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Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 10 of 143
  • Qualidade de vida de idosos em comunidade na pandemia de COVID-19: O caso do Projeto Lado a Lado
    Publication . Anica, Aurízia; Nave, Filipe Jorge Gamboa Martins; Santos Gaudêncio, Jacinto José; António Pereira
    No Projeto Lado a Lado, desenvolvido na zona rural da freguesia de Tavira durante o período da pandemia de COVID-19, foram avaliadas as alterações na perceção da qualidade de vida, na depressão e no suporte das redes sociais. Os dados recolhidos para a referida avaliação foram obtidos em dois momentos: a) o primeiro, decorreu entre novembro de 2019 e março de 2020, no qual intervieram 59 participantes no Projeto; b) o último, decorreu entre maio e setembro de 2022, tendo os dados sido obtidos junto de 102 participantes no mesmo. Este estudo assumiu cariz quantitativo, exploratório, descritivo, comparativo e correlacional. O instrumento de recolha de dados foi constituído por um formulário integrando um questionário sociodemográfico e de apreciação do Projeto, a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica de Yesavage, a Escala Breve de Redes Sociais de Lubben e o questionário WHOQOL-OLD, nas versões portuguesas. A análise dos dados foi realizada com recurso ao programa SPSS-IBM25. Os resultados revelam recuo dos sintomas depressivos nos participantes, apesar do contexto pandémico e da alteração que este implicou nas estratégias de intervenção previstas. O indicador de qualidade de vida percecionada também foi positivo, nomeadamente ao nível da autonomia, atividades, participação social, morte e morrer, intimidade e vida familiar. Os participantes apreciaram positivamente o Projeto.
  • A live cinema performance: Playing a linear narrative through soundscapes
    Publication . Caeiro Perfeito, Ana de Jesus; Mendes da Silva, Bruno
    The aim of this article is to document part of the creative process of the live cinema work Safara—Lucid Dream 2020, an audiovisual show that represents the experience of a lucid dream and consists of a performer, in front of a film projection, manipulating the audiovisual elements using analogue and digital interfaces. It is an art and research project in development since 2020, and in this documented phase the author introduces soundscapes to complete the work in terms of sound and narrative, and we question whether it is possible to improvise in live sound samples while maintaining the continuity of the film’s story. The research methodology is based on artistic practice, and we present a state- of-theart study on the following concepts: sound art, soundscape, sound field recording and soundscape composition. The practical work was carried out with the financial support of government institutions and the technical and production support of a non-profit cultural association.
  • Learning English as a second language with artificial intelligence for prospective teachers: a systematic review
    Publication . Beatriz Peña-Acuña; Corga Fernandes Durão, Rosana
    Introduction Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing English language teaching with personalized assessments and advanced tools, though more studies are needed on its effectiveness and equitable accessibility. Method A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted using articles from Web of Science, Scopus, and ERIC to establish theoretical foundations. Results AI in learning English as a second language offers personalized tools such as chatbots, pronunciation improvement apps, and platforms that adapt content according to student progress. Discussion The study highlights how AI is revolutionizing English learning by personalizing lessons, improving pronunciation, and promoting cultural understanding.
  • Experiential learning in sport tourism curriculum: a case study at the University of the Algarve
    Publication . Pereira, Elsa; Carvalhinho, Luís; Baptista, Ana V.
    Sport is an important activity for tourists when they travel away from home, and travel experiences are accompanied by different types of sport. This paper focuses on an innovative pedagogical approach based on experiential learning activities. With this study we intend to describe the context, the teaching and learning process, and a real case package proposal that was successfully implemented by a group of undergraduate students. This education approach has been developed for the last three academic years as part of a 3rd year module 'Sport, Leisure and Tourism' within Sports undergraduate degree at the University of Algarve (Portugal). The case study method and reflective portfolio, underpinned by experiential learning theory, were designed to create an authentic, enriching and transformative learning experience for all students. The authentic experiential learning had positive impact on the dynamics established in the classroom, where we could see active participation of the students. This education experience allowed the creation of a tourist sport package that fits the objectives of a specific hotel, and allows the diversity of their offer and the attraction of new senior clients.
  • Sociological perspectives on women: as subjects and objects in the arts
    Publication . Andaloussi, Hamza; Baptista Gil, Francisco
    Através deste estudo, pretendemos analisar os escritos sociológicos “de referência e fundacionais” mais importantes no que respeita à questão das “mulheres e das artes”. Aplicaremos a esses escritos técnicas metodológicas como a “classificação segundo o processo histórico”, bem como a “interpretação e a comparação”; tudo para responder a um problema epistemológico relacionado com a situação dialética que se verifica em relação à posição das mulheres nas artes, entre correntes intelectuais que enfatizam a masculinidade e o tradicionalismo das artes, e outras correntes que destacam o dinamismo crítico que caracteriza algumas correntes artísticas. No mesmo contexto, examinaremos as várias abordagens teóricas e metodologias aplicadas utilizadas nestas investigações, a fim de formar um quadro teórico geral sobre os mecanismos teóricos e metodológicos de que se pode beneficiar, especialmente tendo em conta o pequeno número de investigações pertencentes à sociologia da arte no mundo árabe. Neste contexto, procuramos, através deste estudo, apresentar uma coleção bibliográfica da literatura sociológica “ocidental” que abordou questões de género em relação às artes. O objetivo é contribuir para o enriquecimento teórico no domínio da sociologia da arte, por um lado, e atrair o interesse de diferentes leitores, de diferentes culturas, por outro, para a importância dos “campos da arte e do ecrã” como instrumentos de socialização com um poder que pode controlar os indivíduos e influenciar as suas representações.
  • Manoel de Barros: O poeta que visitou o inconsciente e que ficou por lá
    Publication . Baptista Gil, Francisco; Sousa, Fábio d'Abadia de
    Neste artigo são analisados os aspectos que interrelacionam a literatura (especialmente a poesia) e psicanálise, partindo-se da hipótese que esses dois ramos do conhecimento humano apresentam vários aspectos em comum. Neste sentido, destacamos a obra do escritor brasileiro Manoel de Barros (1916-2014), que defendemos ser um poeta que apresenta características que o identificam como um explorador da linguagem dos sonhos e do inconsciente.
  • Questions éthiques dans la communication scientifique
    Publication . Baptista Gil, Francisco
    In fact, we are currently witnessing a big change of organizations’ business models and the economic systems due to the great revolution in the realms of digital technology and artificial intelligence. This transformative period is defined by technological advancements and the creation of smart and intelligent systems, employing automation and fully digitalized methods (Muhuri et al., 2019). Digitalization, especially, AI, which can be defined as intelligence demonstrated by machines (computers and algorithms) in order to perform tasks and solve complex problems that would normally require or exceed the human intelligence, reasoning, and prediction power, is no longer affordable only by big firms, but also by very small firms and entrepreneurs. It offers to start-ups many new business opportunities and enhances their development. Digitalization in the finance field plays also a great contribution, it increasingly develops the finance services of organizations by establishing easily accessible digital financial platforms and broadening and deepening the scope of financial services (Giuggioli & Pellegrini, 2022). This international Symposium is being held, providing a forum for debate, scientific discussion and the sharing of experience on issues relating to Digital Transformation as it interacts with Finance, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
  • A fotografia que torna visíveis aqueles que não vemos frequentemente
    Publication . Sousa, Fábio d'Abadia; Baptista Gil, Francisco
    Um dos aspectos mais importantes da vida nas redes sociais é o facto de que o padrão ditatorial de beleza imposto pelos grandes meios de comunicação passou a ser atacado. E, isso vem sendo feito com uma das armas mais poderosas: a fotografia. Pessoas, principalmente mulheres, que passaram a vida condenadas a uma total invisibilidade pelos media do senso comum, agora se mostram lindas e poderosas nas redes sociais para milhares e milhares de seguidores. É sobre este assunto que tratamos neste texto.
  • Cardiorespiratory and muscle oxygenation responses to voluntary hypoventilation at low lung volume in upper body repeated sprints
    Publication . Rosa, Cristóvão H.; Monteiro, Cristina P.; Barata, Cláudia; Espada, Mário C.; Valamatos, Maria João; Bento, André; da Palma Minhalma, Ricardo José; Reis, Joana Filipa
    Purpose To investigate the impact of voluntary hypoventilation at low lung volumes (VHL) during upper body repeated sprints (RS) on performance, metabolic markers and muscle oxygenation in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) athletes. Methods Eighteen male well-trained athletes performed two randomized RS sessions, one with normal breathing (RSN) and another with VHL (RS-VHL), on an arm cycle ergometer, consisting of two sets of eight all-out 6-s sprints performed every 30 s. Peak (PPO), mean power output (MPO), and RS percentage decrement score were calculated. Arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), heart rate (HR), gas exchange, and muscle oxygenation of the long head of the triceps brachii were continuously recorded. Blood lactate concentration ([La]) was measured at the end of each set. Bench press throw peak power (BPPP) was recorded before and after the RS protocol. Results Although SpO2 was not diferent between conditions, PPO and MPO were signifcantly lower in RS-VHL. V̇ E, HR, [La], and RER were lower in RS-VHL, and VO2 was higher in RS-VLH than in RSN. Muscle oxygenation was not diferent between conditions nor was its pattern of change across the RS protocol infuenced by condition. [La] was lower in RS-VHL than in RSN after both sets. Conclusion Performance was signifcantly lower in RS-VHL, even though SPO2 was not consistent with hypoxemia. However, the fatigue index was not signifcantly afected by VHL, nor was the neuromuscular upper body power after the RSVHL protocol. Additionally, [La] was lower, and oxygen consumption was higher in RS-VHL, suggesting a higher aerobic contribution in this condition.
  • Low handgrip strength is associated with falls after the age of 50: findings from the Brazilian longitudinal study of aging (ELSI-Brazil)
    Publication . Santos, André Pereira dos; Cordeiro, Jéssica Fernanda Correa; Abdalla, Pedro Pugliesi; Bohn, Lucimere; Sebastião, Emerson; Silva, Leonardo Santos Lopes da; Tasinafo-Júnior, Márcio Fernando; Venturini, Ana Cláudia Rossini; Andaki, Alynne Christian Ribeiro; Mendes, Edmar Lacerda; Marcos-Pardo, Pablo Jorge; Mota, Jorge; Dalmo Roberto Lopes Machado; Lopes Machado, Dalmo Roberto
    Aim This study examined the association of low handgrip strength (HGS) for falls in middle-aged adults and older adults every half-decade of life. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted using the public data from the first wave of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brazil). The participants were allocated into seven age groups 50–54, 55–59, 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, 75–79, and ≥ 80 years. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the odds ratio (OR) of low HGS to the falls regardless of confounding variables such as sex, balance, gait speed, and total number of health conditions. Results A total of 8,112 participants aged 50–105 years (median = 62.0 years): 3,490 males (median = 60.0 years) and 4,622 females (median = 63.0 years) attended the study. Altogether, 21.5% of participants experienced at least one fall. HGS gradually decreases over each half-decade of life. In addition, low HGS presented a significative OR (p < 0.05) for falls for age groups, until 80 s, even when considering confounding variables. Conclusions Low HGS is associated with falls in middle-aged adults over their 50 s and remained a strong measure of falls across each subsequent half-decade of life, until 80 s.