to “play” music and video in “real time” — in audiovisual performances that can be described as: live cinema, veejaying, glim, etc. The live cinema genre can be explained as a cross between the tech niques of veejaying (mixing videoclips in real time) with the goal of cinema (telling stories through moving pictures). However, the act of mixing and improvising the video in “real time”, creates challenges for creating a coherent narrative. This is article is based on the performative experience of Moda Vestra —a collective of artists from the Algarve (Portugal)— and it is divided in three sections. The first traces a state of the art related to this phenomenon known as “live cinema” — relating it to other similar formats and concepts that have appeared throughout history: silent cinema, cineconcerts, visual music and veejaying. In this section, we briefly review two recent live cinema performances “Super Everything” by The Light Surgeons and “Everything Is Going According to Plan” by Adam Curtis with Massive Attack. The second section analyzes in detail the concept, morphology and work methodology of the collective Moda Vestra — which faced challenges when trying to create a coherent narrative for its real time performances. In the third section (conclusion), we propose a narrative structure that can be used in future “live cinema” shows. This “formula” is based on the “three act structure” for cinema, developed by authors like Syd Fleld
- Inteligencia artificial en la comunicación deportiva del deporte profesional: el caso de la segunda división española de fútbolPublication . Guerrero Navarro, Daniel; García Verdugo, Victoria; Gil, Francisco Baptista; Alves, PauloLa tecnología está inmersa en nuestra rutina social y actualmente hemos visto la irrupción de conceptos como el metaverso o los chatbots, con una tendencia creciente para la sociedad futura. La comunicación se ve afectada por toda esta revolución, tanto positiva como negativamente: hay tareas que, en apariencia, pueden ser elaboradas por la inteligencia artificial (IA), readaptando el futuro de ciertas áreas de trabajo. Este trabajo se centra en cómo los equipos de categoría profesional del fútbol español se están adaptando a los citados cambios, como categoría de élite de la industria deportiva. Se ha entrevistado a los responsables de los departamentos de comunicación de las entidades que compiten en La Liga durante la temporada 2022/23. La muestra obtenida de once equipos ha permitido conocer los servicios utilizados, las estrategias destacadas por los profesionales y las preocupaciones alrededor del oficio. Los responsables de comunicación de los clubes de manera mayoritaria están utilizando las herramientas de inteligencia artificial, pero no temen perder su puesto de trabajo por la futura implantación de dicha tecnología en su ámbito profesional.
- Optimizing outdoor fitness equipment training for older adults: Benefits and future directions for healthy agingPublication . Marcos-Pardo, Pablo Jorge; Espeso-García, Alejandro; Abelleira-Lamela, Tomás; Machado, D. R. L.Regular physical activity is vital for the health and disease prevention of older adults. Outdoor fitness equipment has gained popularity for natural exercise spaces among middle-aged and older individuals. This narrative review demonstrates that these programs have the potential to improve cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and reduce falls, while also enhancing quality of life, alleviating depression and anxiety, and boosting self-esteem. However, our understanding is hindered by limited rigorous experimental studies. Future directions include implementing standardized measurements, conducting long-term studies, and addressing equipment limitations to enable better adjustment of training intensity and promote correct postures on machines. New, more rigorous research is needed to comprehensively understand the psychophysiological and social effects on health. Additionally, suggested modifications could render the machines more effective and safer. The primary objective is to enhance this type of machinery to encourage its use in outdoor spaces, thus aiding adults and older individuals in achieving overall health and enjoying a healthy aging process.
- Difficulties encountered by vocational training students in distance learningPublication . Bettioui, Rachid El; Gil, Francisco Baptista; Alves, PauloThe paper mainly consisted of studying the difficulties of the distance learning applied by Moroccan Vocational Training Department. An online questionnaire was completed by 286 trainees studying in the Moroccan Specialized Institutes of Applied Technology. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), using SPSS Statistics, was conducted to analyze the pattern of relationships of model’s variables. Also, the Chi-Square test of independence was used to determine if there is a significant relationship between the nominal variables. The findings revealed that many institutes’ students find serious difficulties in following and understanding theirs professional training from homes. They do not attend their virtual classrooms in some distance learning’s platforms such as Microsoft Teams, which need a high cost of internet connection’s fees and a previous training and support program.
- Spectral analysis, biocompounds, and physiological assessment of Cork Oak leaves: unveiling the interaction with Phytophthora cinnamomi and beyondPublication . Guerra, Rui; Pires, Rosa; Brazio, António; Cavaco, Ana Margarida; Schütz, Gabriela; Coelho, Ana CristinaThe cork oak tree (Quercus suber L.) symbolizes the Montado landscape in Portugal and is a central element in the country’s social and economic history. In recent decades, the loss of thousands of cork oaks has been reported, revealing the ongoing decline of these agroforestry ecosystems. This emblematic tree of the Mediterranean Basin is host to the soil-born root pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi, an active cork oak decline driver. In this framework, the early diagnosis of trees infected by the oomycete by non-invasive methods should contribute to the sustainable management of cork oak ecosystems, which motivated this work. Gas exchange and visible/near-infrared (400–1100 nm) reflectance spectroscopy measurements were conducted on leaves of both control and P. cinnamomi inoculated plants. These measurements were taken at 63, 78, 91, 126, and 248 days after inoculation. Additionally, at the end of the experiment, biochemical assays of pigments, sugars, and starch were performed. The spectroscopic measurements proved effective in distinguishing between control and inoculated plants, while the standard gas exchange and biochemistry data did not exhibit clear differences between the groups. The spectral data were examined both daily and globally, utilizing the PARAFAC method applied to a three-way array of samples × wavelengths × days. The separation of the two plant groups was attributed to variations in water content (4v (O−H)); shifts in the spectra red edge; and structural modifications in the epidermal layer and leaves’ mesophyll. These spectral signatures can assist in the field identification of cork oaks that are interacting with P. cinnamomi.
- Educador social: transições biográficas, identidades de aprendizagem e formação contínuaPublication . Luísa, Cláudia; Arco, JoaquimEste artigo reflete aspetos relativos à vida profissional de um grupo de educadores sociais que desenvolvem a sua atividade profissional no Algarve. Para realização deste estudo optámos pela construção de um instrumento enviado a dezasseis educadores sociais que trabalham em contextos muito diversificados e que têm percursos profissionais e anos de experiência distintos. Os resultados analisados permitiram identificar as suas transições biográficas, identidades de aprendizagem, e as estratégias básicas adotadas quer através de processo formais, quer não formais, que lhe permite saber enfrentar dificuldades e resolver situações problemáticas. Os relatos também permitem identificar significados atribuídos à profissão, o papel do educador social nos vários contextos sociais, sentimentos positivos como orgulho, prazer, satisfação, e também alguns sentimentos negativos motivados pela instabilidade profissional.
- Os benefícios das terapias holísticas para o envelhecimento ativoPublication . Mendes, Carmen João Salsinha; Luísa, CláudiaConhecer melhor a realidade e a perceção que os idosos têm da qualidade de vida, pode permitir desenvolver e implementar estratégias de ação preventiva que promovam o envelhecimento ativo. Neste contexto, as terapias holísticas, podem funcionar como um importante recurso terapêutico capaz de influenciar a forma como o idoso se vê, se relaciona consigo próprio e com o mundo. Assim o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os contributos das terapias holísticas para a promoção da qualidade de vida de 79 idosos, residentes na Região do Algarve, praticantes de Yoga/Pilates. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, de caráter descritivo, comparativo, correlacional e transversal. Para tal, recorreu-se a um questionário sociodemográfico, à Escala de Espiritualidade e ao Instrumento de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida, ambos adaptados e validados para a população portuguesa. Com base na análise dos resultados, verificou-se que efetivamente a subjetividade e a multidimensionalidade inerentes ao conceito de qualidade de vida se encontram patentes neste estudo. Os dados indiciam que várias são as variáveis que podem influenciar a perceção da qualidade de vida do idoso, destacando-se, os aspetos físicos, psicoemocionais, socioculturais, familiares e espirituais de cada um. Concluindo-se, desse modo, que as terapias holísticas, bem como a espiritualidade podem funcionar como ferramenta eficaz e capaz de promover a saúde, bem-estar e qualidade de vida desta populaçãoalvo, com reflexos no envelhecimento positivo e ativo.
- Cuidadores informais de pessoas idosas com demência: percursos e desafiosPublication . Fernandes, Beatriz; Luísa, CláudiaNos últimos anos temos assistido a um envelhecimento acentuado da população portuguesa e consequentemente ao surgimento de várias patologias associadas, com especial foco nas demências. As repostas sociais para esta faixa etária têm-se mostrado insuficientes ou inacessíveis, uma vez que, se encontram lotadas ou são demasiado dispendiosas. Consequentemente temos assistido a um maior número de cuidadores informais que prestam cuidados, muitas vezes sem formação ou qualquer experiência, nas suas casas ou nas casas dos idosos. O Algarve é uma das regiões do país mais afetada pelo rápido envelhecimento populacional, sendo a presente investigação centrada num dos concelhos do Sotavento Algarvio, o concelho o Castro Marim. A escassez das respostas existentes para fazer face às necessidades dos cuidadores informais de pessoas com demência, faz surgir a necessidade de desenvolver a presente investigação, que tem como principal objetivo o estudo do impacto das demências, nos cuidadores informais. Para tal recorreu-se a um estudo qualitativo, com entrevistas semiestruturadas a uma amostra de 11 cuidadores informais de pessoas com demência residentes no concelho de Castro Marim. Os principais resultados indicam que estes cuidadores precisam que haja uma intervenção urgente para fazer face às suas necessidades, uma vez que se encontram isolados, sem tempo para si e não contam com nenhuma resposta social/projeto que as minimize. Destacam-se como principais conclusões do estudo a necessidade de conhecer, compreender, informar e capacitar os cuidadores de pessoas com demência para a realidade do cuidar.
- Covid-19 literacy as a modulator of emotions linked to the pandemicPublication . Fernández, Raquel Romero; Castanedo, Yolanda González; Pérez, Mª Ángeles De las Heras; Monteiro, RuteAn inquiry-based teacher training proposal concerning covid-19 was implemented during lockdown with Pre-Primary Education Degree students. The objective was to analyse how the workshop changed the students' emotions and their knowledge linked to the pandemic. To this end, the participants responded to an open-ended questionnaire passed out before and after the workshop, and to a Likert-type questionnaire on emotions when they handed in their responses. The results show that, in the case of learning, the students modified their covid-19 literacy to a greater or lesser extent and, in the case of emotions, they felt less fear, anger, concern, and insecurity, and greater tranquillity and optimism. In conclusion, an emotional modulation is perceived in which scientific literacy participates.
- The right to education of adults in PortugalPublication . Barros, RosannaThe subject of this article is the right to education of adults, which is a central issue in the humanistic approach to Adult Learning and Education (ALE) that we are supportive of. From this angle we discuss human rights as an overarching framework for citizenship in Portugal, a country with a high number of low-qualified adults. The text provides a historical context, and for the analysis of the selected and specific current documents in recent policy agendas we use Tomasevski's(1) theoretical 4A framework, built mainly for school contexts, and apply it to ALE policy. This heuristic exercise makes a significant contribution to advancing knowledge in the policy studies of ALE. The objective is to understand ways of realising the right to education of adults by means of policy measures undertaken by national governments, against the backdrop of today's neoliberal trends in Europe. Therefore, the focus of this paper is to assess the degree to which the twenty-first century Portuguese policies have been adhering to the UN principles on the right to education in relation to ALE. From the discussion of the results, we conclude that the realisation of the right to education of adults has been successfully achieved.