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de Matos, Nelson Manuel da Silva

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  • Digital marketing actions that achieve a better attraction and loyalty of users: an analytical study
    Publication . Ramos, Celia; Matos, Nelson; López García, Juan José; Lizcano, David
    Currently, the digital economy contributes decisively to an increase in competitiveness, especially as a digital transformation involves migrating to new technological models where digital marketing is a key part of growth and user loyalty strategies. Internet and Digital Marketing have become important factors in campaigns, which attract and retain Internet users. This study aims to identify the main ways in which users can be gained and retained by using Digital Marketing. The Delphi method with in-depth interviews was the methodology used in this study. The results of the research show the most important actions for achieving user recruitment and loyalty with Digital Marketing from the opinions of consulted experts. The limitations of this study are those related to the number of experts included in the study, and the number of research papers consulted in the literature review. The literature review and the results of this research are used to propose new solid research with a consolidated critical methodology. This research deals with a new approach that will optimize web technologies for the evolution of user trends, and therefore, will be of academic and professional use for marketing managers and web solution developers. The conclusions of the investigation show the key factors, discarding others that do not affect the optimization of conversions in B2C businesses such as the duration of the session and the rebound percentage. Likewise, the results of the research identify the specific actions that must be carried out to attract and retain users in B2C companies that use the Digital Marketing ecosystem on the Internet. The requirements for companies that wish to implement a model to optimize conversions using the current digital economy are also shown.
  • Revisiting the destination image construct through a conceptual model
    Publication . Matos, Nelson; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, Patrícia
    In a highly complex and dynamic sector like tourism, the current economic crisis brings to destination managers not only challenges but also opportunities. The image destinations promote to the market is a key element in the tourist decision-making process when choosing a tourism destination. This paper’s purpose is, therefore, to review and explore the destination image construct and its implications for the destination, and also to present a model of destination image based on previous studies. Implications for creating, enhancing and implementing the correct marketing programs for tourism destinations are provided.
  • A model development of relationships between tourism experiences
    Publication . de Matos, Nelson; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, Patrícia
    The latest economic downturn raises new predicaments for DMO’s and stakeholders to meet their target’s needs, but it also takes to the forefront of the tourism industry the importance to assess how the tourism experiences impact on the tourists’ perceived destination image, to prevent money being loss in the wrong promotion strategies. This paper purpose is twofold: A) to review the destination image and tourism experiences constructs; B) to develop a theoretical model between the experiences and the destination image.
  • Tourism experiences and experiential image: Algarve, a safe and joyful destination in Europe
    Publication . Manuela Guerreiro, Maria; Pinto, Patrícia; de Matos, Nelson; Pereira, Luís; Sequeira, Bernardete; Ramos, Celia; Wikesjö, Magda; Agapito, Dora; Martins, Rafaela; Bender, Ana; Lampreia, Fatima
    TurExperience is a project within the scope of the Regional Intelligent Specialization Strategy of the Algarve (RIES3 Algarve),and the Intelligent Algarve Region – RIA,contributing to the promotion of research and development (R&D) of the tourism industry in the Algarve. Funded by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional(FEDER) and the Programa Operacional CRESC Algarve 2020, Portugal2020, and Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), the project involves several stakeholders, namely the ResearchCenter for Tourism, Sustainability, and Well-being (CinTurs) and the Economics Faculty the University of Algarve, Aeroporto Gago Coutinho at Faro, Algarve Tourism Board, hotel units, among other entities. The project addresses the followingresearch question: How is the Algarve tourism destination experienced and perceived by tourists? Overall, it aims to identify and measure the touristic experiences and their impacts on the experiential image of the Algarve as a tourism destination. The project results are expected to contribute to the future Observatory for Sustainable Tourism in the Algarve (a partnership between regionalentities [RTA and CCDR] and theUniversity of Algarve). A mix-methodapproach was performed using triangulation involving three studies. First,a survey-based questionnaire encompassing the high and low seasons of the Algarve tourism experience.
  • Analysis of social networks as an instrument of communication in the tourist destinations of Algarve
    Publication . Sanchez Jimenez, Miguel Angel; Correia, Marisol B.; Matos, Nelson
    The future of social media and the ability to measure its impact has generated much debate as companies have adopted the use of social media platforms to communicate their products. The calculation of this impact can be a complex task but the entity that does not do so will jeopardize its ability to demonstrate the full benefits of its business. Consumers now have the opportunity to comment on their experiences and opinions in these social media and hope to participate in a conversation with the brand. This fact has gained even more impact in the tourism sector due to the great influence that other opinions and experiences have on the tourist's choice. Thus, the tourist offer must now build its strategies incorporating this dialogue and measuring the impact on its brands to make the right strategic and tactical decisions. Thus, in this study the activity and effectiveness of official social networks by the different tourist areas of the Algarve was analyzed, through the measurement of indicators obtained through the online analysis tool Fanpage Karma. In the results, Facebook stands out as the main social network of the Algarve tourist destinations in which all the municipalities actively participate in said network, generating a very good commitment or engagement, thus improving the image and reputation of said destinations. Also note the scarce presence and engagement of Twitter and the importance of images and videos in the social networks of the tourism sector.
  • Consumer behavior in the digital age
    Publication . Saura, Jose Ramon; Reyes-Menendez, Ana; Matos, Nelson; Correia, Marisol B.; Palos-Sanchez, Pedro
    In recent decades, the Internet, evolving technologies, and social media have led to the evolution of consumer behavior. The changes in customer behavior driven by digital developments provide many opportunities and challenges that businesses also need to deal with online. The better companies know about the behavior of their customers, the easier they can engage with them using strategies such as content marketing, User Experience (UX), influencers marketing, User-Generated Content (UGC), or Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). These strategies are essential to get more sales and to develop businesses online, as such strategies increase the engagement with users and influence their behavior. This Special Edition of JOSD focuses on the analysis of consumer behavior in the digital age and, by doing so, contributes to extant knowledge about digital marketing strategies, online consumer behavior, and new digital business models such as mobile applications or shared economy.
  • Holisticscape – the extended servicescape to influence tourists’ holistic health. From a systematic literature review to a research agenda
    Publication . Valente Pedro, Cristina; Matos, Nelson; Patrícia Valle, Patrícia Oom do Valle
    Although the influence of environmental stimuli on tourist behaviour has been studied extensively in relation to the experiences in tourism, it remains a reality and needs to be fully addressed. This paper presents a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed articles on tourism's environmental stimuli using three main search streams: atmospherics; servicescape; and experiencescape. Scopus and Web of Science databases were searched, and 66 papers referring to the stimuli elements in the tourism setting were identified and classified into three dimensions: physical; social; and experience. The results indicate that environmental psychology is complemented by marketing to explain the servicescape from the experience economy perspective. Based on the topic's gaps and trends, the authors propose the novel construct of a "holisticscape" as an extension of the servicescape to influence tourists' holistic health (body, mind, and spirit). Furthermore, a research agenda with three propositions is proposed to deepen the knowledge on holisticscape. The systematisation of the setting stimuli developed in this study can guide researchers and practitioners to design and operationalise the experiences for positive post-consumption behaviour.
  • The impacts of tourism experiences in the destination impact. The case of the Algarve
    Publication . Matos, Nelson; Mendes, Júlio; Pinto, Patrícia
    To succeed nowadays, tourism destinations must differentiate and create a competitive positioning, and this can only be done by addressing and adapting to the needs of their visitors. A value-attainment construct based on tourism experiences is proposed for the product development and promotion strategy of the destination Algarve.
  • Public sector organizations and cocreation with citizens: A literature review on benefits, drivers, and barriers
    Publication . Baptista, Nuno; Alves, Helena; de Matos, Nelson
    Cocreation has captured the attention of public managers and policymakers and yet the literature focusing in the public sector is still relatively dispersed. In this literature review we present a contextualized analysis of the potential reasons that lead public sector organizations to cocreate with citizens and identify potential barriers that may hamper the adoption of cocreation in public settings. The analysis undertaken allowed us to conclude that the topic is increasingly capturing the interest of researchers, although the state of the literature is characterized by a reduced heterogeneity in research methods. We classified cocreation benefits in the public sector as innovation related, improved decision-making, and symbolic related, and we categorized the drivers for cocreation according to three broad categories: external, relation-specific and internal. Finally, we identified potential barriers of cocreation, including structural, organizational, and behavioral barriers.
  • Once-in-a-lifetime leisure experiences (OLLE): the role of flow, novelty, and interpersonal interaction on tourists’ satisfaction and memories
    Publication . Matos, Nelson; Duarte, Paulo Alexandre de Oliveira; Sá, Elisabete Sampaio de
    Drawing on Flow theory and memorable tourism experience, this study explores the relationships between Flow, novelty, and interpersonal interaction and the impact on travelers' satisfaction and memories. By applying a mixed-method approach and the critical incident technique to a once-in-a-lifetime leisure experience, 550 tourists recalled their experiences. The results reveal that Flow has a direct and positive influence on tourists' satisfaction and memories of the experience. The findings highlight the role of novelty and interpersonal interaction in producing positive Flow. However, novelty and interpersonal interaction did not come out as significant to predict memories and satisfaction.